some images may not be suitable for all readers] Peritoneal sample |
An inflammation of the peritoneum, the membrane that lines the wall of the abdomen and covers the organs. Causes, Incidence and Risk FactorsTypes of peritonitis include: Intraabdominal
abscess (abdominal
abscess)--a collection of pus in the abdomen--may cause peritonitis;
before peritonitis develops it can still cause symptoms that are similar
or identical to peritonitis.
Additional symptoms that may be associated with this disease:
Examination of the abdomen typically shows tenderness. The abdomen may
feel firm and "board-like" and there may be extensive
"guarding" (protective movements such as curling up or refusal
to allow the abdomen to be touched). The cause must be identified and treated promptly. Expectations (Prognosis)The outcome is often good with treatment, but can be poor without treatment. Sometimes the outcome is poor even with prompt and adequate treatment. ComplicationsPeritonitis can be life threatening. Calling Your Health Care ProviderGO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM OR CALL YOUR HEALTH CARE
PROVIDER IF YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS OF PERITONITIS! Prevention depends on the cause. See the specific
types of peritonitis. |