~Special Gifts~


Random Acts of Kindness
I adopted my globe from RAOK..*S*

Thank you Lori *huggers*

Thank you Reba

The Fantasy Fights Gift Shop
Send a Fantasy Flower Child!

Thank you to my Secret Sis!

Thank you Cindy

Thank you Deb, it's beautiful *S*

Free Spirit Pumpkins Here
Happy Halloween!!!

From my Picky Ladies Secret Sis
Thank You and Happy Halloween!! *S*

Thank you *Lexzie*-aka-*Az*-aka-*Deb* the BIGGEST
thorn in my side LOL....-gotta love her *G*
Globe made by Dot from Wings of Peace.

Isn't this ROAK globe beautiful, Thank you *S*

The Fantasy Fights Gift Shop
Send a Fantasy Water Globe!

Thank you Elizabeth, it's beautiful! *S*

Thanks for the warm welcome to
Cherished Unity,Anya!

Fights Spirit Wand
Send a Spirit Wand!

Thank you Azure, be careful now, this is *my* magic wand *ggl*

For more Gifts *S*

The wonderful painting used on this site is by artist, Jonathon Earl Bowser and used with his permission.
You may visit his Gallery by clicking on the icon or on his logo above.