This homepage, however, is for education related information only! My primary interests are, of course, reading and writing. I am working on a page of writing links. I am particularly interested in finding fun ways to teach grammar.
I am concerned about insuring that our children are sufficiently aware and critical of advertising. There are many great sites for teaching kids about advertising.
I have also created a webquest about heroes. It is sometimes hard to find good role models for children. They only know the traditional historical figures, like Washington and Lincoln, or sports and movie stars. I have tried to provide some alternatives and a format for sharing those with other students.
I am going to be adding a useful sites page, but to start off with this one has dozens: Sites for Teachers.
This is a page which will always be under construction, so please feel free to email me with comments or suggestions. I would especially like to hear if any of the links don't work. Things change so quickly on the web--as Dorothy said, "People come and go so quickly here!"