_And so the process of the YAMNA SAGA ANIME continues . .

I made a  Sound File / BGM for the Episode!
CLICK HERE. This is a Wav. File -Please Note:
(This is not the complete File) ^__^

The Keyframes are not in the correct Order: 
(some are, but I made sure that you would have trouble finding out.)

As you can see I do this, but I make sure not to place any in the right order. This is so if I did upload a spoiler(s) you couldn't figure it out, only if you had read the Story / Scripts. But if you haven't, the Keyframes would make no sense in a sense of way. One.-or other. ^^

The animation, is not all dramatical -all of the time in an Episode. ^^- but I just love to make an animation, that is packed with footage that is so varied. ^__^ -The Anime Does have cute scenes and kindly-sweet ones too. But I will not be uploading the Spoilers here, until I have placed them in Cons for Viewing. The Anime Series are Movie Quality footage. This means that the Scenes are in depth, and look more like a movie then a gerneral OVA. The Episode will be an Hours Worth. and Maybe longer. -Depending on the scenes, Etc (but under One hour thirty most..) The Opening and Closings will be the genaric 1 minute and 30 Seconds long each. Think of Rev. Girl Utena's Opening and Closing length. I will Have a Preivew for next years Anime Debute for the Next Episode, after the Credits.

(I know that the order in Episodes are spaced inbetween->, But I will be creating the Episodes that are not made yet in between the gaps. "Episodes that are not created". . (I want and plan to create,
all of the anime Episodes.) ^__^

I am  right now, working on just the KeyFrames at the Moment.  ^^ -Right after I have created all of the KeyFrames. -I will then work on the In-betweens. ^^   I'm looking into some new software. ^_^ Director 8 or Flash. :) Sorry, but I will not be uploading any  Moving GIFs (but two More) to the Public. -I do plan on creating Two, Three Minute Trailers when I have completed the Animation's Cels and all. ^__^

(The Trailers
will be released before, I place them at Baka No Con, Bakuretsu Con 2005 and  AnimeMusicVideos.org.) and once you see them It will tell you two things:The first one released , Ii will tell you I am in between finshing up the Animation. and The Second, Will inform you that I am Done. ^__^

I will not be uploading the Action Scenes. Just a Reminder: that I will only be uploading only so many, of the Movine GIFs. Where I have GIF places vacant on the site- is where I will place them..Older -or outdated Gifs Will Be removed (Ones that are not my animation style, or anime form any-longer..)  I am planning to be creating Profiles of the Cast for Episode 8. But not at this very moment. I need as much time as I can to        Work on the Animation Parts. This is so I can better help with Completing the Stages firther,and much more faster to the Ending Goal. ^__^

Mary K. Sullivan-
MagikBoom Studios! and THE YAMNA SAGA PROJECT


Images of the Characters from the Animation:

(KeyFrames) sketch Concepts Collection 02)

(The Sketched-out Key Frames here: Will be Used as References to Actual Cels, that will  be placed in the animation. The Backdrops are produced as a seporate image. -Most people, who collect, trade or make Cels know this. I made sure to mention it, since some people have emailed me and asked about this question.) ->So that's pretty-much why I do it this way. ^__-

Jashiwi: - (2nd Image) - (3rd Image) - (Fourth Image) - (Fifth Image) - (Sixth Image) - (Seventh Image) - (Eigth Image) - (Ninth Image) -
(Tenth Image) - (Jashiwi and Yamna Image 1) -
Narga: - (2nd Image) - (Third Image) - (Fourth Image) - (Fifth Image) - (Sixth Image) - (Seventh Image) -
Heaven  Archer: - (2nd Image) - (Image of Heaven Archer and Crimson) ^__^  - (2nd Image of Heaven Archer and Crimson)
(Third Image of Heaven Archer and Crimson)(Third Image) - (Fourth Image) - (Fourth Image of Heaven Archer and Crimson) -
(Fifth Image) - (Fifth Image of Heaven Archer and Crimson) - (Sixth Image) - (Seventh Image) - (Eigth Image) - (Ninth Image) -
Yamna: (2nd Image) -(3rd Image) -(4rth Image) - (Fifth Image) - (Sixth Image) - (Seventh Image) - (Eigth Image) - (Ninth Image) - (Tenth Image) (Eleventh Image) - (Tweveth Image) - (Thirteeth Image) - (Fourteenth Image) - (Fifteenth Image) - (Sixteeth Image) - (Seventeenth Image)(Eigteenth Image) -
Labealie: - (2nd Image) - (3rd Image) -
Kokeizooma: - (2nd Image) - (Third Image) - (Fourth Image) - (Fith Image) - (Sixth Image) - (Kokeizooma Look'n Freaky) 0_0
Jaspire: - (2nd Image) - (Third Image) - (Fourth Image)(Fifth Image) - (Sixth Image) - (Seventh Image) - (Eigth Image) -
Crimson: - (2nd Image) - (3rd Image) - (Fourth Image) - (Fifth Image) - (Sixth Image) - (Seventh Image) - (Eigth Image) - (Ninth Image) -
(Tenth Image) - (Eleventh Image) - (Twelveth Image) - (Thirteenth Image) - (Fourteenth Image)
Breamzami: -
KeyFrames of The Characters: Collection GIF 02!
Back to Sneek Peek 01 ^__^
Back to the Homepage. ^__-
Last Upload: July 8th, 2005! ^__^ Time: 4:18 p.m.
Copyright 1994- 2005 (Present Day) MagikBoom Studios! and THE YAMNA SAGA PROJECT.  All rights reserved. All anime material and all related to any of the MagikBoom Studios! Animations or Creations are Owned Soley by Mary Katherine Sullivan and THE YAMNA SAGA PROJECT. All Characters are Fictional and are not realted to anyone living or passed.  All anime characters to backdrops are origonal and anime styled. Any animation placed anywhere that is made from MagikBoom Studios!, Mary Katherine Sullivan, or any Project Titles are Privately owned by me. -Mary K. Sullivan.
(Changing from Teenager Version to Child.)