These chapters have been taken from the first two parts of my three-part book (published in 1996) and updated wherever possible. Part three contains current family updates and probably won't be published here. At least not right away.
Dedication Foreword Acknowledgments
PART II: LETTERS, PAPERS, AND DOCUMENTS Introduction to Part 2 Late 17th Century - The Origins of the Pedigo Family 1780 - The Battle of Kings Mountain 1827 - A Tennessee Country School 1868 - A Confederate Soldier's Letter 1860s & 1870s - Grandpa's Letter, Written 100 Years Later 1872 & 1873 - San Jose State Normal days. Includes reminiscences by Charles E. Markham, a Hendrix family neighbor and friend, reminiscences and valedictory address by Mary Hendrix. Dry reading, but historical. 1894 - Tributes to a Patriarch. Garfield (Washington) Enterprise front page stories. February, Mary Hendrix Thompson Honors Her Grandfather, and September, Edward Pedigo's front page Obituary 1899 - Another Letter to Barrett 1911 - Photo: W. S. Reynolds Builder 1943 - Storm in the Gulf of Alaska Our Reynolds roots, briefly The Rowland, Boyles and Reynolds families The Boyles - Blaisdell Letters (long file) "Lonesome Charley" Reynolds |
Monona Letters The Boyles Blaisdell letters with added family pictures as well as research and information on the many Monona families mentioned in the girls' gossip. Work in progress. This update April 13, 2003.