Hey guys! Whats up all my home slices? I don't have to much to say other than i havn't really been updating too much. The other day i did add some pics to the new pics section though. They are pics of Last day of skool, Shannon, Alan, Prom, and a few others. Check those out cause soon they will be added to the regular pics section. I hope you guys are enjoying my site. If you have any comments on how u think i should improve my site, please email me at Sugarbaby1685@excite.com.  Also, please sign my dreambook on the way out. Be shure to tell me if my new or old site is better. Those of you who never saw my old site, then just tell me what u think of the new (this) one. If you want to know anything about me, click the all about me link. There's alink from there to pics of me too. Thanx guys! Hope you enjoy! I'll update as soon as possible.
**cLiCk HeRe To ChEcK oUt  SoMe PiMp AsS bAnDs!**
**nEw PiCs**
**FrEnZ SiTe'S**
**aLL AbOuT mE!**
**Screennames: o PiNk PaNtHeR o, Ians gurl 1685, britelilglowworm**