Susan McDonough Sanchez
Teacher and Author

We are now at the point where we must educate our children in what no one knew yesterday, and prepare our schools for what no one knows yet.
Margaret Mead

Welcome to my homepage! I am a teacher with about twenty years' experience in schools from kindegarten through community college. I am also an author with a book published on the Internet at Publishing Online.

This homepage, however, is for education related information only! My primary interests are, of course, reading and writing. I am working on a page of writing links. I am particularly interested in finding fun ways to teach grammar.

I am concerned about insuring that our children are sufficiently aware and critical of advertising. There are many great sites for teaching kids about advertising.

I have also created a webquest about heroes. It is sometimes hard to find good role models for children. They only know the traditional historical figures, like Washington and Lincoln, or sports and movie stars. I have tried to provide some alternatives and a format for sharing those with other students.

I am going to be adding a useful sites page, but to start off with this one has dozens: Sites for Teachers.

This is a page which will always be under construction, so please feel free to email me with comments or suggestions. I would especially like to hear if any of the links don't work. Things change so quickly on the web--as Dorothy said, "People come and go so quickly here!"

Email me!