<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/sunnyd75/thedance.mid">
*Glamour Shots*
Family Photos
Miscellaneous Photos
Hi, yes, my real name is Sunny. I was born September 27, 1955.   I am 5'8, 150 pounds, brown eyes, and auburn hair.  As most of you already know Truckin aka Grover and I recently married and have bought a home in Georgia. We have went from four seasons to two seasons, hot and hotter.

I enlisted in the Air Force in May 1975, and retired July 1, 1995 as an E-6. I worked in Personnel.  My assignments included: Travis AFB; CA, Langley AFB, VA; Dover AFB, DE; Eglin AFB, FL, while assigned to Eglin I participated in DESERT SHIELD & DESERT STORM, and my final assignment was to the Defense Nuclear Agency, Las Vegas, NV. After my retirement, I attended college and earned Degress in Business Management and Business Accounting.

I've been online since June 1996. I love to chat and make new friends. I am online to chat and for no other reason. I am not here looking for a man, so if you have a problem with that, then do us both a favor and just keep on going, don't waste your time or mine.

I am so amazed by people that I see here on the internet. No one has the right to judge another unless they have walked in their shoes. People that have been hurt by others have no right to blame innocent  people for their own pain. Put the blame on the one that inflicted it upon you. We all have pain in our lives whether it be past or present  but that gives us no right to blame the wrong  person or people. No one knows what someones elses life away from the computer really is. Take it with a grain of salt and look at yourself  before you cast that first stone.

I have a wonderful man in my life. He has shown me what love really is.  He loves me for me not what I can do for him.  For all  you have brought into my life and shown me since our relationship started, you will always maintain a huge piece of my heart. Thank you for getting me through some dark times, being here when I've needed your love and support, picking me up and making me smile when I'm down, giving me a shoulder to cry on,  being my best friend and my lover and most important just for being you. Thank you for loving me and helping me grow and explore these wonderful feelings that I have found with you. You have built my self esteem to a level that I never thought was possible. It amazes me what true love brings into one's life. It's such a wonderful feeling to hear someone's voice and get butterflies or see their face and get this over whelming warmth that runs from your head to your toes. We all know there is no such thing as a perfect person but in my heart I have found him. You have filled many voids in my life and for that I will always love you. Thank you for being my BEST FRIEND and sharing your life with me. I love you baby don't ever forget that.

I want everyone that visits this page to know that they should NEVER give up on love. I know there are times giving up would  be much easier, but I am a prime example that there is love out there and age makes no difference. At 45 I found it, so it's never to late.

Favorite Quotes: "What part of NO don't you understand" and "It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all."
"A life filed with love may have some thorns, But a life empty of love, will never have roses!" Thank you DonnaSue (aka Dreamaway).
"Love can mean Happiness, but an equal amount of  Pain"  "Not much worth more than money in this world.....Friendship is." Thanks EagleJim. "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

I would like to add some personal thank yous. People on the internet have more of an impact on people than they will ever know. I won't get into any great detail but I am going to recognize a few that have impacted my life. First and foremost Truckin Grover,  Dejail, Buck_Naked, Blooming_Rose,  and Just_Plain. You all know what you mean to me and how you've impacted my life. If I ever have regrets about being online these names make those regrets disappear. Thank you all for being a part of my life even if it's only here online. I luv you all.

I have created this page to tell everyone about us. There are many photos to see and I hope that you enjoy them.

If the music doesn't play right let the page load and then refresh. This song is dedicated Truckin.
*Groverrr's Pictures*w/WAV
*Jim & Marcey's Wedding*
Dedication to Groverrr w/WAV
Old Tyme (2 Pages)
St Augustine (2 Pages)
Wanted Posters (2 Pages)
More Pics
NC Trip
Photo Pages
Chat Room Meeting (2 Pages)
Poem for Grover
New Truck (3 Pages) w/WAV
Grover & Gertie's Page
Updated: July 1, 2007
My School Days
Candid Pictures of Us w/WAV
Fantasy Poem
Cheryl & Ashley Visit
Moving Thoughts
Grover's School Recognition
Life on the Road (4 Pages)