!!Joosy Gossip on Dan!!

  Hey there, my name's Daniel Hong, a confused finance major in the business school of UT Austin.  I was born and raised in Houston, Tx.  With any luck, I won't spend the rest of my life in that sweaty armpit of Texas!!

     On My Keirsey Temperament Sorter test, i scored as a Guardian : SJ and I have a variant temperament as a Provider : ESFJ.  I'm still not quite clear what it all means, but it compares me to mother teresa, which can't be too good for my macho manly ego...hehehe

     After I graduate I don't really care what kind of job i get, as long as it's fun and the people I work with are as cool as my friends and family!!

     Someday, I'd also like to get a convertible and cruise down an open highway, the wind blowing in my hair, a pudgy bon-bon eating machine of a wife sitting by my side, and some annoying kids kicking my seat from behind whining about the potty and "when are we gonna get there?!?"  Ahhh so much to look forward to!!!


Halo, my fav computer game

my skewl, UT Austin

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Yahoo! Greetings

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Me and my first blind date, Mindy