Suffer's Ankh

This site was created using the AOL browser. I am a very indolent individual at times so I have not checked to see how my site looks on different browsers at different resolutions etc... I recommend using the AOL browser or Internet Explorer for PC. I am currently using 1024x768 resolution on my monitor. You probably should too.

If you are using Netscape Navigator's browser or a Mac, Good Luck.

Also, I would recommend that you possess or acquire the following fonts before viewing -The Sacred and The Profane-.

Furthermore, -The Sacred and The Profane- may contain material that is not openly accepted (or even frowned on) by society or links to such material. If not, I hope to have some soon. *wink* Such content possesses a risk of warping your fragile little mind. So if you're to weak of mind, stomach, heart, or whatnot please do not venture further. I am not responsible for you're own dumbass decisions after this proper warning.

If this website rapes your soul or plants some damned seed in your head and you would like to complain, you may Email Mistress Suffer at MztressGish@aol.com