curlywolfmn needs

MystHuntr MM Pace

CuteFelicity hello serv and eter

bob1741 hello ! everyone !!!

curlywolfmn hi pace

EternumPace>>>) HNIWSH OMEGA

Servant50 hi

Tahara-Star bob your on me

MystHuntr Hey there Bod, how you doing?

CuteFelicity hiya bob

JasminScentedTanefer tahara is hiding, hehe

curlywolfmn hi bob

bob1741 move me please...lol

Servant50 please to meet you

Tahara-Star in between the girls

MystHuntr hey there Servant

curlywolfmn youve been bobbed tahara lol

JasminScentedTanefer hi servant

MystHuntr lol

Servant50 hi kids

Servant50 ok gang

Tahara-Star <<<<cuddle>>>>>

Tahara-Star now curly

curlywolfmn now u been leprecaunned

Tahara-Star lol

Tahara-Star Im cuddling jasmine and cute

curlywolfmn for luck lol

Tahara-Star heh

CuteFelicity snuggle up cosy tara

curlywolfmn cuddle the lucky lepperconn

JasminScentedTanefer lol

curlywolfmn u never know lol

Tahara-Star lol

Tahara-Star girls are softer...lol

JasminScentedTanefer ([................................................intermission........................................<GP>])

curlywolfmn pieces of 8 pieces of 8

CuteFelicity lol tara

CuteFelicity not me - im bony at the moment

MystHuntr does it work like rubbing a Buddah's belly?

curlywolfmn aye the fat budda of plenty with the big ears

MystHuntr lol

CuteFelicity I'm going to make a phone call. See you later folks. Peace

MystHuntr take care Cute

bob1741 bye cute

Servant50 see you

curlywolfmn bye cute (May the rainbow always touch your shoulder.............tAte)

MystHuntr MM Tenchi

CuteFelicity ty myst and curly, bye bob and serv and all

curlywolfmn (Walk in Beauty With Mother Earth, Peace and Light)

tenchi_masaki_ huh

Servant50 see you

bob1741 hi masaki

tenchi_masaki_ hello

MystHuntr MM = Merry Meet, it's a greeting

tenchi_masaki_ oh

tenchi_masaki_ ok

tenchi_masaki_ well MM to you to

MystHuntr thanks

curlywolfmn hi tenchi

JasminScentedTanefer iiwy em hotep tenchi (welcome in peace)

EternumPace>>>) "and if the soil be true, that one thing will be like a soft red rose growing quietly in the ferocious deluge of our galactic center" <tower>

curlywolfmn the soft red rose has a ferocious thorn

MystHuntr a blood red rose no doubt

EternumPace>>>) "who will plow my ripe field, who will plow my high ground" <Innana>

curlywolfmn soft any colour rose

curlywolfmn i will harvest the ripe field and plough the high ground

EternumPace>>>) <the light of heaven - betelgeuse>

curlywolfmn is within

curlywolfmn seek and yee shall find

curlywolfmn knock and the door will open

MystHuntr push the button and you will be takento the floor of your choice, please keep all limbs inside until the car some to a full and complete stop

jorge3111 hola

MystHuntr hola joge

MystHuntr Jorge*

bob1741 hi jorge

jorge3111 hi

curlywolfmn fare well all laters.....hola jorge y hasta luego (Walk in Beauty With Mother Earth, Peace and Light)

EternumPace>>>) Goodnight, Anna, I bite the horses hooves now

jorge3111 Myst and curly

MystHuntr take care Curly

bob1741 bye curly

jorge3111 I am from Spain

EternumPace>>>) for la dansta maria la bouise duvul

MystHuntr I'm in the US

jorge3111 I am catholic and roman

MystHuntr I'm ecclectic

jorge3111 ecclectic?

EternumPace>>>) yada dish anul

tenchi_masaki_ as though cursed, a warrior will feel empty till the moment of combat

MystHuntr it means taht I pick my path from a variety of others

jorge3111 ok

EternumPace>>>) atlas rests on his own eye, but the strain goes love is mine, i give it back to you HNIWSH OMEGA

tenchi_masaki_ so a warrior will wonder endlessly to find that fullfillment that they seek

jorge3111 is any muslim in this chat?

MystHuntr not sure

jorge3111 i dont like muslims

tenchi_masaki_ and they push themselves to extremes that no other could believe

JasminScentedTanefer ([And now, for something completely different..................................<announcer><GP>])

MystHuntr lol

JasminScentedTanefer :)

tenchi_masaki_ they practice to the extremes so they can enjoy what they believe is a sport

MystHuntr (A/S/L ??......A=who gives a shit?, S=as often as possible, L=right here - are you blind??......(Clive))

tenchi_masaki_ a sport that others think barbaric and horrible and think of it not as a sport but murde

tenchi_masaki_ murder*

JasminScentedTanefer lol myst!

EternumPace>>>) "for there is one rose that I found, though it stands in fields ne'ever touched or seen by any man or woman that is a tower built upon the bones of every soul who has ever lived"<tower>

MystHuntr thought I'd try to lighten the mood a bit <g>

JasminScentedTanefer eheheh

JasminScentedTanefer yeah it seems like it needs it

tenchi_masaki_ as they push their potentail to a point in which they are no long human but in a whole new group of its own

EternumPace>>>) <***I like women who run with wolves***<HOWL>

tenchi_masaki_ a plug there mighty souls into battle for the one experience that they cant get no other place they experience of being inbetween life and death, the experience of the feel of being whole, the experience of being Alive

EternumPace>>>) "I will plough your fallow ground, Inanna. I will plough your vulva" <demuzi>

JasminScentedTanefer hiya bel

MystHuntr howdy Bel

bel____ hi Jas, Myst, all

bel____ wassuppp?

JasminScentedTanefer hi zonkie

zonkieone hey

zonkieone what is going on

MystHuntr hey there Zonkie, wb

JasminScentedTanefer not much at the moment

zonkieone what happened to the world religion chat room?

MystHuntr just kicking back and enjoying the day

EternumPace>>>) "the eye has only one desire, to walk upon the ground, the high field, to place a foot upon itself and cascade like thunder through all the spired halls of eternity" <Genesis>

zonkieone its a beatifulday here

tenchi_masaki_ i am the one winged angel!

MystHuntr it needs someone in it before it comes active

bob1741 dreams and the dreamers, forever lost in the land of make believe, freddy's krougers fodder foever....lol

zonkieone ugh

EternumPace>>>) HNIWSH, Tenchi!

zonkieone eternum ....he y there

JasminScentedTanefer i can't believe its hot enough to wear summer clothes still in ga

tenchi_masaki_ now that i know what i am



zonkieone i know...crazy wheather

tenchi_masaki_ i can now full fill my destiny

MystHuntr Jasmin - is that where you are?

Ygraine_ Greetings everyone

JasminScentedTanefer hiya Ygraine

MystHuntr Hey there Ygraine

zonkieone greeetings there

Ygraine_ Good to see you Jasmine

bel____ ..is 14 F here and expexting more sno...

bob1741 hi ygraine

EternumPace>>>) for la dansta maria la bouise duvul, yada dish anul, yas das bastas an a deuche naution, christ is with the dead"<abby road>

tenchi_masaki_ a destiny in which only a few can understand

Ygraine_ Love the av, Myst!

bob1741 hi zonkie

zonkieone wherer is emptymind

bob1741 hi bel

tenchi_masaki_ I was choose for a mission

zonkieone what is your mission

bel____ hey bob

MystHuntr thanks, kinda of how I'd picture the rebirth of Excalibur

tenchi_masaki_ a mission that was made clear to me the day i was born

zonkieone and what is that

zonkieone who remembers the day theywere born:?

tenchi_masaki_ i was choose to full fill this mission

zonkieone what missiion

zonkieone tenchi...what mission

tenchi_masaki_ a mission that normal humans coulnt possisble fatham

EternumPace>>>) hello, zonkie

Ygraine_ my question too, zonkie

zonkieone and you are not normal tenchi

Ygraine_ oooh..one of those kind of missions

EternumPace>>>) the moment of merlin

zonkieone hello y,,,,, and etenrnum

bel____ the mission of.. improving your spelling?

EternumPace>>>) tyger, tyger burning bright, in the forest of the night <blake>

zonkieone sorrry..didnt realize this was spelling class

Ygraine_ super humans don't need to worry about spelling bel (grin)

tenchi_masaki_ i now have the power to do as i was born to do

zonkieone eternum that sounds like somthing from the movie legend

JasminScentedTanefer heh

bel____ um.. actually..

Ygraine_ that's for us poor mortals to concern ourselves with

zonkieone what were you born to do tenchi

tenchi_masaki_ a power so great

MystHuntr speeling?

bob1741 invest in loonie bins, the future see's a shortage of avalible space

zonkieone realy...what power so great

zonkieone bob..lol

tenchi_masaki_ that the cosmos look at me as an equal

Ygraine_ naw..it's all home treatment teams now bob

MystHuntr lol

zonkieone and what power is the cosmos that you think you are as great as it

tenchi_masaki_ the time an the horizan

EternumPace>>>) "something's odd...i feel like I'm God...you stupid...dumbshit...goddamn...muthafu**ers"<the offspring>

zonkieone lol...love it

zonkieone tenchi..how many hits did you take?

MystHuntr yeah, for 19.95 you too can own a padded room in your basement, complete with your choice of colors in wrap-around-hug-me-jackets

bel____ to be a true warrior is to be already dead.. are you dead, tenchi?

zonkieone make mine silver blue padding please

MystHuntr hey there Cruel

tenchi_masaki_ a true warrior is only dead till the moment of a fight

Ygraine_ Myst..complete with your own set of supporting multi disciplinary teams

zonkieone then after the fight you are born"?

zonkieone sounds good y

MystHuntr yeppers, electro-shocks teams by Duracell on-call lol

zonkieone LOLLLLL

tenchi_masaki_ i hear it

zonkieone hear what

Ygraine_ nah..you have to be in a hospital with resucc faclities for that, Myst in case the anaesthetic goes wrong or they turn the voltage up too high by mistake

EternumPace>>>) "for the blood lives inside the word without land, imagination"

zonkieone the great beyond

EternumPace>>>) <tower>

zonkieone are you a cd tonight eterunm

tenchi_masaki_ my destiny calls for me and so does the cosmos welcoming me as its brother

zonkieone bye then tenchi...say hello to the cosmos for me

zonkieone it knows me well

zonkieone ]i am at one with the cosmos

MystHuntr Ygraine - so what do they do in case of too much voltage, tie your toes to a rack of lightbulbs?

Ygraine_ I'm so pleased for you zonkie...what's your secret??

zonkieone i cant tell..it wouldnt be a secret

EternumPace>>>) HNIWSH