Saftey in the Home |
This is Whisky. He belongs to Sally, Lily, Helen and John. He lives down the road and is one of my favourite cats!! |
Cats are naturally cautious and tend to avoid poisonous. But toxic substances can be taken in by a cat simply grooming. It is always important to know some of the more common poisonous subtances. They include; weedkillers, snail and slug bait, most house hold agents and anti freez. |
Poisonous Plants |
•Daffodil •Foxglove •Holly •Horse Chestnut •Hycinth •Hydrangea •Iris •Ivy •Jessamine •Jonguil •Laburnum •Laurel •Lily of the Valley •Mistleote •Mountain Laurel •Peach •Philodendron •Pine Needles •Poinsettia •Rhdodendrom •Wisteria •Yew |
•Alocasia •Amaryillis •Arwgrass •Autumn Crocus •Avacado •Azalea •Baneberry •Bear grass •Bird of Paradise •Blakc-eye Susan •Black Locust •Bleeding Heart •Bittersweet •Blood Root •Blue Bonnet •Boxwood •Burning Bush •Butter Cup •Caladium •Caster Bean •Cherry Laurel •Chinaberry •Christmas Rose •Cornflower •Corydalis •Crocus •Crown of Thorns |