Regular Meetings: Sarasota Firehouse
2070 Waldemere St., 2nd floor meeting room

   Date                                  Title                                Presenter 

*Bob's Train (Bob Horne)
* Note: Bob's Train is presently open for luncheon, serving Monday thru
Friday from 11:30 AM to 2 PM.

Suncoast chapter, NRHS, will have "drop in" luncheons at Bob's Train at
11:30 AM, on the second Wednesday of each month..

No reservations, just good food and railroad talk.

September 22            Canadian Rockies Trip              Dan Conway

October 27                Colorado Railroad Trip              Michael James

November 24            Clinchfield Railroad                    Tem Taylor

December 24                 No Meeting

January 9                Banquet 20 yr. Chap. Anniversary - details later

January 19              Panama Canal Railroad                 Allen Jelks

February 23            North Carolina Railroads              Sam Chattaway

March 23                  Polish Railroads                         Ted Cover                

April 20                  NRHS Duluth Convention             John Hegener

Questions - call Dan Conway 941-497-6356
Suncoast Chapter Other Events:

January 9, 2010 Banquet 20th Chapter Anniv. - details later

We had an excellent Barbecue hosted by the Chattaways on May 9.

Other Organizations Events:
See also model railroading below.

Questions - call Dan Conway 941-497-6356
Local Model Railroading:
Formerly known as the Sarasota Model Railroad Club
All meetings are subject to change. Members will receive a post card prior to each meeting as a reminder as well as being posted on the club’s website.