APC BBQ on ECP (singapore)
Special thanks goes to Maddy for organising the BBQ.
Jeff Curley works with me at APC. This is right before we were about to head out for the APC BBQ at East Coast Park in Singapore. Mother was visiting me help me move back from Singapore to US.
It was difficult getting the fire started at the first place. The pit was very dirty and it took some while for the coal to catch fire. However with help of Biong and Sam we managed to make the BBQ a success.
Mom's second trip to Singapore. This time she did not get to travel much because Komal was not around to take Mom around.
Friends from APC. JR Brooks picking his teeth for the corn stub stuck in there ;-)
Heather (JR's wife) talking with Vicky (Martin's girlfriend. Chris Goldman was visiting us in Singapore from Philippines
Milind with his wife and child. Sitting with them is Hemali.