2009 IS OUR 10th YEAR



Chapter 19 of the Sunny Travelers RV Club!


    Our local group, Ch. 19, consists of SunnyBrook owners from Indiana and Kentucky. We are sponsored by Customers First RV. We meet for campouts once a month from April to November (weather permitting), and we meet in December for a holiday lunch.  During our campouts, we play games, do crafts, sit around the campfire, take hikes, have an evening of hospitality, sit around the campfire, visit local attractions, have dinner together at a pitch-in or a restaurant, and sit around the campfire.

    The dues for our local club are currently $12.00/year (includes $5.00 which is set aside for the Bereavement Fund). At Christmas, we make donations to charities in Indiana and in Kentucky.

    Please find our camping calendar, sample weekend schedule, club news and even some pictures on this website:  

Please, come and visit.

We hope to meet you soon!


For more information contact one of our officers.

Officers | Calendar | Minutes | Pictures | Links | Schedule | Campground Maps

Updated:  September 16, 2009