Duckie's Little Place On the Web

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To all the Sailors, Army, Marines, Air Force, National
Guards-----Active & Reservists----Stationed abroad or
Thank you for your service and your dedication. Our prayers
and thoughts are with you during this time of Operation
Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.

Izzy Visits the Tidewater!!

Hurricane Izzy visits NOB

Boycott Hollywood!!

Silent Agony (Fiction/Ghost Story)

The Maiden and the Sea (Fiction/Ghost Story)

The Haunting of Sherwood Plantation; Charles City,Va

Butterflies Are Free To Fly (Fiction/Ghost Story)

One Last Act of Kindness(Fiction/Ghost Story)

The Hauntings of Ft. Monroe, Va (Ghost Story)

The Ghostly Lovers(Ghost Story)

The Oyster Rapper of Ft Eustis, Va (Ghost Story)

The Hauntings of Portsmouth Naval Hospital, Portsmouth; Va(Ghost Story)

The Mysterious White Deer of the Great Dismal Swamp,Va(Ghost Story)

The Embrace (Fiction/Ghost Story)

My Awards Page!! Please visit!! (Takes a short time to load)

In Loving Memory of Bandit; Family Pet Cat and Friend.


Midi File = When I'm Gone: 3 Doors Down


3 Doors Down performed this song on board the USS
George Washington during Operation Enduring Freedom.
The live performance video shows the other side of
military life. Husbands, wives, and children
saying goodbye for an undetermined amount of time.


Deployments are a normalcy for military
families. Our husbands and wives must say goodbye to
their family, who are left behind to pick up the pieces
and 'carry on'. As you see, there may be tears shed but the
upside is we say goodbye to our husbands, so Americans can
sleep peacefully at night.


So when you see a man or woman dressed in their
military uniforms, stop and thank them for their service
but most of all, thank them for the freedom of living in a country of priviledge. After all, freedom isn't free.


Traci M. Poole
US Army Veteran; Signal Corps

Click on the TR photo to view the 3 Doors Down
video, When I'm Gone. (Live on the USS
George Washington)


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