Chatting: Excerpt from "The Bedwetter's Guide to Out of Water Experiences"
ConsciousCulture ™
Eternumpace>> I am surprised no one has ever invented the patois for a universal greeting in web chat. Chatters can shorten the dictionary to 3 or 4 obscure letters but pages ream by with hellos and hiyas every other minute online.
HENOIWSH, or Hell No I Won't Say Hello or its more salient definition, "each and I wish" or HNIWSH
Is a very recent pictograph or petroglyph of our cosmic unity with all creation. >>eternumpace
Eternumpace>> Afterall, virtual or web chat is like an Irony garden of Eden.
Eternumpace>>The gutteral and mythoheroic tongue entwined up a digital caduceus staff singing, lo, lo, swing lo sweet chariot come for to carry me home
'and do take careJ '
'fuck you'
'no no. fuck me' afterall, I AM SATAN yada yada yada
HNIWSH, do you hear what I hear? Its like a river of silver and gold
When you wish upon a star so near, nor far, that dead the light that life's the way
for la dansta maria la bouise duvul, yada dish anul, yas das bastas an a deuche naution
christ is with the dead
"you can check out…but you can never leave" the Eages
sleepygirl >>sweet dreams of the waves , eternumpace
'if only God could be a man'
'if only God could be a woman'
like me.
A dream I created as a child, and now I stand naked before the full moon. The dream I still see, it has a heart, like me, a soul, like me, a body, like me.
If only God could be a person, like me. <abbreviated from feature film That Thing Called
Finis. Tuesday, November 27, 2001 SaltSpring, 7:24 A.D. dreamtime
Is our mortality and our genitalia our Mother tongue?
Well, Everything is rhetorical, then, and contraditional or "deflecting praise".
How sane is it really, to speak about god or a god as though god or a god is not present for such discussion? Is that not rude?
Or is that irony? As we speak, are we being thought. As we think, are we being spoken? Then demonology and iconology exist in the same place, perhaps reflections of one another, be-ams of objectivity and instrumentation, as though I could only ever be an eye. As though I can only ever be what I see, so I sleep and do things, making wakefulness and dream purely arbitrary artifacts of divine sexuality. Living artifacts, like our selves. Wanting always another, seeing always another, feeling always another, ever another, finding every another as we move through this ever shared body of pure inviolate light of being. America Pacifica. Heaven from a blue whale. Our mother. Our father. Our child. "Light dances through the ocean hear me howl" <solarchant ™>
Is this chatting some gutteral, pre vulgar even (or not recognizing any but selfish needs through belief in body politic before or even in place of body and or geography, a typical violent discourse of a virtual geography of power expanding blindly the scope of myth and or technology (soul, spirit, energy, consciousness), self revelry of absentee iconology, faerie songs of panpsychic instanteneity dreaming of the persistence of memory and the panpsychic "real" laws and justice and beauty thereof; an emotionally digital desart of metahistory and nexus dreaming (imagination and democracy) A nation from the mother of god, the always new, always sleeping kingdom of Beauty. Amen. And whilst she sleeps, her dreams of waking dream of good and evil., creating solar systems of hieroglyphic technology, psychedelic teets called "persons", "gods", "children". Either fucking their mother by creating reality or being the ever rising passion that is the name of "God". My mother and father are one reality. A Nautilus shell of existence building ever building in perfection with every moment of Her bleeding, each moment itself, Herself, Fay, Eternum In Love.
Religion is a phenomena whereby a fairytale becomes a law that does not recognize perceptibly its source in nature or body; it is a body politic. This hints to us that propriety of myth, of all that is "personal" is preexistent within the solar or sun-earth system, that our very logic and or value systems which seek to describe the "actions" of the body within its home, are themselves still echoes within the animal without, the religion of exteriority versus interiority whose avatar is made omnipresent by modern music if not all rock n roll, that consciousness is sexual in both its laws and its stories. That we are forever confronted by both the object and the instrument of both our mortality and our love, the command of which rests solely beyond our reach lest there is person without, an other in each who my speak us into existence as did Eve in the Garden. It is this belief, the belief in one other, from which all other romantic cults emerge (religions). Ironically enough the romantic discourse that is language, although following chronologically the evolution of the organism, is founded upon a diachronic symmetry, suggesting that through all time, we meet our selves speaking life into matter and teaching it how to speak.
Tyger Tyger
Burning Bright
In the forest of the night
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry
Recognizing "history" as a religion if not religion itself is the first and perhaps only step to becoming not only an ever new creature of eternity but an ever place of becoming for the ever body, that which we ever talk about and with, a conscious structure of our consciousness of and with each other, each thing within and without all that is Human God Animal, Space from Space, a nexus of size and shape within the eternity that is the still born nation of heavenly hosts, for body is truly this soul from my soul, my soul from this. "you are a body of light. The only language you speak is you come day or night" <solarchant ™>
And so, in the words of T.S. Eliot, "we return to where we started and discover it for the first time." The ceaseless chatter of our ultimate ambience whispering, "from here"…from here….onward….ever onward…into the night.
This is the first and only promise of the animal church or otherwise for the spirit animal is forever in the loving triune of other, quite rightly and by rite, the archetype and expression of "love". I give this self expression in the space that is with me here and now. Hear our prayer. See our colors. For what you see, we see also. Where you are, we are. As you speak, so do we also. Amen. My name is where I am and where I'm from. Water. My name is called by every name. So mote it be. I believe in you. I believe in bodies in rest and motion. Beauty. I am this belief. You are this belief. At dawn, does the sun rise, or do we?<the dark tower>
Sunday, November 25, 2001 4:18 A.D. S.S. Isle
"If we could learn of how we forget, we could create the universe in less time than God. If we could, and we called it 'sex', we could cut across every religious, philosophical, scientific, and intrapersonal quagmire known to anyone. But then I am left with the same problem, how do I create the universe and what dire judgement do I face if I do not?
The answer, my friends, is that sex and love and consciousness are one in each other, always in each other. So go, walk proudly through all walks of life and let your body know, for your body always does and always will…know….everything J
Drink this, Drink Body, in remembrance of FREE. You can and do solve every problem facing humanity in less than an instant by remembering that that which invented our problems, invented us….Us,,,,the Lords of Chaos, of Light and Darkness.
Landon J. Sealey
Your Friendly Neighborhood Solar Serpent Embassador of Liquid Serpent Light
"Let's reinvent the gods.
All the myths of the ages.
Celebrate symbol from deep elder forests."
Jim Morrison, The Doors
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