<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/sugarbabyg101/" LOOP=INFINITE>
     Jesse Austin Mclain
My pregancy was normal untill I went in for my untlrsound at five months.The doctor looked at the screen and said I need to see a special doctor that deal with high risk pregancy I asked why and got no answer.When I seen the high risk doctor  they said Jesse's brain wasn't seprateing like it was suppsed to and the left side had fulid in it. I had to have more test done and amoitc fliud drain when the restul's came back  and I went to my regula doctor he told us Jesse would not live and if he did he wouldn't be able to do normal things.The doctor said if we put him on life support he would be on it for the rest of his life and be in a bed for the rest of his life, so we said no life support.The doctor asked if I wanted to abort and I said no I wanted to give him every chance I can.Jesse couldn't swallow the amtoic so I kept getting bigger and bigger and was in pain so I had to be drain six times.When I was eight months I stared to have labor pains but they stoped on their on but the doctor induced me and I gave birth to Jesse on feburay the 15 of 2005 Jesse only lived for 30 mins we loved on him and took pics and said our good byes.His borthers and sister told they loved him they sitll want to know why their borther didn't want to play and we tell them Jesus needed an angel so he took Jesse.
   plesea sign my guest book
If you want to conntact me then  emil me at sugarbabyg101@wmconnect.com
Jesse had a birth defect called holoprosencphaly.
They are three classifications  of holoprosencephly
alobar,the most serious form which the brain has no tendency to separat, which is usually associated with sever
facial anomalies.Semilobar,in which the brain's hemispheres have a slight tendency to separte,is in intermediate from of the disease.Lobar, in which there is considerable evidence of separate brain hemispheres,is the lest severe form.In some cases of labor the patient's name may be nearly normal.