Saftey in the Home
This is Whisky. He belongs to Sally, Lily, Helen and John. He lives down the road and is one of my favourite cats!!
Cats are naturally cautious and tend to avoid poisonous. But toxic substances can be taken in by a cat simply grooming. It is always important to know some of the more common poisonous subtances. They include; weedkillers, snail and slug bait, most house hold agents and anti freez.
Poisonous Plants
•Horse Chestnut
•Lily of the Valley
•Mountain Laurel
•Pine Needles
•Autumn Crocus
•Bear grass
•Bird of Paradise
•Blakc-eye Susan
•Black Locust
•Bleeding Heart
•Blood Root
•Blue Bonnet
•Burning Bush
•Butter Cup
•Caster Bean
•Cherry Laurel
•Christmas Rose
•Crown of Thorns