Sweet Surrender...

... In the hollow of the darkest hour, I look for the shadow dancer amongst the stars...The sand of time once again is longing for the impressions of our footsteps where the waves caressed skins of love...Your words are marked in my heart by beats of life at the memory of that night...The rhythm of the Celtic song restores moments of tenderness and closeness in the basin of my existence once felt while observing the silver stars fed rays of light by the mother moon...

...The soft breeze is uttering your name at the first glimpse of light as the sun rises to meet the day ...Butterflies roaming unhindered in the garden of scents reminding me of your gentleness manifested in your sweet character...I look at them with such admiration as if they are messengers of that spot in your heart's well where I exist, and such messengers are our forever binding force keeping the reality of our tender dream alive.

...The carnation I attached to your book of destiny with the scent of my everyday living will remind you of that glance when you sprinkled your gifts of fondness in my heart and soul...You added loveliness to my life, where dream visions come true and love songs are heard for the first time with a different tone, and everything around me dance with an ecstatic allure...My days are more colorful and my nights are my silent words for harmonious memoirs displaced on pages mending your way of perceiving things till my pen squirts its last drop of ink...


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