...in which Sumire writes about whatever she
feels like.
(Which seems to mean a whole lot of Trigun and Cowboy Bebop.)
12/02/00 Sumire Goes to Comiket (Since I haven't written anything in ages, thought I'd upload this piece that I wrote a year ago for N.O.T.A., the Ibaraki AJET Journal. Ooh, an actual published article.)
4/1/00: Sumire on Shoujo Manga du Jour (Hanazakari no Kimitachi e and Yamada Tarou Monogatari)
3/28/00: Sumire on March TV Anime (Mugen no Ryvius, Dai-Guard, Jibaku-kun, One Piece, and Kaikan Phrase)
10/30/99: Sumire on Anime Soundtrack CDs (Trigun the Second Donuts, Cowboy Bebop OST 1, and Cowboy Bebop OST 2: No Disc)
9/19/99: Sumire on September's Picks What I'm reading and watching this month. (Trigun, Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou, Kagen no Tsuki, Cowboy Bebop, Hana Yori Dango, Yami no Matsuei, and Kaori Yuki)
5/15/99: Sumire on the Three "Cowboy" Shows Do you ever get Outlaw Star, Trigun, and Cowboy Bebop mixed up? I used to, but not any more. Reading this might help you a little. Then again, it might confuse you even more.
Comments, criticism, love letters? E-mail me at sumirechan@yahoo.com
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