The Gamma Gamma Chapter was chartered as a college chapter on April 28th, 1957.  We just celebrated our 50 year commencement in the Spring of 2007. Currently, we have 27 active members who are completing service activities, fundrasing, and having fun with social events.
Gamma Gamma Chapter
Iota C Province
Sigma Alpha Iota is a womens music fraternity.  It was founded on June 12th, 1903 at the  University School of Music in Ann Arbor Michigan. The founding members include Elizabeth Campbell, Francias Caspari, Lelia Farlin Laughlin, Minnie Davis Sherril, Nora Crane Hunt, Georgina Potts, and Mary Storrs Anderson.
SAI National Website

Shenandoah University  Website

Winchester Alumnae Website

Eta Tau Website

Lambda Theta Website

SU Kappa Kappa Psi Website
Sigma Alpha Iota
About Sigma Alpha Iota
Contact Us
President: Serena Robbins
Vice president of Membership: Tanya Stull
Web Master: Tracey Alperstein
Iota C Province
Our chapter is located at Shenandaoah University, in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Winchester, Virginia.
There are two other college chapters and one alumnae chapter in our province.
Shepherd University:
Eta Tau
Frostburg University: Lambda Theta
Winchester Alumnae
Shenandoah University
1460 University Drive
Winchester, VA 22601


MIT Info Page

out the Sisters of Gamma Gamma

Iota C Province

Photo Page

More SAI Literature

Gamma Gamma Gazette
Please sign the guestbook!
(located at bottom of page)