Romeo and I  would like to thank all the cat sites for their awards! Please click on the awards to visit these great sites!
Hi Maxine, what a cute and informative site you have!! I am happy to send you the golden collar award for an outstanding job! 3/2003
Hi, cat hotel would like you to have this award for an excellent site keep up the good work and all the best for the future! 3/2003
We were very impressed with all of your content, being such a new site!  Your website shows a lot of promise for future content, shows your love for your pets, has fast loading pages, and very cute pics, along with some excellent advice on the care of cats and kittens! 3/2003
You should be very proud! Your site is awesome! 3/2003
It is not very often that I see such a promising new website! My heartfelt congratulations on the interesting content and the wonderful, clear design!
We found you site informative, clean and fun.  Romeo and Soxie, you boys sure are handsome!
I've visited your site and enjoyed my stay - a neat site with lots of great
information and easily navigatable.   I'm proud to offer you the Silver
Award for your great site.
Hi Maxine & Romeo, after visiting your site i be happy to present to you my #18 award
Click here for page 2 of our Awards