Wind River Restoration
The Popo Agie Wilderness, Shoshone National Forest, ~25 miles NW of Lander WY

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The Solar-Powered Hiker [hiker]

Volunteer Service Trips
and Wilderness Light & Wind Energy

3/4/2002 [2004]


This website presents two major interests: volunteer trail maintenance service trips and Energy Sources in the Wilderness Areas. (Disclaimer: This website represents my own personal opinions, and not necessarily those of any national environmental group.)

Continue on for trail maintenance service trip information, or jump to the Energy Page and return here later. Wilderness areas are far from power lines, and batteries weigh a lot to backpack in. I'm studying light-weight energy sources that would be useful over a 10-day backcountry period.

I have decided to let someone else take over this trip. In 2002, the USFS will not host the trip due to a reorganization. Perhaps it will resume in 2003.



The last major change was the addition of a general service trip description.

A Service Trip website guide page was added 6/15/98.

A Service Trip poster page was added.

A GPS page was added.

Other: Snowmelt runoff added; Wind River Pictures page; a Maroon Bells, Colorado tale was added

Lander Transportation information was added.


-- This is an unofficial website by a Sierra Club National Trip Leader.

Annually, volunteers provide trail maintenance in the Nation's wilderness areas. Sponsors are the US Forest Service, the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and others. We work under the auspices of the sponsor, but we are not paid. The sponsor often provides various services, such as horse pack trains for our food, occasionally a field supervisor, and transportation where the trailhead is otherwise inaccessible.

This service trips description is based upon trips under the sponsorship of the Washakie Ranger District of the Shoshone National Forest at Lander, Wyoming.

Here's my upcoming Tuesday, August 7 - Thursday, August 16, 2001 trail maintenance service trip in the Wind River Range of western Wyoming to give you a general impression. Our sponsor is the Washakie Ranger District at Lander.

The lower end of the Wind River Range is located near the "+".
Western Wyoming (42.83002 N, -108.72856 E) contains the Rockies and the Continental Divide

Click on the map to browse


This website also contains information about the volunteer service trips, wilderness areas, backpacking equipment, etc.

Here's more on a beautiful place in the Popo Agie Wilderness of west central Wyoming.

What's a Wilderness Area Like?

Look at this beautiful poster and a tearsheet for my Wyoming Sierra Club Service Trip

Service Trip Outing Information
This unofficial (volunteer) website information is prepared for outings staff and also for trip participants.

Of General Hiking Interest 

This section presents various topics interesting to wilderness hikers and backpackers, as well as to those who hike nearer to civilization.


The Ten Essentials for Survival in the Wilderness

A Brief Compass Course might help you avoid getting "misplaced" in the woods!

Bears and What to Do About Them! (1/98?)

Lightning Precautions for Hikers (4/99) Avoiding injury or death while hiking!

GPS Information (1/98?) for hikers. The Global Positioning System provides satellite navigation to find your position.

[ball] River Crossings (1/98?) [hiker]

A guide to making river crossings in the mountain wilderness.


Outing Staff Information

Outings (1/98?)

The Sierra Club has a fantastic outings section on their website!

1996 Service Trip Staff Seminar (5/96?)

While this information is aimed at service trip staff, it is also of interest to local outings staff. You can anticipate that the next seminar will be as interesting.

Trail Maintenance (1/98?) [hiker]

A guide to Trail Maintenance (1/98?) in the wilderness for passing to our participants with a welcome letter.

[under construction] Guide Lists [hiker]

[under construction] Opening Night Topics (1/98?)
Things to brief the participants on at the opening night. (yet to come)

Working with the Agency (1/97)
by Homer Rudolf, 1993

A guide to dealing with the agency in arranging the service trip.

How to help the sponsor help us. How to understand their needs.

[under construction] Equipment Lists (1/98?)
Items for trip planning (yet to come)

[under construction] An MS Excel 4.0 Trip Fill Estimator (1/98?)

This Tripfill spreadsheet can be used for your trip by entering the reservation data from the reservation forms that Sierra Club sends you. The program estimates how many participants you could have at the trip cutoff date one month before departure.

To automatically open your MS Excel, use the browser "Options, General Preferences, Helpers" to set a helper application to open MS Excel when ".xls" is opened. You can then save the spreadsheet and modify it as needed for your trip.

Service Trip Questionaire (1/98?)

This form mimics the paper form, and may be emailed to a trip leader. The "mailto" address at the end may be changed to suit another trip.
This form provides information about you to your trip leader so that an acceptance decision can be made.

Service Trip Medical Form (1/98?)

This form mimics the paper form, and may be emailed to a trip leader. The trip number, name at the beginning, and the "mailto" address at the end may be changed to suit another trip.

This form provides medical information about you to your trip leader in case of emergencies miles from the nearest town. I provide a copy in a sealed plastic zipper bag to each of my trip members to carry in their day packs.

A Service Trip Website (1/98?)

A trip website page is a good way to keep in touch with your far-flung trip members. Here is information about making a webpage for your trip.

Look at my ongoing Wyoming trip website here for the Wind River Range near Lander, Wyoming. Note that you must reserve a place through Sierra Club, send me the required information and receive my approval to go on the trip. If you just show up, there will be no interaction with my group.

Typical Service Trips (1/98?)[hiker] (Same as embedded in text above)

[ball]What's a Wilderness Area Like? (1/98?)

Here's my 2001 Service Trip Brochure for the magnificent Wind River Mountains (12/99)

Some (large file) Popo Agie Wilderness Photos from 1996 Service trip that I haven't yet sized down and take a long time to load (1/98?)

Maroon Bells - Snowmass Wilderness Area near Aspen, Colorado in 1993 (1/98?)

And Now for a Word from Our Trail Hiker Customers
Forwarded from Peter K. (1/98?)

Favorite Websites

Wilderness Trail Maintenance (5/99)[hiker]

Excellent tool description from the South Carolina State Trails Program

Excellent links page from the South Carolina State Trails Program

Bibliography page from the South Carolina State Trails Program


Sierra Club Service Outing Information

Sierra Club home page

Sierra Club Outings

[back] Back to Sierra Club chapters.

The National Website of the Turtle Coast Group of the Sierra Club in Brevard and Indian River Counties near Melbourne & Palm Bay area of Florida

An unofficial website of the Turtle Coast Group of the Sierra Club in Brevard and Indian River Counties near Melbourne & Palm Bay area of Florida. This site will be transitioned to the national website and all references (except links) to Sierra Club will be deleted.

Links to other environmental and hiking sites on the Web

Environment & Ecology at the Scrubjay's The Nature of East Central Florida
GORP for outdoors recreation information
Outdoors Recreation at Yahoo
The Discovery Channel features nature stories

Other Nonhiking Websites (1/98?) More about Lander, Wyoming

Lander WY Excellent; includes weather city guide, people finders

Lander WY Zonal Weather Teletype service of the National Weather Service for Lander area

Lander WY Weather forecast for Lander area

Snowmelt or Ablation Page for Wyoming

Wind River Snowmelt in the Wind River mountains near Lander, WY at Hobbs Park near the Bears Ears Trail

Middle Fork of the Popo Agie Snowmelt in the Wind River mountains near Lander, WY

Lander WY Area Radar actually Riverton Airport

Lander WY Area Information

Lander WY Transportation Information Info

Please send me any other info you think may be of general interest


Other Interesting Sites:

Investment Decisions Ways to distribute investments. Past performance may be no guarantee of future performance, but why invest in funds that have a history of poor performance?

Engineers' Careers An interesting point of view to guide engineers in their careers. Not sure how I found this, but it seems most helpful.

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This site is growing to focus upon wilderness trips and trail maintenance.

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Home Page /.../index.html last modified on 8/2/2003
(although other linked pages may have been changed since then) [hiker]

Original material © 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 by Frank R. Leslie
Sierra Club ® and One Earth, One Chance ®,
are registered trademarks of the Sierra Club

This site contains links to other Internet sites. These links are not endorsements of any products or services in such sites, and no information in such site has been endorsed or approved by this site. This site is not endorsed or sponsored by the Sierra Club. An official Sierra Club equivalent website is to be generated.

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