Since the dawn of time, man has been the overseer of the fate of mankind. He has taken on with both hands the responsibility of providing food and shelter as well as protecting what he considers his and what he holds dear. Men have single-mindedly faced down their fears and apprehensions to maintain an environment where they can successfully grow, learn and live. Men have seen us through the hardships of cold, the hopelessness of starvation, and the terror of desolation. But over the years the role of man has taken on many new avenues. With the advancement in sexual equality women have taken on some of the responsibilities that men have often reserved soley for themselves. Women now carry a weight of mankind's existence on their sholders as well. Women now provide for family and defend against those who mean harm to what they claim side by side their male counterparts. With this in mind it opens the doors for men to share in responsibilites originally thought to be a woman's staple. Now men nurture children, keep house, and are equally if not more so expected to proudly carry the label of eye candy. And Thank God For It!!! |