Visualize This!
I've had many letters in the past couple of months or so asking me to explain the 'visualization technique' again. I'm more than happy to do just that. You may want to print this out so you can go back and read it whenever you want without having to get on the computer and hunting down this newsletter.
Visualization is a favorite technique of mine. I love it because it has helped me more than just with the anxiety attacks. It takes a bit of time to benefit from it, but there are some who benefit from doing it the very first time. It's not difficult, but does take a lot of concentration, so do it when you will not have a lot of interruptions or distractions.
Sit comfortably or stretch out on the couch, floor, or bed. Before you begin, know what it is you want to visualize and keep focused on that. Be precise on what it is you want to accomplish. Close your eyes. Take a couple of deep, slow breaths (into the abdomen, of course) and release each breath slowly.
Let's say you have a problem going to the grocery store because you have panic attacks. It could be any situation that you need help with, but let's just use the grocery store as an example. While doing the visualization you must stop and begin right from the beginning if you feel your anxiety level getting higher. Each time your anxiety level gets higher you need to begin the visualization again (from the beginning) until you no longer feel the anxiety level rising. It may take doing this many times, but that's fine. Just keep doing them.
Visualize being in your home, before you leave for the store. Notice everything around you. Then visualize yourself walking out the door of your home and getting into your vehicle. Take it slow and notice everything. Sit in your vehicle for just a few moments and remember to keep doing abdominal breathing throughout the entire visualization from the beginning until you walk back into your home after shopping (or whatever).
Then visualize yourself driving to the store. Visualize the entire drive. Then visualize yourself getting out of your car and walking into the store. Keep breathing correctly and noticing everything around you.
Pay attention to the shopping carts, the aisles, the check-out stands, the people, the smells, and so on. Visualize yourself walking down each isle, paying attention to everything on the shelves and the people around you.
Visualize going from isle to isle and putting food in your basket. Pay attention to your anxiety level and breath.
Then visualize yourself walking to the check-out counter. Notice anyone else, in your visualization, who may be in front of you or behind you. Notice the person who's checking out your groceries. Visualize paying for the groceries and the bagger who's bagging the food.
Then visualize yourself walking out of the store and walking to your car. Visualize yourself getting into your car and driving home. Then visualize yourself getting out of your car, unloading the groceries and being inside your home again.
Do this technique over and over again even if your anxiety level did not rise during the visualization. Repeat it often!! Repetition is very important.
This technique works! Visualization is a very powerful tool because you are seeing yourself in certain situations and you repeat the visualization even when you feel no anxiety while doing the technique. It's a wonderful tool to use in order to program your mind and thoughts.
Please, let me know how this works for you. Do this technique often!!
Practice the visualization technique at least once daily.
Keep a journal on your visualizations.
"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." ~~Ben Franklin~~
"Babies take first steps so they can walk. Adults take first steps so they can fly." ~~ Sue Hulen~~
Have gratitude. Be grateful for the smile on someone's face or a friendly "Hello".
Notice things around you that you take for granted that are actually blessings or brings happiness to your life.
I am grateful for being blessed with another day.
I see my life as positive.
I am a worthwhile person.
I can do anything I want, whenever I want, without fear, today.
I see the world through eyes of love.
I am a compassionate and forgiving person.
Until next week I wish for you many successful visualizations, inner peace, and gratitude.
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