Welcome to the Dark Moon Kingdom!
Home of the Official Site of Sage Kaley and her original works. And her love of Sprite the yummy pop.
Cardcaptor Sakura of course!
About Me and this site
Fanfiction where I tell the stories of other worlds
Email Me
Links The portals to other planes
Welcome, welcome! To Sage Kaley's Dark Moon Kingdom! Now, Here is where I display my fanfiction, original stories and my fanart and normal art. I also have Links to some great sites. I have a couple of other things too. Anyway, you won't find other people's stuff here. Go to the Links if that's what your after. I'm still building this site and it might not be done until late December.
Loves of the Month
December 3 2002: Alright, just a new page called Loves of the Month. Nothing great but hopeful you'll like my little comments. NOTE: If you get the joke that I put over the kingdom hearts picture, then please have your head checked and stop following me. Thank you.