"Where lies the final harbor whence we are more no more. In what path be who travels the world in which the weariest never weary. Where is the foundling's father hidden? Our souls are like those orphans whose unwedded mothers die in burying them. And the secret of our paternity lies in their grave. And we must there learn it." <unknown>


Abby Road


Good night, Anna

Whilst dreams of none reflection play

To death in christos mourning veil

What sounds alight from yesteryore

To play the deadly game once more

Once more again, this time again

Good night, Anna

You hid between the chimes of clock

Between the beating of my own heart

If moon be but a word, I stab myself with words

And bleed only thoughts upon the quiet earth

Rest with the maggots

Let thee extension of mine own eye

Resurrect this mind

Its dream of body gone unchecked these years

From horse of north and south and east and west

I mind it not in light that yonder breaks

Those waves deafen me to silent glory

In the golden dew of words unsaid

There is no greater crime, no greater loss to man

Than the loss of the irony that was one day ours

Sojourning in another before the poets knew

This temple has fallen

Atlas rests on his own eye

But for the strain goes love is mine

I give it back to you

Good night, Anna

I bite the horses hoofs now

For La dansta, Maria la bouise duvul,

yada dish inul, yas das bastas an a deuch naution

Christ is with the dead.

October 25, 2001 FVM

Dedicated to Albert Jaquaya

God's Faithful Servant

These 8 Years of Prophecy

3:33 A.D.