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puppetwelcome.gif (24159 bytes) to 小如的 Wonderland bows_y.gif (13928 bytes)

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totoro: (stop it if you don't want to hear it)

kuma002_back.gif (5081 bytes) Hi!~ This is Siu-yu. Please feel free to give me some comments and/or sign my guestbook!~~

Specially thanks to Alex , Eva and Boris for teaching me how to make homepage. ^_^


new7.gif (4819 bytes)Siu-Yu's 1st homepage opened on Feb 10, 2001. (Just partly opened) 大學篇, 經險旅程, 炒車記, 生命的轉捩點 and guestbook are still not available to view yet...and I will add my pic link soon.

new7.gif (4819 bytes)Feb 12, 2001: If you have any comments, please e-mail me (since the guestbook is not ready yet) ^_^  

new7.gif (4819 bytes)Feb 13, 2001: added background music in each page la......and 大學篇 is parly ready la......still under construction. I have no idea what to put in it, please give me some ideas. =)

new7.gif (4819 bytes)March 11, 2001: added my picture link~~quick!!~~go and see see la!!!~~

new7.gif (4819 bytes)May 11. 2001: added cheung siu han's novel--channel A in 小嫻篇

new7.gif (4819 bytes)June 18. 2001: added 珍惜眼前人 (be cherish)

new7.gif (4819 bytes)June 21. 2001: guestbookis finally really!~~Thanks Joy Lee for informing me where I could get such a great guestbook! ^_^


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幼稚園篇 小學篇 中學篇 大學篇

朋友仔 經險旅程 炒車記 生命的轉捩點

小如唱歌仔 心如天地 小嫻篇 低B搞笑

My Favourite Links Sign My Guest Book View My Guest Book


sheepmail.gif (11175 bytes) e-mail me