Seth's Well of Souls Site

Home | Skins | Music | My Characters | Thanks/Credits | Links


Welcome to my Well of Souls site!  Here you can view my characters, download my skins I created, go to the official WoS site, see who and what helped me and/or should be credited, and tell me what you think of different things.  I also added music from Final Fantasy 4, 5, and 6 (only 1 song from 4 and 6, all the rest are from 5) and SuperTKO's skins that you can download.

Ah, but time passes and things change... such as having a computer formatted before I was finished with several skins and then being unable to work on them for almost 2 years. The Playstation emulator I used before wasn't quite compatible with Windows XP, so until recently I had several skins incompleted. This was quite sad, as I had actually finished some and started working on (as well as almost finished) quite a few others. Now I can start working on them again...

Contact me at:

Last Updated: 3/1/06