put in the last piece of a challenging jigsaw puzzle.
with the jigsaw puzzle?
It started with Wayne.
And doing puzzles has been our tradition,
ever since. We
work on it together
In close proximity.
Sometimes in shifts,
Sometimes huddled together.
It's metaphorical. Life
is a puzzle.
We figure it out together.
We pick up the pieces together.
We put our lives back together.
As a family. We
put order to life's chaos.
We work on a group solution.
We get to see the big picture.
It all comes together. We
are 'ohana.
Family. "One of the signs of passing youth
is the birth of a sense of fellowship
with other human beings
as we take our place among them."
~ Virginia Woolf
~~ And
we had cake.
a cake!
White chocolate curls.
Strawberries. Whipped cream.
Like Samara's & Jonathan's
wedding cake.