Im Bharat Diwaker........Diwaker literally meaning the Sun.....
Family has always been one of my favorite subjects ...My family is a huge part of my life. This is an intensely personal site in that I include only items which are dear to my heart or have caught my attention in some way.
When I started to put this together, my mother asked me, "what on earth possessed you to create your own web page?"  I honestly don't know the answer to that.  It just seemed like the right time. Considering i am not a creative person but loves to surf the internet, I'm surprised I haven't done it sooner.  Truthfully, several years ago I did create one. However, there really wasn't much to it.  Just a picture of my parents,brother and friends.
Quite frankly, it was a bit trite and shallow.  Maybe one could say the same about this site, but at least now I have some more to offer in the way of content.  I believe the difference bears testimony to how much I've grown in the past three or four years, especially relating to understanding myself.  Back then, I didn't really know who I was or what interested me.  I'd lived my life as a reflection of what others wanted to see in me.  A friend of mine put it succinctly when she said that I am like a compass and some people in my life have been very large magnets, pulling me away from my own true north.  I've spent the last several months putting barriers between me and those who would screw up my navigation system, and  I finally feel as if I'm at least heading in the right direction. I think this web site represents for me a type of repository where I can place all the little nuggets of truth I find out about myself  and my core beliefs, passions and interests.

                                     My Parents, My Kid Brother, My Friends                                   Our Childhood......Memories to Cherish.......