January 2006

Five albums blowing Bob's mind in 2005:

1. Bob Dylan - No Direction Home
2. Magic Numbers
3. Neil Young - Prairie Wind
4. Paul McCartney - Chaos and Creation.
5. Danny George Wilson - The Famous Mad Mile






You can buy a copy of the latest album THE BOY MOST LIKELY TO... for only £11 directly from this site using PayPal.( includes UK postage  please email for non UK)   Go on - you know you want to....!



The Welfare Mothers

Hey everybody!

Goodbye 2005! We can't complain too much about the past 12 months..  we've had the pleasure of playing a load of great gigs and the year has seen us add the fantastic Ben Fisher as a member of the band. So far 2006 looks interesting.. loads more gigs and a trip back into the studio to begin work on a follow-up to The Boy Most Likely To..

The year ended with a series of fab gigs including the Green Note in Camden Town, The Railway in Winchester, and The Old School in Doncaster. Thanks to Immy, Oliver, Neil, and Rick for the hospitality and for having us along.

As always, keep your eye on the website for up-to-date info on gigs, recordings, football scores, and lottery results.

see ya soon


The Boy Most Likely To.. Reviews

On The Boy Most Likely Too..., Bob Collum masterfully combines pop melodicism and rootsy twang.  The result is as honest and refreshing a record as has come down the dusty two laned highway this year.  With TBMLT,  Collum has crafted roots pop perfection. - 

A turn of phrase to rank with Nick Lowe's, and an instinct for hook and melody mean you're thinking of the Byrd's with a country edge to boot. The Boy Most Likely Too... is a testimony to the enduring power of finely crafted songs played well . It deserves a wide hearing and appreciation. 
Bucketful of Brains

Anyone who wants to hear what Top 40 sounds like in a perfect world should pick up The Boy Most Likely Too... and turn it up!
Being There