I thought it would be nice to send some things that would help, but things you could have fun with too. Enjoy! |
Contract for Change Of a Lifestyle Habit
"Values Determine Behavior"
1. I want to change the following lifestyle habit:
___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
2. I want to change this habit for the following reasons:
___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ |
3. If I changed this habit, I feel I would:
___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
4. The results of the change by me:
___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
5. I plan to make this change in the following manner (list specific steps or action plans for creating this change).
___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ |
6. My plan for evaluating my success will include:
___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
I agree to discuss further my change in my lifestyle habit with _____________________ by __________________ (date).
I agree to discuss with _______________________________ his/her success in changing a lifestyle habit by _____________ (date).
Signature of partner |
I can't remember where I found this contract, but I thought you would enjoy it. |
Hope Scale
For each of the eight questions below, select the number that best describes you:1. Definitely False 3. Mostly True 2. Mostly False 4. Definitely True
___ 1. I energetically pursue my goals. ___ 2. I can think of many ways to get out of a jam. ___ 3. My past experiences have prepared me well for the future. ___ 4. There are lots of ways around any problem. ___ 5. I have been pretty successful in life. ___ 6. I can think of many ways to get the things if life that are most important to me. ___ 7. I meet the goals I set for myself. ___ 8. Even when others get discouraged, I know I can find a way to solve the problem. Add your numbers for each of the answers above. A total score of around 24 indicates an average amount of hope. A score greater than 24 indicates that you usually think hopefully. A score less than 24 indicates that you may not consistently be hopeful.
I hope you enjoy this newsletter. Have a wonderful day. Till next week, be yourself and enjoy the moment. |