I love the series as it outdid all the other shallow and neanderthal series' the 1980's - 1990's had to offer. Sweet Valley represented the 2 sides of a person through both the twins and the different others that exist. From the loner, to the geek; To the football jock...to the ones that reek. From the elitists; to the studios, til the very last nobody who's ever graced the valley land itself. SV has made my childhood a brilliant one! I've read almost every book and most definately favour 'best friends' and the unicorn club series. - Kerry Burke
I like SV mainly due to the characters that populate the town.
There's a mixture of allsorts and in some ways each and every character
is a tad bit of who we are ourselves-Me personally I'm more like Enid
(which is why she's my fave character) I think that the fact that she
went from being Liz's best friend to Jessica's just goes to show that
everntually characters and individuals grow just as normal ppl do. - Tanya