I sound formal here, but everybody knows me as Sue. I put the whole name there so that you can see that it links two families, Mac's and mine. This is what we do in genealogy, we create links between people, and not all of them are as dead as Mac says. For those of you living relatives who are feeling left out, I'm not including current pictures or vital statistics on the living without their permission.
Above left, May 1952, West Stafford, CT. That's me sitting in front of the Old Homestead, my great grandfather's house which had passed out of family hands forty years earlier. See it as it was long ago on the Washburn page. it's still standing . There are many more photos in these pages and more stories will be added as time permits.
I have included my genealogical database for those interested in the various parts of our families. There are over ten thousand people listed. I know there must be some mistakes. Please let me know what they are and I will correct them the next time I post the list. When I didn't have a death date and the people were born after 1910, they are listed as living. This was part of the program I used.
Tom and Emma Reede John Pinney Andrews
Sonsteby Page Sinclair Genealogy Page
Other surname pages with photos and/or information: Washburn, Fairman, White, Cole, Osland/Aasland, McGrew, Willard and Wright
Index to my files, 10379 people, 1963 different surnames!
Geographical areas with photos Stafford, Connecticut
Mystery photographs from here,Washburns in Topeka, KSand there,Norwegians from Christiana, Norway and Milwaukee, WI, Chicago, IL and Iowa
Handwritten genealogical booklet about the Fairmans and mystery photographs.
Ledger Book Randolph County, NC store 1831, all the names entered.
Cyndi's List of Genealogical Sites on the Internet
Rootsweb Genealogical Data Cooporative
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