The Book of Esther

Below you will find weekly assignments for reading the Book of Esther. You may share your responses by e-mailing them to Nancy at

Read chapters one through three:

1. Describe the meaning of Mordecai's dream if you can.

2. What happened with Bagathan and Thares?

3. How did you feel when you read that Queen Vashti refused the king's order? Ashamed? Proud? Indifferent? Frightened for her? Explain.

4. How did Esther become Queen? Do you have any feelings on this?

5. How is Esther's nationality an issue? Explain.

6. What is supposed to happen on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, Adar? Can you make any predictions about this event?

Read chapters four through seven:

1. Consider Mordecai's request of Esther, and her statement of "If I perish I perish!" (Esther, 4:16). How do you feel about what he is asking her to do?

2. Consider a portion of Esther's prayer, "From the day I was brought here till now, your handmaid has had no joy except in you." What does this tell you about her feelings toward the king? What about her royal position?

3. How can Esther's beauty be seen as both positive and negative?

4. Consider the repetition of the king's statement "Whatever request you make shall be honored, even for half the kingdom". Why is this repeated several times? What point is trying to be made?

5. What is ironic about Haman setting up the gibbet? Explain.

Read chapters eight through ten:

1. What is ironic about Haaman's plan?

2. Explain the feast of Purim.

3. What power was given to Mordecai?

4. Analyze Mordecai's letter that he wrote in the name of King Ahasuereus. Explain how it began like a gentle breeze but ended with a bang.

5. Explain how Mordecai's dream was fulfilled.

6. Consider the actions of the characters in this story, and the lessons learned. How is this different than the lessons found in the New Testament? What lesson had not yet been taught by the word and example of Christ?

I hope you have enjoyed reading the Book of Esther. Doesn't it feel good to stay in His word?