meta name="Name" content="Lonnie"> [ Sugar Hearts ]
Sorcerer Hunters     Sailor Moon     Cowboy Bebop     Saint Tail     
Final Fantasy     Media     Music     Site     

Hello and welcome to Sugar Hearts! Your stop for Sorcerer Hunters, Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, Sailor Moon, and Final Fantasy! ^-^ Navagation's the buttons at the top and bottom. You may have to press F11 to see the bottom squares. There are also graphics, music, lyrics and more for you to enjoy XD. And Please sign the GB ^-^

I'm a Cute Adoptable from the Fruity Chias Guild!
top squares: 1. Sorcerer Hunters 2. Sailor Moon 3. Cowboy Bebop 4. Saint Tail
botton squares: 1. Final Fantasy 2. Media 3. Music 4. Site
I forget who made this, please email and tell me if it's yoursUpdates~ August 20- New layout! XD Yuna. I added some more lyrics to songs ^-^
*****NOTE: There Is No Eva. Section anymore. Some of the links my say EVA and my point to an EVA page, but it is Saint Tail.
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[Layout (c) Abigail of Breeze Graphics]