ATTENTION: The GlamourDemon has jumped ship! She's moved her whole operation here, and she's left this shrine to rot and decay and be found 100 years on by some foreign explorers.

Pics, Pics, Pics

Suburban Poetry

Jazzin' For Blue Jean

There is also a section devoted to your host and her various proclivities...(Only some of which are completely and totally centered around Bowie)

The Writing's Off The Wall

Hey! The writing section has been updated! Well, sort of. It's actually managed to take on its own personality, and has become my main page. Go. Now.

Want to know what the letters mean?

121 Reasons why the Rocky Horror Picture Show is the bestest movie ever!

- - Collectibles! - -

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Link, Link, Nudge, Nudge

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This site last updated 200 BB (Before Bowie). Disappointed? Well, this is where the action is!

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