Created by The Sunlit World 2001 Leonidas Plaza 414 y Ramón Roca Edf. Manuel Goribar, Of. 603 Quito, Ecuador Tel.: (5932) 256-4100 / 223-6049 Cel.: (5939) 971-1109 Fax: (5932) 254-2303 Email: sunlitw@yahoo.com |
The Sunlit World Co. Arts & Crafts |
The environment pollution caused by the big cities' population garbage is a serious problem that has always existed, but nowadays it has became deeper until becoming a menace for the planet. The costs for an appropriate handling of rubbish are very high and it is also a puzzle, specially in undeveloped countries such as Ecuador, where there is either a lack of technology to manage this problem properly, and also a lack of economical resources. |
To produce a ton of paper, 20 trees are used, with the subsequent destruction of the ground and its fauna. |
The most viable alternative to manage the garbage problem is the application of the well-known " 3-R process " REDUCE To reduce the consumption levels, specially of not recycling elements. REUSE To use an element at the maximum, in order to lasty longer its utility life. RECYCLE To recuperate and recycle the rubbish, transforming it in useful raw materials. Paper and cartoon are the most recoverable and recyclable residues, due to the multiple uses and managing facilities they give. |
The Sunlit World presents its handcrafted recycled paper collection. This collection includes a variety of products such as: papers, envelopes, gift bags, gift boxes, gift cards, greeting cards, stationery sets, papers & envelopes, book markers, notebooks, folders, frames etc. Various colors, designs and decorations available. |
Contact us and tell us your needs. |
Gift Bags RV-109 (13cm x 13 cm) RV-110 (15cm x 15cm) RV-111 (15cm x 21cm) Decorated or with no decoration |
Photo Frames RF-124 Photo 5"x7" - Frame size 21x26cm RF-125 Photo 8"x10" - Frame size 28x32.5cm |
Photo Frame RF-126 Two 5"x7" pictures - Frame size 21x26cm |