Gwynhyvar I`m more of a fan of the Henry`s and Much Ado

zonkieone lol ice

zonkieone that is funnny stuff

Icewabbit hehe, it has worked for me since I was 16

zonkieone about nothing

Icewabbit hello pace

zonkieone O henry?

Gwynhyvar aye........."Sigh no more ladies, sigh no more...........Men, were deceivers ever......one foot in sea, and one on shore.....To one thing constant never..."

Gwynhyvar ;-)

albertjaquaya there is a time and a season for all who seek

zonkieone good ....i seek

albertjaquaya amen

zonkieone shall i find"

Icewabbit there is also a time and season for those that do not

Icewabbit ergo

Icewabbit there is a time and season for everyone

zonkieone a time and a season for everything yes?

Icewabbit yes

albertjaquaya all is vanity under the sun

zonkieone oh my gosh

Icewabbit Vanity Vanity!

Gwynhyvar on that note.....I`ll brb.....IMs are on if anyone needs me

Icewabbit I am so vain, I think this is all aobut me

Icewabbit have fun with ole shaky var

zonkieone lets do tennesse williams..i am amored with him

zonkieone and his work

albertjaquaya song i like that song

Icewabbit well, I never read any of his

Icewabbit hehe, it was a free interpretation

zonkieone no...no lo tennessee

zonkieone okay...no tennessee

zonkieone earnest"?

Gwynhyvar Hold the phone...........BRB

Icewabbit all those ancient english writers are more read by people that have english as their first language

zonkieone hemingvey..dahlink......heminvey

Icewabbit Read any Erasmus, perchance?

Ygraine_ I used to love Tennesse Williams...all that smouldering passion

Icewabbit sounds cute

ETERNUMPACE>>>) HNIWSH. If anyone would like to leave the wanton wiles of VP for slow burn amusement in the cottage industry of all things primitive, check out www.oocities.org/sunriseinny3/Chatting.html

zonkieone oh to be in the south in the dead of summer

ETERNUMPACE>>>) a living artifact of the menzo menoan post caloric age *grin

Icewabbit pace, if you just got here to advertise you might as well hop on I guess

Icewabbit oh, sorry, that was quite rude.

zonkieone john lennon..john lennon.. my heart mourns for him

Icewabbit does it?

zonkieone it does

Icewabbit all the time?

zonkieone just about

Icewabbit gosh

zonkieone yeah

Icewabbit great fan are you

Icewabbit ?

ETERNUMPACE>>>) men that bleed like women and their stories about the energy, news at 11

albertjaquaya lennon mourns for us

zonkieone for lo these many years now

albertjaquaya hes there we are here

Icewabbit 21? right?

zonkieone and we are here and he is there

zonkieone 21?

Icewabbit what's to mourn if you believe in a happy afterlife?

Icewabbit well, how many years?

albertjaquaya since he left

zonkieone since he was murdered

zonkieone almost 15 i would say

zonkieone no"?

albertjaquaya yep mark chapman


Icewabbit when was it? I think it was early eighties

zonkieone yes.. that ............

zonkieone yes

zonkieone i will never forget

zonkieone never

Icewabbit someone do a quick browse, I think it was 1980 or 1981 or something but ?

zonkieone 82

Icewabbit there you go, 19 years

zonkieone lonely

Icewabbit lonely what?

zonkieone me

Icewabbit you lived with him?

zonkieone no]

zonkieone i wish

Icewabbit oh, you're lonely for another reason then?

zonkieone yes

Icewabbit anything to do with lennons death?

zonkieone no...it just reminds me

zonkieone of my lonliness

Icewabbit so do you mourn lennons death, or do you mourn your own loneliness?

zonkieone both

Icewabbit which more?

zonkieone hard to tell

Icewabbit I hope it's your own loneliness to be honest

zonkieone it is

albertjaquaya lennons music and words touched you zonk

Icewabbit good, then there is something to solve

zonkieone yes....always

Icewabbit that's the spirit then

zonkieone yes

zonkieone having people to talk with helps

albertjaquaya he lives on here in this world through you

zonkieone yes..yes he does

albertjaquaya okay

albertjaquaya understand

zonkieone good

Icewabbit one, why are you so lonely?

zonkieone seperated

ETERNUMPACE>>>) "kiss us with your solar tongue, of memory and night, kill hell and heaven on the lips with your f**** heart of sight,,rmember the future, in waves of ecstasy, all your words will come to nothin..."

Icewabbit painfully, I gather?

ETERNUMPACE>>>) "but the sound of f***in free" <solarchant>

zonkieone a bit

Icewabbit pace, what's your purpose in life?

zonkieone good question ice


zonkieone life to do what with

Icewabbit show it then pace

ETERNUMPACE>>>) bless you

Icewabbit thank you

zonkieone who sneezed

Icewabbit I am allergic to a lot of stuff, no prob

zonkieone ahhh...okay

Icewabbit pace, anything else you like to share now that you're at it?

albertjaquaya all life is about "awareness, and if you are cognit, and seek god, you will find he who calls you"

zonkieone share...please do

Icewabbit quaya, says who?

zonkieone God is always calling me

zonkieone i hear and understand

Icewabbit isn't that a bit hard on all those people that seek and do NOT find?

albertjaquaya its fundamental

Icewabbit so?

albertjaquaya simple

zonkieone it must be devastingly so

Icewabbit explain, if it's simple

Icewabbit isn't it similar to saying, look, if you're still searching, you're a dipshit for not finding what is obviously there? that doesn't seem fair.

ETERNUMPACE>>>) I can't be your guide - Jim Morrison

zonkieone the doors of perception eh

Icewabbit oops, excuse lingo

albertjaquaya a child of god is called a child called must see he who calls, then that child will understand

zonkieone i understand

Icewabbit quaya, just suppose I do not understand

albertjaquaya then decission time

Icewabbit what does that make me?

zonkieone lests s

zonkieone uppose

ETERNUMPACE>>>) "childe roland to the dark tower came" www.oocities.org/sunriseinny/DarkTowerIn4.html

Icewabbit hush pace, either say something that attributes to the convo or put a sock in it will you?

albertjaquaya ask god ice

zonkieone have to run... got a class on the internet.....

Icewabbit quaya, suppose that's what I have been doing all the time?

albertjaquaya be well zonk


Icewabbit hehe, what do you call this then one?

Ygraine_ have fun, zonkie

zonkieone class discussion starts in about an hour

Icewabbit take care one

zonkieone i will... thank you all

Icewabbit an hour? and not a way to go... hehehe

zonkieone byee

12yp34 hi all

ETERNUMPACE>>>) there is a lot of love in this room

zonkieone all

Icewabbit and the annoyance comes all from me, pace, I own up for that =)

ETERNUMPACE>>>) as you wish, so be it



Icewabbit hehe, who said anything about wishing?

ETERNUMPACE>>>) for la dansta maria. right, albert sir?

Icewabbit hi bel

bel____ Hi ice

bel____ hi al

Icewabbit heibel is a dutch word for trouble, it sounds just the same as hi bel haha

albertjaquaya "for ladansta Maria la bouise duvul yada dish inul yas das bastas an a deuch naution"

albertjaquaya yep

albertjaquaya hi bel


bel____ .... and I am.. trouble...

Icewabbit are you? how delightful! a gadfly on the horse of society?

albertjaquaya not my job bel

bel____ well, only some of the time..

albertjaquaya interesting

Icewabbit you could get sentenced to death for that, in some societies

bel____ oh gawd, al, yer not reciting that again, are you....

ETERNUMPACE>>>) there is much passion here, no?

Icewabbit hehe, you're secret is safe with me, I say yay for society's gadflies

ETERNUMPACE>>>) making zee cosmos dance with delight, no?

Icewabbit pace, what do you want anyone to say?

ETERNUMPACE>>>) all your words are music to my ears, HNIWSH

Icewabbit what's the Caps thing stand for?

albertjaquaya importance

bel____ ok, what does HNIWSH mean.. I keep seeing it today..

ETERNUMPACE>>>) "all things greeting one another"

Icewabbit oh, it's one of those things people are being pompously secretive about, no?

bel____ that would be.. ATGOA.....

Icewabbit lol bel

Icewabbit I take a silence as a confirmation, btw

Icewabbit (by the way, see? I am not secretive)

ETERNUMPACE>>>) for more, goto www.oocities.org/sunriseinny3/DarkTowerVol2.html

Icewabbit no, if it's simple, you can tell me here, if it's not and you can't explain it yourself, you should not use it

Icewabbit it's silly to proclaim things you do not understand. Anything you can't explain you do not understand.

albertjaquaya lol

Icewabbit thank you socrates

albertjaquaya why did jesus speak in parables?

Icewabbit because people understood them better

ETERNUMPACE>>>) many people spend their whole lifes explicating. I am one such person. most are I imagine

albertjaquaya same today many are driven by their lives

Icewabbit well you haven't shown a lot of it so far, pace, you either want me to take your word for it, or you are going to prove it

ETERNUMPACE>>>) "sweet mystery, dear charity, the child lust had made" <tower>

Icewabbit ah, quote on quote on , by all means, but as yet, I haven't heard the answer to my question eons ago, so I take it that it's indeed about pompous secretiveness.

albertjaquaya the spiritual is forign to them as of old same today only a few understand

Icewabbit until proven wrong

ETERNUMPACE>>>) everything I know I learned by listening to others

Icewabbit ah, so it is some elite stuff then quaya?

Icewabbit pace, what else is new?

ETERNUMPACE>>>) may I humbly defer you to the human race, its royal robes drenched with the blood of God

albertjaquaya elite only to a person who dosnt seek truly

HNHarmon is this room on the subject of mystery religion?

albertjaquaya to them is bullshit

Icewabbit quaya, are you telling me I seek not truly because someone else doesn't want to talk clear? that's kind of harsh

albertjaquaya so be it, maybe they are not the children

ETERNUMPACE>>>) "there are only kings and queens in freedom, so toss away that crown, sexy solar freedom..."<solarchant>

Icewabbit man. bel, are you still here?

bel____ ya.. i'm here..

Icewabbit and, what do you think of it?

bel____ i' not gonna indulge pace.. He has his enigma, I shal let him keep it..

HNHarmon itsnt it natural for those involved in mystery religions to only speak of them in riddles anyway?

bel____ cant be too important, anyway..

Ygraine_ What is your understanding of a mystery religion, HN?

Icewabbit you're a wiser person than I am then, bel. I will learn my lesson tonight from you instead

albertjaquaya you must realize there are many levels of understanding

Icewabbit define!

albertjaquaya most are still climbing the ladder of truth

Icewabbit and you quaya?

HNHarmon uhm, like freemasons, and zionists, neo-babylonian stuff?

MystHuntr MM and greetings all

albertjaquaya close to the top rung

albertjaquaya amen

Icewabbit babylonian incomprehenisbility is quite prominent in this room at present, harmon

Ygraine_ wb Myst

Icewabbit says who, quaya?

bel____ hi myst

Icewabbit hi huntr

albertjaquaya lol they do

MystHuntr thanks Ygraine

MystHuntr hi Bel

Ygraine_ I wouldn't have called freemasonry a religion

albertjaquaya wb myst

MystHuntr hi there Ice, been a while

HNHarmon ok-dokey just trying to get up to snuff on the convo

MystHuntr thanks Albert

Icewabbit yes, it has huntr

Icewabbit anything goes, harmon, anything goes...

Icewabbit (Feierabend)

bel____ I do like that AV, myst.. did you paint it?

HNHarmon I deseardhed it for a religion class at Columbia, during myu semester there, I say if it looks like a religion and smells like a religion its a religion.

Icewabbit what's a religion smell like?

bel____ cuz I want to try a similar one..

MystHuntr Bel - no, I don't paint avs. But I'll send you a copy if you'd like

ETERNUMPACE>>>) mayhaps there is a social hegemony, here. people speak in many different modes, prayer, vulgar, heroic, gutteral, mythopoeic

Icewabbit are we fit to judge?

HNHarmon that one smelled bad, I had to pry any info I wanted to learn from secondary sources, nor could I even join.

Icewabbit did you wish to?

bel____ no, thanks anyway.. I want to see what I can come up with..

ETERNUMPACE>>>) "i'm livin on life, my life is a prayer to the only one who is ever there, baby",<solarchant>

MystHuntr ok

HNHarmon I would have at the moment

Icewabbit wb var, got on?

MystHuntr wb Gwyn

Gwynhyvar ty ty

HNHarmon I just didnt like the idea of everything being a secret, it seems like there was something to hide.

bel____ its a tease..

bel____ a lure..

Icewabbit I hate it when people speak in riddles and don't want to explain themselves either, harmon

albertjaquaya an opion for you all seeking, "unless you are touched, by a being not of this physical plain you will allways have doubt

ETERNUMPACE>>>) cocealment and revelation plays a major role in Greek drama

albertjaquaya thats very fundamental

ETERNUMPACE>>>) kinof like Three's Company

Icewabbit they that do not doubt are doomed to eternal immobility

MystHuntr that was a good show

Icewabbit my life is not a greek drama, pace

albertjaquaya they who doubt allways will seek

Icewabbit always seeking is the only way

ETERNUMPACE>>>) perhaps not, but the Greeks understand that we hide from ourselves at every conceivable turn

Icewabbit understood

albertjaquaya in your world yes ice

Icewabbit and it was all metaphor of course, in that time and place

Icewabbit you live in a different world quaya

ETERNUMPACE>>>) metaphor and religion in that time and place

albertjaquaya ah no

Icewabbit then, why is my world not your world?

albertjaquaya differnt understanding yes

ETERNUMPACE>>>) "doing his own thing in his own time" <EASY RIDER>

Icewabbit I know nothing quaya

albertjaquaya you seek thats good

Icewabbit ah, yes, but it's essential that I realise I know nothing

albertjaquaya lol

albertjaquaya okay

Icewabbit it was not a joke

ETERNUMPACE>>>) how does one know nothing? that is not a rhetorical question, as fond as everyone here is of rhetoric

albertjaquaya lol to me is "lots of love"

Icewabbit voila, the importance of having clear definitions and clear understanding of what one is saying, quaya

Icewabbit voila is "see here" in french

albertjaquaya lol k

Icewabbit you agree?

ETERNUMPACE>>>) perhaps a la french existentialism, nothing is "not-me"

albertjaquaya clear is impposibe for a child not called so we try for those called

Icewabbit pace, I know that everything I know is totally nothing compared to what there is to know

ETERNUMPACE>>>) i like that

albertjaquaya simple

MystHuntr afternoon Ross

Icewabbit and I am not that fond of retoric, you should have realised that by now

rossthread1 hi


Icewabbit quaya, are you telling me you and I can not communicate because I am not one of those children you refer to?

albertjaquaya no

ETERNUMPACE>>>) I care little for peoples likes and dislikes unless they are a loved one

Icewabbit then, what do you mean?

Icewabbit loved by whom, pace?

albertjaquaya you still seek i do not

Icewabbit how are you so sure you have reached what you are looking for?

bel____ ....you sure about that al?

albertjaquaya i try and help as asked

ETERNUMPACE>>>) "i am not fond of rhetoric" Icewabbit. mm the irony

albertjaquaya yes bel

Icewabbit pace, I wasn't being ironic at all, as you might have realised

albertjaquaya because iam here

ETERNUMPACE>>>) i do enjoy this place, sincerely

Icewabbit who asked for help?

albertjaquaya lol

Icewabbit there is so much presumption and assumption everywhere!!!

Gwynhyvar ack@Taming of the Shrew

albertjaquaya god knows his own allways has allways will

Icewabbit the mouselike type, var?

ETERNUMPACE>>>) we see what is inside us

Icewabbit quaya, I can't but agree with that

albertjaquaya its simple

albertjaquaya ty

Gwynhyvar I just printed out a 150 page script

Gwynhyvar I don`t think my printer likes me right now

Icewabbit ah, but isn't the simplicity ostensible?

ETERNUMPACE>>>) script about?

MystHuntr lol

Icewabbit lol var, one sided or double sided?

MystHuntr Taming The Shrew

Gwynhyvar one sided

Icewabbit poor trees!

Gwynhyvar indeed

Icewabbit hehe

ETERNUMPACE>>>) Does anyone think Shakespeare as a product of his time and place?

Icewabbit oh, I do

albertjaquaya ill leave now, all be well you all have "good hearts" i sense this we will talk again, i promise

Gwynhyvar call it a druidic sacrifice to literature and my english grades


Icewabbit take care quaya, it's been gay as ever

bel____ L8R, al

Gwynhyvar A bientot Albert :-)

MystHuntr no, I think of Shakespeare as a scholar and and author, to be honest I think very little about his time

MystHuntr take care Albert

Icewabbit interesting times though

MystHuntr they were interesting, I just don't think of them much

ETERNUMPACE>>>) psychopathology is a vastly underrated means of psychological criticism, afterall, it may be the only way to get to know Shakespear, that's a sortof irony don't you think?

Gwynhyvar personally, I do performance theatre.......to me Shakespeare alone is an art form......something to aspire to in its universal state

Icewabbit I don't think shakespear had any psychopathological condition

Ygraine_ His father did not leave the house for 15 years for fear of being imprisoned by Robert Leicester's men

Ygraine_ that's why he had to do all the glove selling in the market

ETERNUMPACE>>>) ironic because Shakespear is the father of psychology, or the midwife if you credit the Greeks as I do

Icewabbit pace, I totally miss how you can possibly name Shakespear the father of psychology

Gwynhyvar *huming a requiem for my printer as it sputters its last livelihood on sparknotes*

ETERNUMPACE>>>) Shakespeare defined the "individual" . we take it for granted

ETERNUMPACE>>>) Take Hamlet for instance

Icewabbit pace, shakespear did not define "individual" for the first time

MystHuntr Gwyn - think it might survive if given a rest?

bel____ Shakespeare was a playright.. thats all.. He has beel elevated beyond that by those who sought to proffit from his work,

Icewabbit frankly, shakespear did practically zilch for psychology, although he did a lot in general

ETERNUMPACE>>>) I see your point, Icewabbit, there is the public individual and the private

Icewabbit pace, you can trust my word on it when it comes to the history of psychology

bel____ and from the blurring of intents that all go thre with age

Gwynhyvar nahh....not mine anyway.......LOL Mommy bought me a new one for christmas *all cute and 6 yr oldish*

MystHuntr lol

ETERNUMPACE>>>) Icewabbit, most philologists would beg to differ, but I digress

Gwynhyvar Shakespeare made the boldest attempt to define human nature in his time, in the most dramatic way possible

Icewabbit the majority of the philologist agree with the philosophists and the psychologists that Shakespear was not of overriding important on whatever psychological subject

ETERNUMPACE>>>) i would countermind my own arguement by saying time invented the individual, which is equally nebulous but satisfying

bel____ Shakespeares work has been subject to interpretation, as with any work , which is around long enough to see different social standards in effect.

Gwynhyvar *point for bel*

Icewabbit the individual was of course not inventend

ETERNUMPACE>>>) that is a perfectly valid claim, Icewabbit

Icewabbit how?

Gwynhyvar I would prefer to appreciate the man and his work, rather than scrutinize and analyze him for every cent he`s worth........I AM an artist, remember? ;-)

ETERNUMPACE>>>) i'm not sure, to be honest

MystHuntr Gwyn - I agree

Gwynhyvar ty

Icewabbit hehe var, I agree, Shakespear was an artist

Gwynhyvar obviously

ETERNUMPACE>>>) the great ones, like Milton and Shakespeare, Cervantes, Whitman, seem to have a noplace noperson from which they write, the ambiguity for me is Kerouac, whom I love dearly

ETERNUMPACE>>>) where would rock n roll be without Jack the Kerouac

Gwynhyvar mmmm Miguel de Cervantes

Gwynhyvar < big Don Quixote fan>

bel____ I dig Voltaire..

Gwynhyvar Moliere

Icewabbit well, it's been a pleasure having this conversations with you people, I have to leave now. Take care everyone

MystHuntr Take care Ice

bel____ see ya Ice

Icewabbit au revoir

Gwynhyvar I also like the irish writers as well.......Wilde, Yeats, Joyce

Gwynhyvar A plus tard Ice, :-)..been a pleasure

ETERNUMPACE>>>) the artist, as with the invidual/citizen "donates" them selves to a public sociarchitecture, this act of vison, mirroring the pysche, is rewarded greatly


MystHuntr I don't think Einstien felt he was rewarded when they used his work to build the bomb

ETERNUMPACE>>>) this is why I can purport that time invented the invidual, because our time invents us I believe

bel____ If it's REEEWARD yer after, ya aint no artist....

ETERNUMPACE>>>) mercy, pity , peace, love <blake> that is our reward

ETERNUMPACE>>>) i take your point, MystHuntr

ETERNUMPACE>>>) perhaps spirituality , like science is faith objectivity, whatever that is

ETERNUMPACE>>>) i woud have an easier time proving the existence for God than the existence of objectivity, and yet I use it every day to be a "person"

ETERNUMPACE>>>) i think our ancestors called objectivity, storytime :-)

MystHuntr different circumstances call for different tools

SunRaven2 Greetings & MM Y'all

MystHuntr Hey there Sun

bel____ hi sun

Gwynhyvar Hugs Sunny

SunRaven2 Hey Myst

SunRaven2 hi bel

SunRaven2 hugs Gwyn

SunRaven2 beautiful moon out tonight!!!!

ETERNUMPACE>>>) that reminds me, einsteind once said, "if you want your children to be brilliant, tell them fairytales. if you want them to be really brillian, tell them even more fairytales"

MystHuntr yeah, blue moon tomorrow

Gwynhyvar eekk.....methinks printer`s on it`s last legs......2nd time changing ink colour

MLady_angel greetings all

SunRaven2 mmmm thats right!!!

MystHuntr MM MLady

SunRaven2 hi Mlady

MLady_angel hi myst

MLady_angel hi sun


MLady_angel how is evryone?

SunRaven2 great!!

MLady_angel *S*

Gwynhyvar still grumbling

ETERNUMPACE>>>) the Irish believe (or some used to) that fairies were angels Lucifer dragged with him out of heaven when he "fell"

MLady_angel hi gwyn

Gwynhyvar pfft

Gwynhyvar Allo Lady :-)

MystHuntr so far so good, nobody had gound the bodies yet, that's always a plus

MLady_angel :)

SunRaven2 yeah but mine are beginning to have a smell - lol

ETERNUMPACE>>>) "a true friend will help you hide a body"

MystHuntr lyme works wonders

bel____ 'makes note of "lyme".....

JWhiddon7 hi how are all?

SunRaven2 oh with a 'y' darn i knew i forgot something

SunRaven2 used a lot of green limes

bel____ lol

MLady_angel just stopped in to say hey , blessings to all

MystHuntr take care MLady

Gwynhyvar uh oh

SunRaven2 hugs angel!!!!

Gwynhyvar are printers supposed to make thumping noises?

Gwynhyvar Hiya sis!!! <hugs>

angelheart31_ hugs sis

angelheart31_ brb kids

MystHuntr what kind of printer?

bel____ only when you throw them out the window..

Gwynhyvar mea culpa

SunRaven2 some do Gwyn - but not usually the ones associated with pc's

ETERNUMPACE>>>) I read somwhere that the radiation from computer montors induces anger

Gwynhyvar well......I just printed out 196 pages....LOL

SunRaven2 oh

MystHuntr you might get a thumping sound if the pickup wheel is worn on some printers

angelheart31_ back

angelheart31_ hiya gwyn

SunRaven2 wb dear

MystHuntr MM and WB Angel

angelheart31_ thanku

Gwynhyvar hiya sis

angelheart31_ hiya mys

bel____ I doubt it's the radiation.....

SunRaven2 hi stylequeen how are you??

MystHuntr hey there Style

_Stylequeen_ hello myst

_Stylequeen_ =]

_Stylequeen_ hello everyone

ETERNUMPACE>>>) do computer monitors produce more negative ions or positive ions?

bel____ neg..

ETERNUMPACE>>>) Hello, Stylequeen

_Stylequeen_ hello eternum

_Stylequeen_ =]

angelheart31_ going to check out the shop bbl

bel____ ...ions are highly overrated...

SunRaven2 Style>>>>

_Stylequeen_ yes sunraven,,?

_Stylequeen_ hello

bel____ I think stress associated with monitor use, would be more likeley atributable.. to the Microsoft Corporation.

bel____ but that's just my opinion...

SunRaven2 ok you moved ty

_Stylequeen_ np

_Stylequeen_ (geez)

ETERNUMPACE>>>) negative ions have been known to be feel good ions, for instance, a coastal shoreline is rich in neg ions

ETERNUMPACE>>>) must a social microcosm contain all the elements conducive to war, and if so, what be such elements?

MystHuntr competition

ETERNUMPACE>>>) sounds reasonable, what else

bel____ Difference of ideas, ideals,...

bel____ beliefs..

bel____ goals..

MystHuntr profit

Gwynhyvar Goodnight everyone......I must be off

SunRaven2 the fact that ppl think those who dont think like them are wrong and should be eradicated

MystHuntr take care Gwyn

SunRaven2 night Gwyn

ETERNUMPACE>>>) is pathology fair game, if I state pathology to mean, nature's logic

ETERNUMPACE>>>) goodnight, Gwyn

Gwynhyvar On behalf of myself, the 4" of ice glued to my car and my pot of coffee..........keep your stick on the ice (Wave)

SunRaven2 lol

ETERNUMPACE>>>) afterall, words have such power in VP it would seem

Gwynhyvar (Merry meet and merry part and one day soon, merry meet again!!!....{{-:<>:-}})

MystHuntr lol

ETERNUMPACE>>>) and if poetry is any indication, nature is syntactic in its pathology ie, linguistic

SunRaven2 hello b_dub

MystHuntr Pace - but words are also the only way for us to communicate, it's not like we can use tones of facials expressions

b_dub1 hello

MystHuntr hey there b_dub

b_dub1 sunRaven2

ETERNUMPACE>>>) that is a great point, Myst.

bel____ "war is a word used to describe a condition of extremes,

b_dub1 why is the topic so hard

bel____ nature exists at these extremes..

ETERNUMPACE>>>) but again, is this not proof, this place, that reality is linguistic?

bel____ we emulate nature, with war..

ETERNUMPACE>>>) i like that, bel. and I concur. i agree as well

b_dub1 do anyone no what nature is

MystHuntr hey there Hugs

SunRaven2 hey Hugs

hugsforyou_ hi myst

hugsforyou_ hello everyone

ETERNUMPACE>>>) Jim Morrison writes, "we are searching for death on the end of candle. we are trying for something that's already found us - last words"

ETERNUMPACE>>>) requiescat pace, Jim

ETERNUMPACE>>>) do share, dub, what nature is...

MystHuntr Jim Morrison was also in love with death, why else would someone look for something at the end of the light

MystHuntr wb Creul

ETERNUMPACE>>>) or where the light begins, MystHuntr

MystHuntr Cruel*

bel____ k, my baby is home, and I must make a phone call... for pizza.. so I will see youz' all later..

b_dub1 nature is all living things

ETERNUMPACE>>>) the alpha and the omega

MystHuntr take care Bel

SunRaven2 night bel

SunRaven2 hey cruel

ETERNUMPACE>>>) what about objects, dub?

hugsforyou_ eter..that's a beautiful av you have

b_dub1 objects are living to becuase they are made of matter and matter is living

ETERNUMPACE>>>) "dare gaze upon so so far away that dead the light that lifes the way" <tower>

ETERNUMPACE>>>) thank you, hugsforyou

hugsforyou_ is all matter truly living?

ETERNUMPACE>>>) what a wonderful thing to say, dub. I agree

b_dub1 just because it does not require a soul does not mean it is not living

ETERNUMPACE>>>) its the menzo menan postcaloric age, with men that bleed like woman, all telling the story of energy

ETERNUMPACE>>>) "watching hieroglyphs of flesh, forming in the tortured moan of time" <tower>


ETERNUMPACE>>>) the Age of Romance

hugsforyou_ isn't all matter energy? a force? doesn't really mater how it operates, it just exists?

ETERNUMPACE>>>) force , mayhaps is one perception of the motion of energy, perhaps information itself

ETERNUMPACE>>>) we do tend to describe our emotional and intellectual buffets as "pushing" "leading" "pulling"

ETERNUMPACE>>>) all lines of force, fields

b_dub1 anything that is moving energy in motion

ETERNUMPACE>>>) "there is one rose that I have found that stands in fields ne'er touched or seen by any man or woman that is a tower built upon the bones of every soul who has ever lived"<tower>

b_dub1 u cant have one with out the other

hugsforyou_ i would like to contribute more this evening, but i'm scattered in thoughts

ETERNUMPACE>>>) "in the nuclear afterglow of our historical passion, our unconscious memories begin to stir" <conscious culture>

ETERNUMPACE>>>) Martin Scorcese has written that he believes that film reminds us the language of the unconscious, involves us in some hidden dialogue with energy"

ETERNUMPACE>>>) the roots of dram in Greece, similar to modern film, were myth and religion/science

b_dub1 thats alright because u can learn from listening

ETERNUMPACE>>>) yes. i agree, dub

coal_ ok I saw some of this crap you two have been typing...what is she suppose to learn from that? lol

ETERNUMPACE>>>) welcom to VP

coal_ it's like two completely different conversations going on

ETERNUMPACE>>>) where people say what they feel and almost always know what they say

hugsforyou_ life is full of surprises...such as this conversation this evening..lol

coal_ lol I guess...how ya been hugs?

hugsforyou_ struggling with the thought of knowing i'm exactly where i should be at the moment, i mean in my life

ETERNUMPACE>>>) I'm just wondering how long it will be until people come in here just to sell people stuff.

coal_ that's a bad thing?

coal_ what ya wanna buy?

coal_ I probably got it

coal_ it could be a real time ebay!!

coal_ here we have a slightly used pair of socks...what will ya start the bidding at

MystHuntr are they a bio-hazard?

ETERNUMPACE>>>) speaking of socks, i think the first condom was some kind of animal hide

coal_ of course...I wore them

coal_ umm ok etern

coal_ it wasn't too long ago they were made from lamb intestins

ETERNUMPACE>>>) thats called a non sequitur

coal_ don't make me look shit up

ETERNUMPACE>>>) yes. that's it. lamb intenstines. ty, coal. that is what i wanted to say

coal_ lambskin was the brand I think


hugsforyou_ enjoy your evening everyone, and always remember to take the scenic route :)

coal_ always

ETERNUMPACE>>>) does anyone here watch that tv show, Enterprise?

coal_ is that a star trek take off?

ETERNUMPACE>>>) yes it is

coal_ nope I don't

coal_ never got into that whole star trek thing

ETERNUMPACE>>>) why not do you think?

coal_ there are just somethings in life that don't interest me...and fictional space travel happens to be one

ETERNUMPACE>>>) do you like pokemon?

coal_ umm no

coal_ do you?

ETERNUMPACE>>>) I have quite enjoyed the pokemon adventure films

coal_ good for you

ETERNUMPACE>>>) very psychedelic

MystHuntr the only time I see a tv is when I run to the laundymat

ETERNUMPACE>>>) I ger one channel, which is quite enough for me

coal_ I have about 200 and still nothing is ever on

coal_ discovery is pretty good tho

ETERNUMPACE>>>) interestingly enough, i think tv places oe in a hypnogotic state, which perhaps makes one less receptive to information, aesthetic or otherwise, at least in the conscious sense

coal_ lol and what does vp do for ya?

ETERNUMPACE>>>) you mean, waht state of consciousness does it do for me?

coal_ sure ok

ETERNUMPACE>>>) perhaps because there is less movement, less moving images, it is different to be sure. I cant as of now say how it is different

coal_ I suppose it's a bit more interactive than watching tv

ETERNUMPACE>>>) certainly there is a higher rate of responsiveness in terms of terms (words)(thoughts)

ETERNUMPACE>>>) but then i would be biased against the public body, the cultural nexus that is the transcendental subconscious, the lizard king in us all

coal_ why?

ETERNUMPACE>>>) how we manage to be individuals is absolutely magical to me. why? I believe the limbic brain is prelinguistic as we are aware of linguistics logical linear thought, although language can be diachronic

ETERNUMPACE>>>) it is virtually impossible for me to be clear about this, or a challenge to be sure.

coal_ do you have one of those calendars with the words of the day?

coal_ and you are using all of one months words in one sentence

ETERNUMPACE>>>) words are like nails I hammer into my own coffin of a body, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Fairy Mab

coal_ oh christ

ETERNUMPACE>>>) exactly, Mab is a fairy christ

coal_ I knew that...lol

ETERNUMPACE>>>) spencer I believe wrote the "fairy queen" and shakespeared and milton both utilize the term Mab or Fairy Mab

ETERNUMPACE>>>) "my death I know, my life I write upon it"<the dark tower>