Sun Hong Kong Restaurant
91 Shattuck Square
Berkeley, CA 94704
Tel.: (510)841-2288   Fax: (510)841-1957

Welcome to Sun Hong Kong Restaurant's web-site. We hope you will enjoy our food menu.
Please let us know how we can serve you better. Thank you for your business.

Menu   Signature Dishes   Photo Gallery   Directions   About us   Contact us


Sun Hong Kong Restaurant is located at 91 Shattuck Squares, Berkeley, CA 94704.
Telephone: 510-841-2288;     Fax 510-841-1957.
We offer free delivery service with minimum purchases in the following delivery areas:
Berkeley, Kensington, Albany, Emeryville, Rockridge, El Cerrito,
Montclair, Piedmont & Oakland (limited area).
Delivery hours are 5:00 pm to 10:30 pm daily.
We accept cash and all major credit cards
(Visa, Master Card, American Express & Discover).
No personal check accepted.
No MSG upon request.

* Prices subject to change without notice.
Please continue to check our updated menu in our
Website at

Thank you for your business and it's our pleasure to serve you. Please enjoy our menu.

Sun Hong Kong Restaurant's menu website is designed and maintained by Steven Yip & Company.
Please send your suggestions or comments to our E-mail address at

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