SunMoon Essences ~ Natural Balancing Tools ~
balance of conscious intention
with unconscious motivations;
balance of male and
vitality together with feeling.These essences have emerged from our own work as bodyworkers and healers and are being developed in a ceremonial way. These essences were created by myself and my dear friend and healing partner, Neva Howell. We work with the Plant Devas, and the energy frequency of the totems. These are homeopathic preparations following the guidelines of those who came before us, as well as our own intuitive guidance. Spiritual acceleration, increased connection to the earth energies, and mental, emotional, spiritual and physical balance are some of the gifts these flower essences can bring to you, with regular and focused
use with spiritual intent.
Flower essences work directly with both the electrical and the central nervous systems. By taking the correct essences, we immediately balance the electrical system, stabilize the nervous system and stop the domino effect that leads to illness. Click on the "Flower Essences" link on the left for the information on the function of each of the SunMoon flower essences.
The Trauma Recovery Essences set was created for healing and balance during times of trauma, emotional imbalance, loss of relationships and
other stressful situations which may impact our nervous systems and immune functions.
Totem essences are designed simply to connect you more strongly with power, or totem, animals or creatures you might be learning lessons from or drawn to spiritually. It is said that "even a stone is a teacher". If Hawk, or Eagle, Horse or Turtle, or others come to you in your dreamtime, your meditations, or your visioning, then perhaps they are asking you to connect with their natural wisdom and allow them to strengthen you on your path. There is no information on on their function, as it will be different with each person that uses them. The one(s) you are instinctively drawn to will be the one(s) you need.