
Why did I do it?
Why did I let the time go
While complaining it was slow?
How was I to know
That I'd have to look back through a window
Of time
Back there when the future was a lie
Where I'd sit around or pace
'Cause there was so much time to waste
Taking it all for granted
I thought I'd always have it
I didn't know this would happen
But soon it all vanished
I didn't know it was a short distance
'Til now, where I have to make a decision
Of what to do with myself
'Cause now there's nobody else
With me
I just wanna be
With him always
But I can't do this nowadays
I know there's always a someday
But now I can say
That I can't waste this time away
That I have on my hands
I have to meet life's demands
Instead of flicking rubber bands
'Cause once you start time
You can never rewind
You have to find
A way to live life

-February 23, 2003, SilentSoldier