We all have within ourselves a beautiful flower garden. Like all gardens we also have those pesky weeds. Every so often we have to pull those weeds. If we ignore the weeds they will smother the beautiful flowers and will soon take over our entire flower garden. Oh no! We can't have that, can we?

Our flowers are our hopes, dreams, positivity, love, joy, creativity, talents, forgiveness, power, and strength. Our weeds are doubts, fears, negativity, being judgmental, being unforgiving, and so on. We all know what our weeds are. Not pretty, are they?
Guess we better start weeding!

We can weed our garden one step at a time and one day at a time and one weed at a time. As we begin pulling out these weeds, one weed at a time, we will one day have nothing but beautiful flowers in our inner garden. Just keep pulling.

Once in a while we will have another weed popup. Oh no, not again! Yep! That's all right because we'll just have to pull that one up too. That's the problem with weeds. They tend to popup now and then and they think they've found a permanent home. Then they begin to multiply and try to take over yet again.

It's not always easy keeping our inner garden free from those nasty weeds, but we do it by pulling one weed at a time. Weed control and maintenance is never easy, but look at the results when we keep it up. We have a beautiful flower garden that has many more flowers than it does weeds. That is well worth all the work and effort we've put into it.

Now, start pulling out those negative weeds and let all the beautiful flowers show. When another weed pops-up just pull it up and toss it away with all the other discarded weeds. Who wants all those weeds smothering the flowers? Not us! OK, weeds, your days are numbered.
                                                     LETTER OF THE WEEK

Dear Sue,
  You mentioned in one of your other newsletters that you have a panic diary page. Can you email it to me?
  Yes, 'T', I do have a panic diary page. Anyone who wants it can email me and ask me for it and I'd be more than happy to email it to you. All you need to do is print it out when you need another panic diary page for your journal or just to keep with you all the time. I'm so glad you ask. I will send you one today.

                       GOAL FOR THE WEEK

Start pulling some weeds out of your inner garden this week.

Write down all the negative weeds you pull out.

Keep up with your daily journaling.

                      THE STORY OF A FLOWER
                (in the season of the wild strawberries)

             I came from the earth as a flower
             High on a hill above my village, with only
             The Eagle,the Buffalo,the Bear,and the Butterfly
             To watch the petals of my spirit unfold.

             The Eagle spoke first. He said:
             Sister,you will never have wings like me.
             Except in the pathways of your dreams,
             Yet you will fly to the top of the sky
             Because I give you Courage.

             The Buffalo spoke next. He said:
             Sister,you will never survive a long time like me,
             Except on the trail of your memories,
             Yet you will see a thousand winters go by
             Because I give you the Gift of Endurance.

             The Bear spoke next. He said:
             Sister,you will never know the secrets
             Of the Four-Legged Animals,since you are only a
              flower,Yet the knowledge of all creatures is yours
             Because I give you the Gift of Wisdom.

             The Butterfly spoke next. She said:
             Sister,you believe you are very important,
             Because the creatures have given their gifts to you,
             Yet here on this hill you will always be at home
             Because I give you the Gift of Humility.

             So I have lived for many seasons,
             Among the Eagle, Buffalo, Bear, and the Butterfly,
             Watching the birds go by, speaking to rain and sky.
             My colors have been the colors of the rainbow.
             My beauty has given joy to all who see me.

             To Bloom even when there is no rain
             Requires the Courage of the Eagle.
             To last through the heavy snows of winter
             Requires the Endurance of the Buffalo.
             To understand the importance of all seasons
             Requires the Wisdom of the Bear.
             But to rejoice when my blossoms die
             Requires only the Butterfly's Humility.
                                        ~~Nancy Wood~~

               I am learning to have faith and let go.

               I trust myself.
               I listen to that peaceful voice within me.

               I am not the things I fear.

               I will allow my Higher Power to lead me today.

               I AM and that's what is important.
Read something inspirational this week.

Think only positive thoughts.

Make a gratitude journal and write all you are grateful for.
  Until next week I wish for you beautiful flowers in your inner garden and very few weeds. Be yourself and be good to yourself. Don't forget that I would be happy to send you a Panic Diary Page if you want it. Just email me and request it. 
Weeding Our Inner Garden