ANXIETY SUPPORT NEWSLETTER Topic this week: Being Observant
One of the best ways of dealing with anxiety and panic is to observe the panic at the time we're feeling it. It's not easy, but it can be done if we just remember to do it.
Observe the panic. See the situation from a distance. Notice what you are feeling at that time. Anxiety and Panic are energy. Once you back-off and observe what you are experiencing you can then let it go. Once you observe it the energy shifts in a different direction.
Have you ever been in a situation where when it was over you said "Whew! I'm glad that's over!"? Once you say that you seem to feel better already. That's because the energy has shifted in another direction. Even if you don't feel the relief of something being over, just fake it and say those words "Whew! I'm glad that's over!" and see how you feel. You'll feel so much better.
I suppose you could equate it with another issue. There are two kinds of people. There are those who want to be accepted and those who want to control. Once we've accepted ourselves we no longer have the need to seek approval from others in order to feel accepted. We've let it go. Once our self-esteem is lifted we no longer feel the need to control. We've let those old feelings go.
Once you've stepped back and observed what you are feeling, during a panic attack, you can then let it go. After you've let it go you can take a nice deep breath and let that go too. Aaaah! Relief.
Try to remember to step back and observe when you have anxiety and panic. Practice will help so much because it will help you to automatically observe when you are in those panicky situations.
My time is limited this week as we've been having a real heat wave here. The electric company has ask all of us to limit our time on the computer to conserve energy. I will abide by their wishes. I sure don't want a situation like so many others had last week when they lost their power. The newsletter is short this week, but I'm sure you understand.
**NOTE: There will be no newsletter next week. I'm taking some time for 'self' for a change. In other words, I'm taking my own advice.
Practice being observant and say your affirmations.
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