Superfluidity in Microchannels and Nanochannels: The Rough Makes it Smooth!


Would you believe that we should design rough surfaces to make them behave in the smoothest possible way? In other words, would you ever imagine that a rough surface may help in inducing a motion on the top of it, instead of inhibiting the same? That, as a possibility, would indeed sound unachievable, until we discovered from our recent study that specially designed tiny water-transport channels (or pores) may achieve this apparently impossible task by two simple mechanisms. First, confining rough surfaces made of water-disliking materials may trigger the formation of tiny bubbles adhering to the walls of narrow channels. This incipient vapor layer acts as an effective smoothening blanket, by disallowing the liquid on the top of it to be directly exposed to the rough surface asperities. In such cases, the liquid is not likely to feel the presence of the wall directly and instead may smoothly sail over the intervening vapor layer shield. Thus, instead of ‘sticking’ to a rough channel surface, the liquid may effectively ‘slip’ on the same. Secondly, the spontaneous formation of an electrically charged layer adhering to the channel surface amplifies this tendency of slippage to a large extent, by pumping the layer of fluid even more effectively along with the movable charges. Based on this novel conjecture, we may design miniaturized super-fluidic systems with an unimaginably high rate of liquid pumping, without actually using any pumping device.


Digital Opto-fluidic Valve (Bend water by light)



Opto-fluidics”, referring to the integration of optics with fluidics, has recently emerged to offer with a novel paradigm for the dynamic manipulation of optical properties at length scales both greater than and smaller than the wavelength of light, for actuating and manipulating fluid flows. We have designed and fabricated a novel system in which we may selectively ‘switch’ the movement of microdroplets in different directions by using a light source (move liquid droplets selectively by light!). Through the use of a photosensitive surface coating that senses the energy incident from a light source; our system directly converts optical form of energy to surface energy, and creates a consequent gradient in surface tension for controlling the movement of tiny droplets in a selective manner.



Lab on a CD



The recent advancements in CD-based microfluidics (lab-on-a-CD) have opened up the possibilities of implanting complicated bio-microfluidic arrangements on relatively inexpensive rotating platforms. Besides being advantageous because of their versatility in handling a wide variety of sample types, the ability to gate the flow of liquids (non-mechanical valving), simple rotational motor requirements, economized fabrication methods, large ranges of flow rates attainable, and the possibility of performing simultaneous and identical fluidic operations has made the CD an attractive platform for multiple parallel assays. The CD platform (including microchannel arrays embedded within the same), coupled with automated liquid reagent loading systems, indeed appears to be ideal for the future commercial introduction of more compact and inexpensive lab-on-a-chip devices. Moreover, typical polymeric materials of the CD-based microfluidic substrates are excellently conducive to the standard micro-fabrication techniques and are also extremely bio-compatible in nature, rendering their suitability of being employed in biomedical diagnostics and sample detection systems of the future generation.

Our technology development has lead to the simple design and inexpensive fabrication of CD-based systems, in which liquid droplets may be transported in a controllable manner with the aid of centrifugal effects and under the simultaneous control of surface tension forces. The CD-based system also acts like a mixing platform and reaction chamber for bio-chemical analysis. Such systems may be potentially used for rapid, accurate, inexpensive, and portable bio-diagnostic platforms.











DNA Hybridization through Microfluidics


A remarkable advancement in the technology of the micro Total Analysis Systems (µ-TAS) over the past few years has made it possible to organize and combine the processes of sample handling, analysis and detection in stand-alone integrated microfluidic platforms. This allows rapid biochemical analyses to be carried out over length scales that are several orders of magnitudes below the conventional practice. Overall, bio-microfluidics has provided great promises in improving the sensitivity, specificity and the processing time required for a sample analysis, which are the key requirements for advanced biomedical applications. In order to appreciate the significance of bio-microfluidics in advanced biomedical and biotechnological applications, it needs to be appreciated first that different methods, in principle, can be employed to detect eventual abnormalities or illnesses in patients. For viral infections or blood-related pathologies, for example, immunoassays can be performed to determine the nature of organisms that are responsible to disturb the inherent immunological defensive systems in the living beings. One way of performing this is to use homogeneous systems in which the sample and detection molecules are both in a liquid system. Another way is to employ a heterogeneous system, in which one type of molecules involved is bound to the solid substrate. The DNA or the Deoxyribonucleic acid happens to play a critical role towards achieving this goal, in many of the related applications. As such, DNA is found within the nucleus of each cell. DNA carries the genetic information that encodes proteins and enables cell to reproduce and perform their functions.

















Structurally, the DNA is a linear polymer made up of repeating sub-units (monomers) known as nucleotides that are covalently bonded together. The sequence of these nucleotides forms the hereditary information. Each monomer consists of a phosphate group that is responsible for the negative charge on the DNA, a de-oxyribose sugar and a nitrogen containing base. The backbone of a single stranded DNA molecule contains a series of alternating sugar and phosphate groups, with one base attached to each sugar molecule. The double-helical DNA strands essentially contain linked nucleotides with one of the four bases adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G) and cytosine (C). One oxygen atom is missing in the sugar content of the nucleotide - thus the prefix “deoxy”. In the sequence of their nucleotides, and thus their bases, both strands are complementary to each other - in each case an A is opposed by a T and a G by a C; this base pairing holds it together. For genetic ailments, DNA analysis can be performed to know whether a patient possesses a mutation in a specific gene. One of the methods to analyze this condition is to perform a gel-phase electrophoretic separation of fragments formed from the DNA under question. Differences in fragment lengths from the patient’s DNA and a healthy reference indicate the possibilities of certain genetic ailments. Another method for accomplishing this purpose is to introduce many different known single stranded (ss) DNA sequences bound together with particles or gels in a reactive microsystem. The DNA sample under investigation can be ‘hybridized’ with these different sequences. By identifying the specific DNA sequence with which this sample reacts (note that there is only one complementary sequence with which such selective reaction becomes possible), one can determine the DNA sequence of the unknown sample. It has been well appreciated that this kind of hybridization of the DNAs to their complementary sequences plays a major role in replication, transcription and translation, where specific recognition of nucleic acid sequences by their complementary strands is essential for the propagation of information content. In practice, microchip based nucleic acid arrays presently permit the rapid analysis of genetic information by hybridization. The DNA chips have gained wide usage in bio-analytical chemistry, with applications in important areas such as gene identification, genetic expression analysis, DNA sequencing and clinical diagnostics.

We have attempted to utilize optimal combinations of various actuating mechanisms in microfluidics and the critical system parameters to achieve a faster yet inexpensive methodology of DNA hybridization than the state-of-the-art affairs (mostly diffusion controlled), and practically implement the same through the design and fabrication of novel bio-microfluidic devices. Fundamental studies on the mathematical description of the underlying fluid dynamic and bio-chemical transport mechanisms, indeed, are likely to play vital roles towards achieving this goal, without attempting for too many ‘hit-and-miss’ type of expensive experimental trials. More extensive and detailed simulation studies, therefore, need to be executed to map the variations in the microfluidic system parameters/configurations with the DNA hybridization rates, for a wide range of practical conditions in order to come up with the most optimal solution.














Tracking the Dynamics of a Biological Cell in a Microfluidic Environment


Understanding the dynamics of biological cells in micro-scale conduits, in response to either chemically changing environment or shear stress imparted by the background flow, turns out to be of profound importance in designing and optimizing advanced lab-on-a-chip based biomicrofluidic devices. From several biological research endeavours, the traction force imparted by a cell on the adhering surface has been identified to be one of the most important parametric markers of its biophysical states. Change in the strength of cell adhesion is a well-established scenario under diseased conditions, apoptosis, exposure to unfavorable environment, shear stress etc. For all of these cellular events, the activation of intracellular signaling pathways results in either over-expression or degradation of the adhering molecules, thus affecting the cellular adhesion strength.

             We have developed a microfabrication compatible and high resolution force measurement technique termed as Ultrasoft-Polydimethylsiloxane based Traction Force Microscopy (UPTFM), for analyzing the dynamics of biological cells in a micro-environment. This technique has been devised for mapping the cellular traction forces imparted on the adhering substrate, so as to depict the physiological state of the cells, surviving in the micro-confinement. We have subsequently integrated the technique with a microfluidic platform for evaluating different states of stress in adherent cancer and cells. Utilizing this technique, we may monitor the spatio-temporal evolution of cellular traction forces for static incubation periods with no media replenishment as well as for dynamic flow conditions that inherently induce cell deformation and detachment. The biophysical state of the cell can be quantified towards designing better lab-on-a-chip devices with pharmaceutical and biomedical applications. Point of drug administration can be effectively determined using this technology. In fact, a major concern is drug screening technology is frequent occurrence of false-positive results where actual cellular response is not because of the drug administration but because of pre-existing neighboring environmental conditions. Respectively, with relevance to the aforementioned issue, exact biophysical state of cell can be monitored before the drug-treatment and by selecting the appropriate cellular state, false positive results can be significantly eliminated.













Micro Heat Pipe for Chip Cooling


It is well known that high temperature induces mechanical, chemical and electrical changes, which impair the performance reliability of electronic devices. As a design constraint, higher heat build-up impedes the miniaturization (lowering form factor) of electronic devices, which is otherwise a critical need from the industry.

Our technology innovation has lead to the development of a novel miniaturized chip-cooling strategy for electronics packaging applications. The design involves micro-grooved heat pipes, which may act as extremely efficient heat sinks. Two-phase heat transfer with its associated highest values of transfer coefficients are effectively utilized in small grooved heat pipes for effective dissipation of the generated heat in the electronic components. The system transfers heat through phase change (evaporation and condensation), thereby reducing the possibilities of overheating through unwarranted temperature rises in the system.











Painless Microneedle for Blood Extraction and Drug Delivery (Painless needle mimics mosquito's bite!)












In diabetes mellitus, routine pathological examination of extracted blood samples becomes extremely critical for its diagnosis and effective management. As such, a number of diabetes patients have to check their blood glucose level several times a day as a part of self health-monitoring process and inject insulin in tune with the observed levels, as per medical protocols. A frequent repetition of this monitoring, however, gives rise to several physiological hazards, including the development of insertion pains. 

We have designed a biocompatible painless microneedle by mimicking the blood sampling system of a female mosquito, as a part of a compact medical device that comprises a shape-memory alloy indentation actuator (providing with the initial driving force), a blood sugar sensor (immobilized glucose oxidase) attached to the gate electrode of a Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET), and in integrated micropump for injecting insulin that is actuated in accordance with the blood glucose level being measured. For more details, please read the news articles linked below.\07\21\story_21-7-2008_pg6_11












For Research Publications click here



(The list below is only indicative of the Projects undertaken but by no means is a comprehensive one)

·        Associated with the  Research Project (2007-2010) “Cell Culture inside Microfluidic Channels with Extended Air-water Interface” (funded by DBT) as the principal investigator

·        Associated with the  Research Project (2007-2010) “A Study Of Microscale Transport Processes Leading To The Development Of A Cooling Strategy For Electronic Components”, (funded by DIT) as the principal investigator

·         Associated with the  Research Project (2008-2010) “Rapid DNA Hybridization in Microfluidic Channels”, (funded by DBT) as the principal investigator

·        Associated with the Indo-US Project (2008-2011) onFabrionics(supported by the Indo-US Science and Technology Forum) as the Institute coordinator (PI from IIT Kharagpur)

·        Completed the Indo-US Project (2006-2007) on “Futuristic Manufacturing” (supported by the Indo-US Science and Technology Forum) as an investigator

·        Associated with the DST-NSF Project (2006-2008) “Experimental and Theoretical Studies on DNA Hybridization in Microchannels with Electrokinetically driven Flow”, as principal investigator

·        Completed the DST-JSPS Project (2006-2008) “Development of an advanced Micro-Manufacturing Technology characterized by Micro Surface Quality Control for Bio-MEMS devices”, as principal investigator

·        Associated with the Research Project (2005-2008) “IRES: U.S.-India Fast DNA Hybridization in Microfluidic Platforms” (funded by the NSF, USA) as a joint principal investigator (along with Prof. Marc Madou, UC Irvine, USA)

·        Associated with the Research Project (2008-2010) “High throughput Glycomics with Lectin Microarray” (funded by DBT) as a co-principal investigator

·        Completed the Research Project (2005-2007) “Development of A Window Based Interactive Software with User Friendly GUI for Time Dependent Numerical Simulation of Transport Phenomena During Laser Surface Treatment of Materials” (funded by BRNS) as the principal investigator

·        Completed the Research Project (2004-2007) “Modeling and Simulation of Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer in Laser Surface Alloying” (funded by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India) as the principal investigator

·        Associated with the Research Project (2003-2007) “Modelling and Simulation of photothermal interaction of laser beam with living biological tissues” (funded by ISIRD, SRIC, IIT Kharagpur, and subsequently by the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India) as the principal investigator

·        Completed the Project (2001-2002) on “Mathematical Modelling of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow during Laser Surface Alloying” (funded by DMRL, Hyderabad) as the principal investigator

·        Associated with the Consultancy Project (2006-2007) “Characterization of Surface Roughness for Pressure-Driven and/or Electro-osmotic Liquid Flow in Microchannel” (funded by DELPHI), as a consultant-in-charge

·        Associated with the Consultancy cum R&D Project (2006-2009) “Development of a fundamental model for characterizing solidification transport in the mushy region ” (funded by General Motors Research and Development Center, USA) as the consultant-in-charge

·        Completed the Consultancy cum R&D Project (2003-2006)“An Integrated Micro-Macro Solidification Algorithm for Direct Numerical Simulation of Large Scale Solidification Structures ” (funded by General Motors Research and Development Center, USA) as the consultant-in-charge

·        Completed the Consultancy Project (2002-2003)“Development of a Mathematical Model for describing the flow field in liquids/melts agitated by an impinging gas jet and submerged gas stirring in LD converter ” (funded by TISCO) as the consultant-in-charge

·        Completed the Consultancy Project (2006) “Genetic Algorithms in hydrocyclones ” (funded by Tata Steel, Jamshedpur), as a consultant

·        Completed the Project (1999-2001)“A Personal Computer Based Real-time Power Plant Simulator Using Parallel Processing Technology” (funded by AICTE) as a co-investigator




  1. “Fundamentals of Bio-Microfluidics: Present Trends and Future Challenges”, International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM); under the auspices of the International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS), Bangalore, October 13, 2007
  2.  “Towards an Improved Understanding of Surface Effects in Microscale Liquid Flows”, Special Physical Mathematics Seminar, Department of Mathematics, MIT, USA, June 26, 2007 (also presented at the University of California, Berkeley, USA, July  5, 2007)
  3. “Novel Mechanisms for Rapid DNA Hybridization through Microfluidics”, Indo-US Workshop, Northwestern University, Chicago, USA, June 21, 2007
  4. “Effects of Micromanufacturing Process Parameters on Fluid Flow in Microchannels”, University of Tokyo, Japan, February 20, 2007
  5. “Effects of Micromilling Process Parameters on Fluid Flow in Microchannels”, Japan-India Joint Seminar on Micro and Nano scale Manufacturing Processes, IIT Kanpur, India, December 17, 2006
  6. “Turbulence Modelling Strategies for Molten Pool Convection in Laser-Aided Surface Processing of Materials”, Japan-India Joint Seminar on Micro and Nano scale Manufacturing Processes, Tokyo, Japan, February 27, 2006
  7.  “Some Interesting Fluid-Dynamic Apects in Solidication Phase Change of Binary Systems”, CBI-Colloqium, University of Erlangen, Germany, October 20, 2005
  8. “An Enthalpy based Micromodel for Dendritic Solidification of a Pure Melt”, Indo-Japan Joint Seminar on Advanced Manufacturing, IIT Kanpur, February 20-26, 2005
  9. “Fundamentals of Microfluidics: Some Biotechnological Applications and Beyond”, Indo-USA Workshop on MEMS and Microsystems, IIT Kanpur, December 17-20, 2004
  10.  Modeling and Simulation of Transport Phenomena in Micromanufacturing Applications: Issues of Microscale Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer”, for the occasion of 7th India-Japan Joint Seminar on Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Tokyo, Japan, February 16-21, 2004
  11. “Mathematical Modeling of Laser Surface Alloying”, for the occasion of DAE-BRNS national Laser Symposium (NLS-2003), Kharagpur, December 22-24, 2003
  12. “Some Issues on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer in Binary Alloy Solidification Processes”, ACCESS e.V, RWTH Aachen, Aachen University, Germany, June 23, 2003
  13. “Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer in Manufacturing and Materials Processing: Current Issues and Future Challenges”, for the occasion of Asia Youth Forum on Advanced Manufacturing, Tokyo, Japan, March 1-8, 2003 (Invited by JSME)




  1. Visiting Professor, Stanford University, USA, from May 2008
  2. Visiting Scientist, UIUC & UCI, USA, June-July, 2007
  3. Guest Scientist, LSTM, University of Erlangen, Germany, May-December, 2005 May-July, 2006, and May-June 2007
  4. Visiting Scientist, Pennsylvania State University, USA, May-July, 2004

5.      Visiting Scientist, Aachen University, Germany, May-July, 2003





Editorial Board Member of: International Journal of Micro and Nano Systems, Open Journal of Thermodynamics


Reviewer of the Following Journals: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Lab on a Chip, Physics Letters A, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Analytica Chimica Acta, Journal of Colloidal and Interface Science,  Journal of non Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Numerical Heat Transfer, Journal of Biomechanics, Materials Science and Engineering, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Journal of Biomechanics,  Applied Thermal Engineering, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Acta Materialia, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, Biomedical Microdevices, Medical and Biological Computing, etc.

Microfluidics @IITKGP: A Perspective & Outlook