Cardiac Conduction System
To understand propagation of electrical impulses throughout the heart, two
types of cardiac tissue must be considered:
Both the ordinary myocardium and the specialized conduction system allow conduction of electrical impulses. Most cells in the specialized cardiac conduction system also depolarize spontaneously, which enables these cells to function as cardiac pacemakers. The inherent spontaneous rate of depolarization is progressively slower from the sinus node down to the Purkinje fibers. The normal rate of spontaneous depolarization in the sinus node ranges from 60 to 100 beats/min, which is faster than other cardiac pacemakers (i.e., His bundle, Purkinje network, etc.); therefore, it is the dominant pacemaker.
Depolarization of the heart from sinus impulse suppresses other potential pacemakers; their activity is normally recognized only when sinus rates fall below those of other pacemakers. The emergence of lower pacemakers to sustain a heart rate when the dominant pacemaker fails is called an escape mechanism. During an escape mechanism, the heart rate is therefore slower than the dominant pacemaker.
Sinus node automaticity (or firing) is not recorded on the surface ECG. Sinus impulse activates the internodal tracts as well as the atrial myocardium. Activation of the atrial myocardium produces the P wave on the surface ECG. During sinus rhythm, the initial part of the P wave represents right atrial activation, whereas the terminal part of the P wave represents activation of the left atrium with some overlap in the middle. The impulse then depolarizes the AV node, the His bundle, the bundle branches, the Purkinje network and the ventricular myocardium. Propagation of impulse through the AV node, His bundle branch-Purkinje system is also not recorded on the surface ECG and occurs during the isoelectric PR segment. Ventricular muscle depolarization produces the QRS complex. Atrial depolarization is followed by atrial repolarization, called Tp or Ta, but is generally not discernible. However, recovery of the ventricular myocardium, which follows the QRS complex, is clearly recorded as a T wave on the surface ECG. It should be stressed that electrical depolarization of the atrial and ventricular myocardium is not synonymous with atrial and ventricular contraction. As a rule, electrical depolarization of these structures must precede the corresponding mechanical contraction; however, mechanical contraction occasionally may not follow the electrical events, as, for example, during electrical-mechanical dissociation.
Standard signals and measurements
The ECG is generally recorded at a paper speed of 25 mm/sec. At this speed, one
small square of ECG paper in the horizontal direction depicts an interval of 40
msec or 0.04 second; the large square represents a total of 200 msec or one
fifth of a second. In the vertical direction, the amplitude of ECG signals is
measured in millivolts; standardization of 1 mV is routine. Amplitude of 1 mV is
equivalent to the height of two large squares (10 small squares or 10 mm) of ECG
paper. The electrical cardiac cycle begins with the P wave, which normally has a
duration of less than 120 msec and a maximum amplitude of 0.25 mV. The normal PR
interval is measured from beginning of the P wave to onset of the QRS complex.
The first downward deflection is called a Q or q wave, the first upward
deflection an R or r wave, the second downward deflection an S or s wave, and a
second upward deflection an R or r prime. Capital or lowercase letters designate
the size of these deflections in relation to each other.
The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a recording of the electrical forces produced by the heart. The body acts as a giant conductor of electrical currents. Any two points on the body may be connected by electrical "leads" to register an ECG or to monitor the rhythm of the heart. The tracing recorded from the electrical activity of the heart forms a series of waves and complexes that have been arbitrarily labeled (in alphabetical order) the P wave, the QRS complex, the T wave and the U wave. The waves or deflections are separated in most patients by regularly occurring intervals.
Depolarization of the atria produces the P wave; depolarization of the ventricles produces the QRS complex. Repolarization of the ventricles causes the T wave. The significance of the U wave is uncertain, but it may be due to repolarization of the Purkinje system. It appears at a time when many ectopic (premature) ventricular complexes (PVCs) occur and is affected by a variety of factors, such as digitalis and electrolytes.
The PR interval extends from the beginning of the P wave (the beginning of atrial depolarization) to the onset of the QRS complex (the beginning of ventricular depolarization). It should not exceed 0.20 second as measured on ECG graph paper, where each small square represents 0.04 second. The QRS complex represents the electrical depolarization of the ventricles. The upper limit of normal duration of the QRS is less than 0.12 second. A QRS duration of less than 0.12 second means that the impulse was initiated from the AV node region or above (supraventricular). A wide QRS (> 0.12 second) may signify conduction that either arises from the ventricle or comes from supraventricular tissue. Prolonged conduction through the ventricle produces a widened QRS.
Atrial and Venticular Depolarization Changes
Right atrial enlargement
Since the initial part of the P wave is due to right atrial depolarization,
enlargement of the right atrium produces a P wave prominence (peaked P waves) in
leads II and aVF without necessarily increasing P wave duration. P wave voltage
of more than 0.25 mV in the limb leads or V1 suggests right atrial enlargement.
Left atrial enlargement
Left atrial enlargement is suggested by P wave duration of 120 msec or more,
definite notching and prominence of the terminal portion of the P wave, or
prominent negativity of the terminal portion of the P wave in V1. It should be
pointed out that conduction delay in the atria without hypertrophy could prolong
P wave duration. However, conduction delay is secondary to hypertrophy or
dilation in most instances.
Left ventricular hypertrophy
Electrical forces generated during left ventricular activation ordinarily
produce the normal QRS complex. With an increase in the thickness of left
ventricular myocardium (left ventricular hypertrophy) as seen with systemic
hypertension and left ventricular outflow obstruction, electrical preponderance
of left ventricle over right ventricle is further accentuated. The mean vector
of the left ventricle becomes more posterior and leftward, increasing QRS
complex voltage and ventricular activation time.
Secondary ST and T wave abnormalities are not uncommon in the later stages of left ventricular hypertrophy. On voltage criteria alone, standards have been established for different leads. Left ventricular hypertrophy may be diagnosed in the extremity leads if the sum of the R wave in lead I and the S wave in lead III equals or exceeds 25mm. An R wave of 11 mm in aVL or 20 mm in aVF is considered high voltage and adequate for diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy in extremity leads. For precordial leads, an S wave in V1 exceeding 24 mm, an R wave in V5 or V6 exceeding 26 mm, or a sum of R wave in V5 or V6 and S wave in V2 of more than 35 mm are generally considered sufficient for diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy. The presence of ST depression and T wave inversion in the presence of adequate voltage criteria improves the diagnostic accuracy of left ventricular hypertrophy by ECG. Additional ECG clues to diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy are left axis deviation, increased QRS duration and the presence of left atrial enlargement. Due to the increased voltage of QRS complexes, many or all leads may have to be recorded at half the usual standardization scale of mV.
Right ventricular hypertrophy
With right ventricular hypertrophy, electrical voltage generated at the right
ventricular level is increased. Consequently, there is characteristic alteration
in the balance of electrical forces between the ventricles. However, it should
be pointed out that the increase in right ventricular forces must be sufficient
to either reduce or abolish the left ventricular preponderance. Increasing
hypertrophy of the right ventricle produces progressive anterior and rightward
displacement of the QRS vector. These changes become more pronounced as the
degree of hypertrophy increases. Progressive hypertrophy of the right ventricle
causes an increase in amplitude of the R wave and a corresponding decrease in
the S wave in lead V1. Therefore, the R-S ratio gradually increases. The most
severe right ventricular hypertrophy is manifested by a tall R wave in lead V1.
In the extremity leads, the diagnostic criteria for right ventricular hypertrophy includes an R wave in aVR of more than 5 mm. In the precordial leads, an R wave in V1 exceeding 7 mm or an S wave in V1 of less than 2 mm suggests right ventricular hypertrophy. An R-S ratio of more than 1 in V1, or the sum of R in V1 and S in V5 of more than 10mm, or an R-S ratio in V5 or V6 of less than 1 suggest right ventricular hypertrophy. Conventionally, right ventricular hypertrophy has been classified as one of three types. Type A usually produces a tall R wave in V1 and represents concentric hypertrophy of the right ventricle, usually associated with right ventricular outflow obstruction of congenital origin. An R-S pattern is produced in type B and usually anatomically reflects a moderately severe hypertrophy of the right ventricle. Type C produces an rSr pattern that represents a moderate-to-mild hypertrophy of the crista supraventricularis and the outflow tract of the right ventricle. It is commonly seen in atrial septal defect, mitral stenosis and cor pulmanate.
Right atrial enlargement, right axis deviation and ST and T wave abnormalities in leads showing the R prominence may accompany right ventricular hypertrophy and generally support the diagnosis. Right ventricular hypertrophy can mimic posterior myocardial infarction. Changes produced by the latter are limited to the right precordial leads, and prominent S waves are seldom seen in leads I and V6. Posterior infarction is often accompanied by inferior or lateral wall infarction or both. Other conditions that produce prominent R waves in V1 include right bundle branch block and left ventricular preexcitation, which is preceded by a short PR interval. Right bundle branch block should not be diagnosed in the absence of prolonged QRS duration.
Right bundle branch block
Since the initial part of the QRS complex is inscribed as a result of
left-to-right forces in the septal mass supplied by fibers of the left bundle
branch, the occurrence of right bundle branch block does not alter the initial
part of the QRS complex. Similarly, since the left bundle branch is intact, the
remainder of the left ventricle continues to activate normally. However, soon
after ventricular activation begins, transseptal muscle-to-muscle conduction
from left to right generates significant electrical forces. The first 20-40 msec
of ventricular activation is not altered by the presence of right bundle branch
block. However, ventricular activation later becomes oriented to the right and
anterior. The rightward forces become particularly prominent when left
ventricular activation ceases (after 60-80 msec). Hence, the terminal vector is
directed to the right and anterior. After the initial normally directed septal
forces, the QRS vector is directed anteriorly and to the right, resulting in a
positive terminal R pattern in V1 and a terminal S wave in leads I and V6.
Because of a significant amount of muscle-to-muscle conduction, slurring is seen
in the terminal portion of the QRS complex, which is a characteristic feature of
right bundle branch block. As a result of unopposed right ventricular activation
time in addition to normal left ventricular activation time, the QRS complex is
prolonged and generally exceeds 120 msec. The term complete right bundle branch
block is used when the QRS complex equals or exceeds 120 msec; the term
incomplete right bundle branch block is used when QRS duration is 100-120 msec.
Secondary changes in the ST and T segments usually accompany altered QRS
morphology during right bundle branch block.
Left bundle branch block
During this disturbance of intraventricular conduction, septal and left
ventricular activation is altered from onset. Since left septal mass cannot
activate via the left bundle, septal activation occurs through the right bundle
from the opposite direction, that is, to the left. This results in the absence
of a q wave in leads I and V6. However, an r wave may persist in V1 because of
the anterior component of right-to-left septal activation. The activation wave
moves transeptally toward the left ventricle. The ventricular activation vector
therefore is directed posteriorly and to the left. Due to a considerable amount
of muscle-to-muscle conduction during ventricular depolarization, QRS duration
frequently exceeds 120 msec. In addition to the QRS complex widening, small
notching is frequently seen during R-wave inscription. Electrocardiographically,
the QRS complex typically shows the absence of a q as well as a slurred R wave
in leads I and V6. V1 shows a small r wave or none followed by an S wave, with
total QRS duration of more than 120 msec. Secondary ST segment and T wave
abnormalities are universal. In fact, the ST and T vectors are oriented in the
opposite direction, compared with the QRS complex. Due to the abnormal vector
throughout ventricular activation, ischemia, injury and infarction usually
cannot be detected with confidence in the presence of left bundle branch block.
On the other hand, since the initial part of the QRS complex is not altered in
right bundle branch block, the abnormal Q waves of myocardial infarction can be
accurately diagnosed in the presence of right bundle branch block.
Nonspecific intraventricular conduction defect
The term nonspecific intraventricular conduction defect is used when no
characteristic pattern of right or left bundle branch block exists, although QRS
duration is prolonged. Such abnormalities are frequently seen with previous
myocardial infarction and scar formation. Prolonged QRS duration without a
specific bundle branch block pattern can also occur due to intramyocardial
conduction slowing from class I antiarrhythmic drugs, left ventricular
hypertrophy and hyperkalemia.
Fascicular blocks or hemiblocks
Thus far, discussion of the left bundle branch system has been based on the
assumption that it represents a single fascicle like the right bundle branch. In
actuality, the left bundle branch is divided into the so-called
anterior-superior division, or fascicle, and posterior-inferior division, or
fascicle. These fascicles activate the corresponding portion of the left
ventricular mass. Septal activation occurs from fibers of variable origin that
generally arise from the left posterior division.
Left anterior-superior fascicular block or hemiblock
Like the main left bundle, a variety of conditions can produce a block in this
division, including arteriosclerotic heart disease, aortic stenosis,
hypertension and cardiomyopathy. Sometimes a block is not associated with
obvious structural heart disease. Septal activation generally occurs in a normal
left-to-right direction. However, there frequently is inferior orientation of
initial forces because activation from inferior divisional fibers is unopposed
by fibers from the superior fascicle. Due to the block in fibers supplying the
anterior-superior portion of the left ventricle, the initial forces are directed
inferiorly, producing an initial r wave in leads II, III and aVF, and a q wave
in leads I and aVL. However, the mean QRS vector is directed superiorly and to
the left (toward the area supplied by the anterior-superior division), resulting
in a tall R wave in leads I and aVL as well as deep S waves in leads II, III and
aVF. Since right and left ventricular activation proceeds simultaneously, QRS
duration is generally not significantly prolonged. The main ECG abnormally
produced by a left anterior fascicular block is marked left axis deviation
located between
Left posterior fascicular block or hemiblock
Isolated block in this division is uncommon. The same diseases that produce the
anterior fascicular block are frequently responsible for this abnormality as
well. Interruption of the posterior fascicle causes the initial activation
vector to be directed superiorly and to the left, producing an r wave in leads I
and aVL and a q wave in leads II, III and aVF. The major QRS vector points to
the left and inferiorly as well as posteriorly. The QRS abnormality therefore is
the presence of tall R waves in leads II, III and aVF, and the presence of an S
wave in lead I, the axis generally being around 120 degrees. Again, the QRS
complex usually does not widen because of simultaneous activation of the
ventricles. Right bundle branch block commonly coexists with either left
anterior hemiblock or left posterior hemiblock, a combination also called
bifascicular block.
Ventricular preexcitation
Normally, the atrial impulses conduct to the ventricles by the AV
node-His-Purkinje system. Most conduction delay accounting for the normal PR
interval is located in the AV node. On occasion, however, additional pathways
connecting the atria with the ventricles may exist, and these are called
accessory pathways. The most common of these, the Kent bundle, is a direct
muscle-to-muscle bridge, anatomically separate from the normal conduction
system. This type of accessory pathway forms the anatomic basis for WPW
syndrome. The Kent bundle can be located anywhere around the AV junction,
connecting the right atrium and right ventricle or the left atrium and left
ventricle. Sometimes these bypass tracts are located within the septum.
Conduction velocity is often faster in these tracts compared with the normal AV
node; therefore, sinus impulses usually activate the ventricle through these
pathways, resulting in a short PR interval. Initial ventricular activation by
the accessory pathway is muscle to muscle; thus, the first part of the QRS
complex, the delta wave, is slurred. These patients also have an intact normal
pathway through which sinus impulses reach and activate the remainder of the
myocardium beyond what has been depolarized via the accessory pathway. Thus, the
resulting QRS is a fusion complex, which is initially activated through the
accessory pathway and finally via the normal pathway. In left atrioventricular
connections, ventricular activation from the accessory pathway proceeds
anteriorly and produces a positive R wave in V1 (positive delta), the so-called
Type A ventricular preexcitation. In right atrioventricular connection,
activation is directed posteriorly, producing a predominantly negative delta
wave in lead V1 (negative delta), and called type B ventricular preexcitation.
This is an oversimplification; such terminology should be abandoned since accessory pathways can be located anywhere at the AV junction, and designation of types A and B alone does not serve a useful purpose. In descending order of frequency, these accessing AV connections are located in left free wall, poster septum, right free wall and ante-osteriol regions. Depending on the relative conduction properties of the normal versus accessory pathways, the QRS complex can be normal to totally preexcited. The presence of the short PR interval and the delta wave constitutes the basic ECG abnormality. Since these patients have two potential pathways, the impulses can conduct by one and return by the other, making them prone to paroxysmal AV junctional reentrant tachycardias. The combination of ECG abnormality and a history of recurrent palpitation constitutes the WPW syndrome.
Negative orientation of the delta wave can mimic the ECG patterns of prior myocardial infarction (a Q wave) and can occur in both the anterior and inferior leads. It is not uncommon to erroneously diagnose prior myocardial infarction in patients with WPW syndrome. The presence of a short PR interval is generally the clue to correct diagnosis and should certainly raise suspicion.
Myocardial Ischemia, Injury and Infarction
Insufficient blood supply to the myocardium can result in myocardial ischemia, injury or infarction, or all three. Atherosclerosis of the larger coronary arteries is the most common anatomic condition to diminish coronary blood flow. The branches of coronary arteries arising from the aortic root are distributed on the epicardial surface of the heart. These in turn provide intramural branches that supply the cardiac muscle. Myocardial ischemia generally appears first and is more extensive in the sub-endocardial region since these deeper myocardial layers are farthest from the blood supply, with greater intramural tension and need for oxygen.
Subendocardial ischemia
Ischemia in this area prolongs local recovery time. Since repolarization
normally proceeds in an epicardial-to-endocardial direction, delayed recovery in
the subendocardial region due to ischemia does not reverse the direction of
repolarization but merely lengthens it. This generally results in a prolonged QT
interval or increased amplitude of the T wave or both as recorded by the
electrodes overlying the subendocardial ischemic region.
Subepicardial or transmural ischemia
Transmural ischemia is said to exist when ischemia extends subepicardially. This
process has a more visible effect on recovery of subepicardial cells compared
with subendocardial cells. Recovery is more delayed in the subepicardial layers,
and the subendocardial muscle fibers seem to recover first. Repolarization is
endocardial-to-epicardial, resulting in inversion of the T waves in leads
overlying the ischemic regions.
Injury to the myocardial cells results when the ischemic process is more severe.
Subendocardial injury on a surface ECG is manifested by ST segment depression,
whereas subepicardial or transmural injury is manifested as ST segment
elevation. In patients with coronary artery disease, ischemia, injury and
myocardial infarction of different areas frequently coexist, producing mixed and
complex ECG patterns.
Myocardial infarction
The term infarction describes necrosis or death of myocardial cells.
Atherosclerotic heart disease is the most common underlying cause of myocardial
infarction. The left ventricle is the predominant site for infarction, however,
right ventricular infarction occasionally coexists with infarction of the
inferior wall of the left ventricle. The appearance of pathological Q waves is
the most characteristic ECG finding of transmural myocardial infarction of the
left ventricle. A pathological Q wave is defined as an initial downward
deflection of a duration of 40 msec or more in any lead except III and aVR. The
Q wave appears when the infarcted muscle is electrically inert and the loss of
forces normally generated by the infarcted area leaves unbalanced forces of
variable magnitude in the opposite direction from the remote region, for
example, an opposite wall. These forces can be represented by a vector directed
away from the site of infarction and seen as a negative wave (Q wave) by
electrodes overlying the infarcted region.
During acute myocardial infarction, the central area of necrosis is generally surrounded by an area of injury, which in turn is surrounded by an area of ischemia. Thus, various stages of myocardial damage can coexist. The distinction between ischemia and necrosis is whether the phenomenon is reversible. Transient myocardial ischemia that produces T wave, and sometimes ST segment abnormalities, can be reversible without producing permanent damage and is not accompanied by serum enzyme elevation. Two types of myocardial infarction can be observed electrocardiographically:
Elevation of serum enzymes is expected in both types of infarction. In the absence of enzyme elevation, ST and T wave abnormalities are interpreted as due to injury or ischemia rather than infarction.
Site of infarction
The ECG has been used to localize the site of ischemia and infarction. Some
leads depict certain areas; the location of the infarct can be detected fairly
accurately from analysis of the 12-lead ECG. Leads that best detect changes in
commonly described locations are classified as follows:
Posterior wall infarction does not produce Q wave abnormalities in conventional leads and is diagnosed in the presence of tall R waves in V1 and V2. The classic changes of necrosis (Q waves), injury (ST elevation), and ischemia (T wave inversion) may all be seen during acute infarction. In recovery, the ST segment is the earliest change that normalizes, then the T wave; the Q wave usually persists. Therefore, the age of the infarction can be roughly estimated from the appearance of the ST segment and T wave. The presence of the Q wave in the absence of ST and T wave abnormality generally indicates prior or healed infarction. Although the presence of a Q wave with a 40 msec duration is sufficient for diagnosis, criteria defining the abnormal depth of Q waves in various leads have been established. For example, in lead I, the abnormal Q wave must be more than 10 percent of QRS amplitude. In leads II and aVF, it should exceed 25 percent, whereas in aVL it should equal 50 percent of R wave amplitude. Q waves in V2 through V6 are considered abnormal if greater than 25 percent of R wave amplitude.
The Q wave generally indicates myocardial necrosis, although similar patterns may be produced by other conditions, such as WPW syndrome, connected transportation of the great vessels, etc. ST-segment elevation can be observed in conditions other than acute myocardial infarction.
ST segment elevation and T wave abnormalities Abnormal T waves can be seen in a variety of conditions other than myocardial
ischemia, including the following: Cardiac Arrhythmias Better understanding of certain basic anatomic and electrophysiologic
concepts facilitates diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias. Knowledge of underlying
mechanisms and the site of origin of arrhythmias is particularly important. All cardiac tissues have an inherent conduction velocity that is normally
faster in the His-Purkinje system compared with the atrial and ventricular
myocardium. Conduction velocity is slowest in the AV and sinoatrial nodes.
Abnormally slow or ineffective propagation of atrial impulses across the AV
junction can produce various degrees of AV block. Such a mechanism has also been
incriminated in production of sinoatrial exit block when abnormalities exist at
the sinoatrial junction. It is difficult to recognize tachyarrhythmias that are due to slow
conduction. However, slow conduction is commonly encountered during propagation
of premature impulses due to incomplete recovery, where conduction may be normal
during the resting state. If premature impulses block along certain fibers or
pathways and conduct slowly along others, the impulse can return via fibers not
previously used. If the tissue ahead of the approaching wave front has recovered
excitability, propagation of the impulse can continue, starting a reentry
process that produces either single beats or sustained tachycardia. In clinical
settings, many reentrant arrhythmias are initiated by premature beats with
abrupt onset and termination. Preentrant tachyarrhythmias can occur in
structurally normal tissues such as the AV node as well as diseased tissues
(ventricular tachycardia arising in diseased myocardium). Approach
Other causes of ST segment elevation include the following:
Disturbance of cardiac rhythm or arrhythmia implies a deviation from the normal
pattern (sinus rhythm). Tachyarrhythmias are accelerated atrial or ventricular
rates that exceed what is considered normal. Rhythms producing cardiac slowing
are grouped together as bradyarrhythmias. When three consecutive complexes occur
at a rate exceeding 100 beats/min, the tachycardia terminology is used. For
proper ECG diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias, particular attention should be
given to the following:
Heart Block
The heart blocks are divided into three degrees. First-degree heart blocks are characterized by PR intervals longer than 0.20 second and all of the P waves are followed by QRS complexes. Second-degree heart blocks are characterized by some P waves being blocked at the AV node. This results in some P waves occurring without following QRS complexes. Third-degree heart block is characterized by a complete dissociation between P waves and QRS complexes. A hint for separating the heart blocks into degrees is that first- and third-degree blocks usually have regular QRS rates.
Atrioventricular block
Atrioventricular block is defined as a delay or interruption in conduction
between the atria and ventricles. It may be due to (1) lesions along the
conduction pathway (such as calcium, fibrosis, necrosis), (2) increases in the
refractory period of a portion of the conduction pathway (such as may occur in
the AV node when digitalis is administered), or (3) shortening of the
supraventricular cycle length, i.e., rapid atrial rates, with encroachment on
the normal refractory period (as with atrial flutter, in which 2:1 AV block at
the level of the AV node occurs because the normal AV node refractory period
will not allow conduction at a rate of 300 beats/min but will allow it at 150
AV block may be classified in two ways:
According to the degree of block:
According to the site of block:
Each degree of block may occur either at the level of the AV node or below it. This distinction is not academic, since pathogenesis, treatment and prognosis differ.
Sudden Cardiac Death
There is growing evidence that certain patients with premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) and ventricular tachycardia are at an increased risk of sudden cardiac death. In general, patients who die soon after the onset of symptoms are said to have experienced sudden cardiac death, and this is almost always due to ventricular fibrillation, which is either primary or a result of ventricular tachycardia. It is generally believed that patients with simple ventricular ectopy and no associated heart disease are not at risk for sudden cardiac death, whereas patients with more complex ventricular ectopy and associated heart disease are at risk because of the presence of the ventricular arrhythmia. Such patients may often have coronary artery disease, and the sudden death may be associated with an acute ischemic event, including myocardial infarction or angina, but it may also occur in the absence of myocardial ischemia.
Professional Resources International Registry for Drug-Induced ArrhythmiasSite is devoted to Education and Research on drug-induced arrhythmias, especially those due to prolongation of the QT interval on the electrocardiogram (ECG). Prolongation of the QT interval can result in the potentially lethal arrhythmia, torsades de pointes. They also provide lists of drugs that prolong QT or cause torsades de pointes ( Links to purchase American Heart Association monographs: Ventricular Fibrillation: A Pediatric Problem , Edited by Linda Quan, MD, Associate Professor, Pediatrics, Children's Hospital and Medical Center, Seattle, WA and Wayne H. Franklin, MD, Nemours Cardiac Center, Division of Pediatric Cardiology, A.I. DuPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, DE (a unique review of the multifaceted issues surrounding ventricular fibrillation in the pediatric patient) Pathophysiology of Tachycardia-Induced Heart Failure , Edited by Francis G. Spinale, MS, MD, PhD, Professor of Surgery, Physiology and Anesthesiology, Director of Cardiothoracic Research, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Atrial Arrhythmias: State of the Art , Edited by John P. DiMarco, MD, Director, Clinical Electrophysiology Laboratory, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Cardiology, University of Virginia Health Sciences Center, Charlottesville, VA and Eric N. Prystowsky, MD, Director, Clinical Electrophysiology Laboratory, St. Vincent Hospital, Indianapolis, IN; Consulting Professor of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC Sudden Cardiac Death: Past, Present, and Future , Edited by Sandra B. Dunbar, RN, DSN; Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Emory University, Atlanta, GA; Kenneth Ellenbogen, MD, Medical College of Virginia and McGuire Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Richmond, VA and Andrew E. Epstein, MD, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL Statistical information on specific heart and blood vessel diseases American Heart Association scientific statements American Heart Association professional event calendar Do you want to belong to an American Heart Association Council? American Heart Association grant research National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute resources for healthcare professionals American Heart Association conferences and meetings American Heart Association Compliance Action Program American Heart Association research programs and funding Customized professional CVD news American Heart Association Pharmaceutical Roundtable |
The American Heart Association is pleased to present articles from physicians concerning the diagnosis, treatment and management of arrhythmia. Contributors to this section are cardiologists who deal with arrhythmia on a day-to-day basis. Our goal is to provide continuous, relevant information on issues important to you and your patients. Bookmark this page and check back for new articles as they are added to our site. Our first editorial is written by Dr. Andrea M. Russo from the University of Pennsylvania Health Systems and is entitled, "Overview of the Contemporary Evaluation and Management of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: What Every General Practitioner Should Know". As many as 2 million Americans are living with atrial fibrillation, and as the likelihood of the condition increases with age, this topic is of great importance to all general practitioners. Read Dr. Russo's introduction to the editorial, as well as the summary Evaluating Patients for Cardiac Arrhythmia Patients suspected of having a cardiac arrhythmia may present with symptoms such as palpitations, syncope, spells of lightheadedness, chest pain or symptoms of congestive heart failure. Careful questioning of the patient can provide clues to the type of rhythm disturbance. Diagnosis should include the use of a 12-lead electrocardiogram and the gathering of additional clinical information. The patient should be asked to describe the palpitations and even try to tap out the rhythm of the palpitations if possible. Questions can include:
It is also useful to inquire about any circumstances that might have triggered the arrhythmia. These can include:
Medical history should also be reviewed, with attention paid to the
following states:
Treatment & Management of Cardiac Arrhythmia Pharmacological therapyThe primary objective of pharmacological treatment of cardiac arrhythmias is to reach an effective and well-tolerated plasma drug concentration for as long as required without producing adverse effects. For a specific patient, one must consider the response both of the patient and of the arrhythmia to the drug. Low drug concentrations can exert a therapeutic or toxic effect in some patients, while drug concentrations higher than the normal range may be needed and tolerated in others. Normally, because antiarrhythmic agents have a narrow toxic-therapeutic relationship, important complications of therapy can result from amounts of drug that only slightly exceed the amount necessary to produce beneficial effects; lesser concentrations are often subtherapeutic. It is obvious that careful dosing is essential to maintain adequate but nontoxic amounts of drug in the body, a task facilitated by understanding drug pharmacokinetics. One must make a quantitative assessment of drug dose-concentration factors, including drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion. Alterations in the rate of any of these processes can account for significant changes in the drug's effect on the patient. Likewise, changes in the functional status of any of the organs alter dose requirements in a given patient. Most of the available antiarrhythmic drugs can be classified according to whether they exert blocking actions, predominantly on sodium, potassium or calcium channels, and whether they block beta-adrenoceptors. The actions of these drugs are quite complex and depend on tissue type, the degree of acute or chronic damage, heart rate, membrane potential, the ionic compositions of the extracellular milieu and other factors. Many drugs exhibit actions that belong in multiple categories, or operate indirectly, such as by altering hemodynamics, myocardial metabolism or automatic neural transmission. Some drugs have active metabolites that exert different effects from the parent compound. Not all drugs in the same class have identical effects, e.g., bretylium, sotalol and amiodarone are dramatically different, while some drugs in different classes have overlapping actions, e.g., class IA and IC drugs. In vitro studies on healthy fibers usually establish the properties of antiarrhythmic agents rather than their antiarrhythmic properties. Factors regulating the effects of antiarrhythmic drugs
Abbreviations Abbreviations used throughout this site include:WPW: Wolfe-Parkinson-White syndrome