SS100888 he he vel
Gwynhyvar nah.....just takes a eureka moment
Ygraine_ I'm useless at riddles
velvt. SS, i don't mind snow, but i sure wish it would have come in 3 or 4 inch bursts, not all at once
Gwynhyvar you know exactly what it is, you just can`t it off the tip of your tongue
0_sugar_0 hehe, a GE lightbulb bad Im only working with a 40 watt
SS100888 no doubt vel
Gwynhyvar LOL
SS100888 btw please call me Sandy that is my name
SS100888 SS sounds so.......
Gwynhyvar brb
SS100888 official lol
velvt. yeah, i know, but i go mindless and just type what's in front of me ... sorry
0_sugar_0 hehe,keep reminding me sandy, I will eventually remember, think it only took me a month of daily reminders from sean before I was able to remember to call him that
SS100888 he he
SS100888 lol
SS100888 I haven't had time to check in with you all
SS100888 but imagine you have all had fun lol
velvt. has bettypagelover been in today?
SS100888 no idea vel
SS100888 just got here myself
0_sugar_0 dont know velvt, just got here myself right before you did
velvt. ty
SS100888 yw
SS100888 most welcome
SS100888 hey num............
velvt. i am really out of it LOL... sitting here feeling like my brain has gone numb, the way a foot does
velvt. ygraine, what did you want our comments on before?
Ygraine_ ok, can I ask my question now?
velvt. :)
SS100888 Can I have some of those drugs lol
0_sugar_0 hehe, have to do like I do when my foot goes to sleep....just bang your head on the floor real hard till you feel pins and
albertjaquaya ask yg
0_sugar_0 go for it Ygraine
SS100888 <<<<<<<-------- getting al the step ladder for a pulpit lol
Ygraine_ I had a lady come to see me today, she had a year of misdiagnose breast cancer and now she has convinced herself that she will die shortly
0_sugar_0 whoa, heavy duty stuff Ygraine
SS100888 mammographer y?
Ygraine_ She asked me if I thought she could get justice...and I didn't know how to answer her
SS100888 you told her the truth
Ygraine_ so I'm asking you the there justice?
albertjaquaya maybe she wants to sue?
Ygraine_ No Sandy, I help people who have complaints against the health service
SS100888 yep its called Shapiro Shapiro, and Shapiro lol
0_sugar_0 I dont know that she can insist on justice in her way or the way she wants it to happen, it rarely happens that way, but justice seems to happen, in its own time
SS100888 oh wow, y that is tuff
Gwynhyvar back
0_sugar_0 wb
SS100888 tell her to get a good lawyer if she wishes to pursue it
Ygraine_ I only get heavy duty stuff (smile)
Gwynhyvar ty :-)
velvt. in this case, justice is karmic, i think. but even so, i think whoever mishandled her case should be held accountable. BUT, that said, will it really help her now? or should she focus on attitude?
Ygraine_ she has to go through the complaints system before she can go to a lawyer
SS100888 amen vel
SS100888 do you think its a valid complaint?
SS100888 if so, then you need to grant it
SS100888 Hiya red!!!!!!!
Ygraine_ I suspect there will be answers that may not be simple
Ygraine_ Greetings Redeemed
albertjaquaya hi red
0_sugar_0 I would try to find out if this is a pattern of misdiagnosis from a particular doctor, and if so, I would definately try to see they arent allowed to practice anymore
--Redeemed-- HELLO SS,,,hope you are having a good day,,,!!!!
Gwynhyvar Allo Redeemed :-) How are you my friend?
0_sugar_0 Hi Red
Ygraine_ They did 2 needle biopsies and then sent her away for a year saying it was ok
--Redeemed-- Y,,,hope you are having a good one too,,,
velvt. Y, if it is your responsibility to sort of prescreen them, i'd find out how closely she went along with her doctor's orders, tests, follow ups, etc.
0_sugar_0 sometimes its not a matter of the doctor misdiagnosing illness but shoddy lab work
SS100888 and contamination
0_sugar_0 there was a news magazine show about labs that repeatedly missed stuff because they were pushing for maximum production rather than taking their time on each slide
Ygraine_ I don't prescreen, my role is just to assist through the process...but I give advice and I've got 12 years experience in this field
velvt. if she did as instructed by the medical practitioners, then i think she is justified in seeking redress
EternumPace>>>) greetings, Redeemed
velvt. but still, that is a negative energy undertaking, and it may harm her more than help her
SS100888 so thankful I am not a dr
SS100888 lol
Ygraine_ but putting aside the individual case....can anyone think about what justice is?
--Redeemed-- Gwyn,,,hope your day is going well friend,,
Ygraine_ Yes, I know Velvt and she;s in terrible shock at the moment
SS100888 for misdiagnosis someone shoule be held accountable
Gwynhyvar *warm smile*...It could be better, but then again it isn`t over yet :-)
0_sugar_0 if she undertakes it with the attitude of helping others, keeping a bad doctor out of buisiness, or shutting down a bad lab, so other wont be harmed that at least is a positive thing
--Redeemed-- hello EternumPace>>>),,,best to you today
0_sugar_0 but to do it for vengence or the sake of anger, that can cause as much harm as good
EternumPace>>>) justice is not so much one thing, but what things are
Ygraine_ I agree, Sugar...and that's what she says she wants
velvt. justice is a terribly slippery concept, IMO
0_sugar_0 justice takes as many forms as injustice does, what is justice to one is injustice to another
Ygraine_ eternum..could you expand on that concept a little more please?
velvt. Y, what do her doctors tell her now? is she terminal?
--Redeemed-- true justice ....can only come through JESUS CHRIST,,!!!
SS100888 yes red its true
velvt. thank you red... predictable comment, but welcome all the same :)
0_sugar_0 lol
SS100888 lol vel
Ygraine_ I don't know, Velvt, she's refused chemo and is going to have radiotherapy once the scar has healed
0_sugar_0 Ive heard chemo is often worse than the disease
velvt. i know that justice is NOT revenge, although the two are often confused
SS100888 he he red
0_sugar_0 agreed velvt
0_sugar_0 justice is not based on hate or fear
velvt. yeah, red, a tad predictable :)
--Redeemed-- vel,,,hope that is good,,!!!
SS100888 I know that my Redeemer lives
velvt. hmmm.... depends on one's perspective, i guess, red
--Redeemed-- ss,,,amen and amen..!!!!
albertjaquaya if you dont have a beleif system as in a god the sue get revenge after all thats all you have left
--Redeemed-- vel,,,and how do you feel about that,,??
Ygraine_ Red, she's probably either 7th day adventist or Pentacostal, so she would be working within that belief system
albertjaquaya brb
velvt. in this case, red, i think it was rather useless information... means little in the circumstances. how can Y's client benefit from what you said, really?
0_sugar_0 seems that the word justice and punishment are often synonimous to most folks
SS100888 yep
--Redeemed-- vel,,,just trust JESUS,,,very simple,,!!!
0_sugar_0 justice is about equality, fairness, truth, punishment is about another thing altogether
--Redeemed-- vel,,,HE knows all about it,,,HE is just waiting to be asked,,!!
Ygraine_ yes and if we wait for Jesus to zap the lab or the hospital we might be waiting a long time
0_sugar_0 Hi xyz
albertjaquaya back
0_sugar_0 wb
albertjaquaya ty
SS100888 getting coffee again al?
albertjaquaya yep
velvt. justice... i have let go of seeking it, in my life. i have to live in faith that justice will come in the karmic balancing of things, people, events
0_sugar_0 I had coffee with the lady I clean for today, we got a chance to visit...she told a story about karma and how it can work....
SS100888 ya know that coffee is against the word of wisdom
SS100888 tsk! tsk!
0_sugar_0 it was a very interesting and telling story of how a persons greed and avarice can backfire on them
velvt. however, in specific circumstances, i do what i can to see that i receive justice and act in a just manner with others
albertjaquaya ah you can use both and attain wisdom
Ygraine_ listening Sugar
SS100888 I don't drink coffee al
albertjaquaya okay
0_sugar_0 there ya go, its about intent velvt, to seek justice for the sake of justice and not revenge
SS100888 Do I look like a mug???
albertjaquaya iam
albertjaquaya lol
SS100888 i know it
0_sugar_0 oh...hehe, well, she worked for a guy, a co-president of company
SS100888 lol
0_sugar_0 the other co-president was a greedy guy, bossy, snotty, thought he could run the company better by himself
SS100888 sounds like my ex lol
0_sugar_0 he tried to fire her, (she was the secretary for the nicer fellow)
0_sugar_0 and she told him he couldnt fire her, as she was not hired by him
EternumPace>>>) and, yet, do we have an intention for being intentional, and how do we gain understanding of it without a biological solipsism
SS100888 key word Snotty lol
0_sugar_0 she stuck around for another year, while the not so nice boss rifled thru the other fellows files, paperwork etc
SS100888 thank god I have tissues lol
Ygraine_ solipsism?
SS100888 no nose picking here invovled lol
0_sugar_0 looking for any edge to put him on top....eventually she quit, and her boss quit too....
albertjaquaya spiritual is your answer i think
0_sugar_0 the snotty guy/boss, got control of the company...and 6 months later found he had stomach cancer
EternumPace>>>) the scientific method should include the dictum: self is the measure of all things
albertjaquaya lol
0_sugar_0 talk about karma coming back to bite you
albertjaquaya science again
SS100888 to change the subject
0_sugar_0 science and spirituality are not incompatable albert
0_sugar_0 they often can and do support eachother if viewed with an open and accepting mind
albertjaquaya it is for alot of people sugar
SS100888 nose picking is not an acquired art form
0_sugar_0 its all in how they choose to view them albert
Gwynhyvar it's not??.........whoops
velvt. those people are ignorant then, albert
albertjaquaya i accepy science also
SS100888 my stff. sargeant daily picks his nose
albertjaquaya but science dosnt have all the answers
SS100888 and guess what??????
SS100888 he eats it..........
velvt. oh gag
SS100888 eew!!!!!!!!!
Gwynhyvar umm....EEEkkk
0_sugar_0 what is a mystery albert...something that is not known, but is not un-knowable
Ygraine_ Sandy, I don't think I needed to know that
SS100888 waiting for him to share with me
0_sugar_0 brb, phone
SS100888 at which point I will hurl lol
velvt. men ! feh ! they're just gross !
SS100888 so gross
SS100888 hey vel
SS100888 the best is when the hawk and spit outta a moving car
SS100888 gag!!!!!!
SS100888 or pass wind and blame it on you lol
albertjaquaya lol
velvt. i had a bf, we were on a long road trip, and he got into doing that, to some obsessive fault. it was my car, and his crud was all over the side of it so i demanded he clean it.
velvt. he just could NOT understand why i insisted
--Redeemed-- question.....why do men and women have such a hard time understanding each other,,????
SS100888 ew!!!!!!!
SS100888 tis easy red
SS100888 Men are PIGS lol
SS100888 oink oink
albertjaquaya lol
--Redeemed-- a man,,
Gwynhyvar (All men are animals. Some just make better Pets...)
Ygraine_ Not all of them, Sandy, you obvioulsy haven't come across any gentlemen
velvt. red, i have an answer but i'm not sure men would find it acceptable
SS100888 I know that
SS100888 do you spit outta moving vehicles
SS100888 do you pick your nose and eat it?
--Redeemed-- ss,,,no
albertjaquaya lol
SS100888 do you fart and blame it on someone else?
velvt. do you tell constant fart jokes?
albertjaquaya lol
SS100888 lol vel
--Redeemed-- no...i take the blame,,,lol
SS100888 good man then!!!!!!!!
albertjaquaya iam innocent of all that
--Redeemed-- ss,,,no
SS100888 1 in a million I'd say
Ygraine_ Hi Flower
SS100888 the best is
EternumPace>>>) i heard that doctors proved through some study that kissing was biologically reminiscent of butt licking/sniffing
albertjaquaya hi flo
-Flower-Time- Guten Morgen alles
--Redeemed-- ss,,,JESUS helped me to be a better man than i was,,!!!
albertjaquaya same here red
SS100888 when your spouse lets his wind be free and he pulls the covers over your head
SS100888 so everyone can enjoy it
SS100888 sorry
velvt. as far as the difference goes, men tend to be left brain oriented... logical, linear, etc. they filter out most other functioning from their awareness.
0_sugar_0 lol, Im back, that was one of hubby's fellow truck drivers, a native to east texas, he's freaking out over the weather conditions
SS100888 vel that and every morning they gotta go pee (get my drift ) lol
velvt. women, on the other hand, are more evenly balanced between right and left brains... the two halves have access to each other.
--Redeemed-- question,,,why do you think GOD created us so different,,??
-Flower-Time- Wie geht es Ihnen?
0_sugar_0 men tend to be linear thinkers, women tend to be circular thinkers, they arent incompatable just different ways of viewing and approaching things
albertjaquaya to mate?
Ygraine_ Mir geht's gut, danke, Flower
SS100888 mate????
Gwynhyvar Red.....go look up Darwin and his theory of natural selection
EternumPace>>>) i also heard of a study that supports the different brain structure of men and women, in such study, only women had elevated activity in reasoning centre during pain and/or shock
SS100888 what now we are dogs lol
velvt. so a woman CAN understand a man, but a man cannot understand the consciousness of a woman
SS100888 AMEN
0_sugar_0 there are many examples of polarity in the world around us Red, male and female, right and left brain ways of thinking etc
albertjaquaya to bring into the world people capable of attaining truth ss
-Flower-Time- Bitteschon Ygraine
--Redeemed-- my wife and i get along all the time,,,is that abnormal,,??
albertjaquaya no
albertjaquaya same here
0_sugar_0 another science factoid eternum...women in general have a much higher pain tolerance then men do, on the average
EternumPace>>>) men are a kind of woman are they not
velvt. yes, eternum... a female is the template
-Flower-Time- thats why men cant have babies.....they couldnt deal with the pain
EternumPace>>>) yes, i have heard of that, sugar. i believe it
-Flower-Time- lol
velvt. biologically
albertjaquaya you must have what i have red
--Redeemed-- we get along so good because JESUS lives in our hearts,,!!!can anyone understand that,,??
albertjaquaya its great
0_sugar_0 males have many feminine attributes as well as women having male attributes also, to their personality and characters
EternumPace>>>) well, flower, the reasoning could equally go, men cannot endure as much pain Because they do not birth
Ygraine_ Redeemed, so do my husband and I
empty-mind hello room
--Redeemed-- glad to hear that al,,,!!!!
SS100888 men are lovely creatures (I suppose)
velvt. hi empty
0_sugar_0 not to mention the hormone, males have some estrogen, females progesterone and testosterone too
SS100888 women are lovely creatures lol
albertjaquaya yes red you are correct once again
SS100888 hey vel...
SS100888 you seen meatcutter lately?
velvt. SS, speaking of that.... blue was in here lately... how did you two get along after i left the other night?
-Flower-Time- Ygraine, are you fluent in german?
velvt. meatcutter?
0_sugar_0 brb
SS100888 haven't seen him
SS100888 blue I mean
Ygraine_ nein, einmal ein bistschen
albertjaquaya red talks spiritual those not spiritual find you and me red hard to understand
velvt. he wondered if you had been around, SS
SS100888 1st time here since Thursday
albertjaquaya as fortold red
-Flower-Time- lol, cool
EternumPace>>>) man "appears" to be a piece of a woman
Ygraine_ Hi empty
SS100888 just been working
SS100888 and sleepingt
empty-mind hi ygraine
--Redeemed-- al,,,for sure,,!!!!
-Flower-Time- Ich spreche nur ein bisschen
albertjaquaya amenred
SS100888 nine
velvt. get a life, albert... you two talk christian... that is not the synonym for spiritual, nor the defining element
Gwynhyvar *point for vel*
albertjaquaya german flo?
--Redeemed-- vel,,,how do you know that,,??
-Flower-Time- Ja Albert
velvt. christian talk is very easy to understand
EternumPace>>>) if we could create a woman and a man, how would we do so and why?
albertjaquaya danka
albertjaquaya lol
SS100888 vel would that be jibberish lol
velvt. redeemed, because the farther away from christianity i get, the more spirituality and divine love i find
Ygraine_ Es war uber dreizig jahre wann ich war in der Schule und habe deutch gelernt
-Flower-Time- aber ich spreche nur ein bißchen. im still learning
SS100888 I am impressed Y
Gwynhyvar tu as dit quoi??
EternumPace>>>) men and womeen ARE cultural creations, lets not kid ourselves
empty-mind velvt... is it because you are farther from Christianity or closer to something else?
--Redeemed-- vel,,,spirituality comes in two directions,,,,heaven and hell...
SS100888 vels going to heaven
EternumPace>>>) not now, not after we have come so far together :)
SS100888 I know that
albertjaquaya amen red
albertjaquaya well said
-Flower-Time- High school Yg?
velvt. closer to god, empty, once i was able to shake off the dogma and experience divine love more directly
empty-mind understood
SS100888 I have such issues with "born again"
Gwynhyvar oh christ.......if somehow the fundies are right, I`m going to hell.........could I at least make a pit stop for coffee on the way?
SS100888 the authority and the right to speak for all christians
--Redeemed-- vel,,,closer to god,,,which god is that,,??
Ygraine_ que c'est trente annee que j'ai apris le deutch dans ma lycee Gwyn
velvt. well, red, don't lose your cool when you get to heaven and see me there to greet you
EternumPace>>>) "the mind is its own place and can make a hell out of heaven, a heaven out of hell"
empty-mind I feel there are some who find that (but not many) within all faiths including Chistianity
Gwynhyvar some people just can`t survive without Timmie's
Gwynhyvar ahhh...bon
Gwynhyvar brb
velvt. yes empty, i agree, but some paths make it so much harder
SS100888 not that many would be the key word
--Redeemed-- vel,,,i will be so glad to see you there,,!!!
SS100888 I know what I believe
empty-mind some paths go in contrary directions, no doubt
velvt. red, i thought we agreed there is only one god? IMO that god can manifest in many ways, depending on our needs
SS100888 and I am so ;happy with my beliefs
empty-mind that or only one goddess
SS100888 but I don't shove it SHOVE it down someone elses throat
velvt. that's great, SS... i know that all seekers find the path best for them
-Flower-Time- Das wetter hier ist sehr schön.
SS100888 amen vel
Ygraine_ Nicht hier!
velvt. empty, to me god is a generic term, no gender, but the manifestations can be male or female if that works best
SS100888 Ya know I gotta love you
SS100888 you are a kind and thoughtful person
-Flower-Time- Es ist kalt hier
velvt. thank you sandy
SS100888 yr, and I know this is true
Gwynhyvar *sigh*........I`ll be back in opened up the fridge door and it broke off......<seriously>
-Flower-Time- schnei (sp)
velvt. i aim for it, sandy, but i fail a lot
EternumPace>>>) velvt, have you ever considered that not-man and not-woman also leaves one other gender open for your consideration?
SS100888 oh my......
Ygraine_ good luck, Gwyn
velvt. oh geesh, gwyn !
Gwynhyvar I have a feeling I may need it Y
velvt. no i haven't etern... what is that?
SS100888 guess thats one more thing we have in common.....
Gwynhyvar *sigh*..........duct tape...........LOL....brb
albertjaquaya maybe bolts came loose
SS100888 vel we are human beings
EternumPace>>>) perhaps, Androgyne, velvt.
Ygraine_ a third gender>
velvt. yep, definitely human here LOL
SS100888 lol
empty-mind Hmmm etern... sounds like maybe you like the term "berdache"? works for me.
EternumPace>>>) what is "berdache"?
-Flower-Time- Woher sind Sie Yg?
SS100888 it is pitch black here
Ygraine_ England, Flower
SS100888 just reflection from snow
empty-mind third gender, containing both male and female spirits in balance
-Flower-Time- cool
velvt. etern... my knowingness is that god has no body, thus no genitalia, no hormones, etc... so no gender or even a mix of genders. god is ALL, not a combination of anything
EternumPace>>>) i have never heard that word, empty. what language is that?
-Flower-Time- i was there last year
empty-mind not necessarily gay... can be hetero, just having personality traits of male and female in balance
Ygraine_ I've not heard that one,empty
empty-mind native american
SS100888 pronounced mptee
SS100888 lol
EternumPace>>>) that sounds a tad limiting to me, velvt. But, then, I have a body.
SS100888 Hi anika
velvt. how can being ALL be limiting?
Anika_Jada here comes the sun
Anika_Jada hi ss
Ygraine_ Hi Anika
Anika_Jada hi ygraine
SS100888 its alright
SS100888 lol
Anika_Jada didn't expect to see you two again
EternumPace>>>) i don't rightly know, velvt. I just mean it would be limiting if ALL had a body
SS100888 who 2?
Anika_Jada you an ygraine
EternumPace>>>) because they all would be forever separate from itself
velvt. yes, eternum, that would be a mess, i think LOL
Ygraine_ why Anika?
SS100888 I am here
SS100888 and so is y
Anika_Jada 'cause i never see you
SS100888 don't know y
SS100888 lol;
EternumPace>>>) native american. interesting,,,BERDACHE
Ygraine_ Sometimes I go and write with Sean if he's free, Anika, and sometimes I visit elsewhere
EternumPace>>>) I like learning new words
SS100888 that is good et
EternumPace>>>) empty, does that word, Berdeche, have a cultural context particular to native americans?
velvt. i need to go... take a shower while i have some oomph left in me today
empty-mind There is a similar term I can't remember from traditional Vedic culture which also counted three genders
SS100888 I try to stay away from Pends realm
Ygraine_ take care, Velvt
-Flower-Time- how about shashoo......theres a new word
SS100888 bye vel hun
empty-mind see velvt peace
SS100888 ((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))
EternumPace>>>) goodbye, velvt
velvt. SS, before i go, why do you stay away from the realm?
--Redeemed-- vel ,,,have a good shower,,,dont get wet,,,lol,,,!!
SS100888 people are 2 touchy
velvt. lol red... i'll get wet, but hopefully stay warm
SS100888 from where you land
SS100888 to who speaks to you
SS100888 I don't need the headgames
Ygraine_ ever thought it might be you, Sandy?
SS100888 nope
SS100888 I am not playing headgames
SS100888 I am just me
Ygraine_ nor are they
velvt. SS, for me, many of them are wonderful people, but like all groups, there are differences. several don't like me at all, so to avoid conflicts, i stay away from the group, now, but i interact here freely
SS100888 I was accused of trying to take someones man away
SS100888 not true
EternumPace>>>) we are political animals aren't we
SS100888 I guess so
albertjaquaya thats life
velvt. that's what caused some of my problems with them, sandy... one in particular who then worked to get others on her side
empty-mind life is political, if you live it
-Flower-Time- if you can take someones "man" away on a computer hes not worth taking
SS100888 doesn't mean I dislike people
albertjaquaya good flo
SS100888 or wish them the very best, which I do
EternumPace>>>) that seems true, empty
SS100888 I am not getting caught in the middle
SS100888 works for me lol
empty-mind not necessarily a bad thing, being political
Anika_Jada oh ygraine, that was me i was talking about the other day.. of course..
empty-mind You just have to be willing to stand behind what you say and do
-Flower-Time- i hate politics....gets you nothing but trouble
velvt. empty, there is a book called 'the politics of experience' by r. d. laing.... it's rather old now but you might like it. it turned my life around in HUGE ways
albertjaquaya spiritual takes all my time up
Anika_Jada not that it makes any difference
EternumPace>>>) empty, that word has perked my interes lately. i think of Egypt and Christianity with their shared belief that there is a metaphysical power politics of place
Ygraine_ I thought it might have been Anika, but I thought you would tell us, if you wished it
empty-mind I should check it out. ty
Anika_Jada yeah it was rather obvious
Ygraine_ not to me, Anika, you could have had a client, just as I have client
Ygraine_ s
Anika_Jada hm ok
Ygraine_ power politics of place?
velvt. anyway, off to the showers for me... take care all, walk in the peace and joy of god (||~ Baraka Bashad ~||~ May the Blessings Be ~||)
zonkieone2 sounds good
SS100888 have fun vel
SS100888 make hubby go with lol
Ygraine_ blessings Velvt
EternumPace>>>) i am being a touch nebulous, Ygraine, but only because I want to explore the possibility that the imagination is a place unto itself with its own politics
albertjaquaya are you a "trustee" of sorts yg?
empty-mind strong thought these days, from Egypt or anywhere, that politics is divinely ordained
SS100888 2 in the shower is more fun than 1 lol
zonkieone2 empty that true?
empty-mind I don't think it is, but many do
EternumPace>>>) yes, empty, i think of something i recently read in joseph campbells "the masks of god: occidental mythology"
SS100888 he he empty
Ygraine_ I used to be a Trustee of a voluntary mental health organisation, Al, but I don't know if you mean the same kind of trustee
zonkieone2 then why call your self that if you dont believe it
albertjaquaya do you feel responsible for your clients?
EternumPace>>>) to paraphrase, religion without a land, by design or happenstance, is always destructive
SS100888 guess I better sit up............ way over my head lol
empty-mind it is a goal in my life to be empty-minded
zonkieone2 EternumPace>>>)..i agree
empty-mind strikingly similar to actually having something there that matters
zonkieone2 empty.... what kind of goal is that
empty-mind Buddhist
Ygraine_ I do my best for them, Al, I am not responsible for them they are responsible for themselves, they are generally adults
zonkieone2 mean peaceful mind then
empty-mind dhyana
SS100888 I love life!!!!!!!!
Gwynhyvar back
Ygraine_ You can use imagination to make something become real
albertjaquaya do you talk spiritual or religious beleifs or play the corporate way?
empty-mind that and it means I had way to much fun in the 70's
SS100888 call me stupid
EternumPace>>>) einstein once said something along the lines of "if an cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, what does an empty desk signify?"
empty-mind lol
SS100888 al, what religion are you?
Ygraine_ wb Gwyn..did you manage to fix it?
SS100888 exact;y?????
zonkieone2 too..late 60's and 70's
albertjaquaya christian ss
EternumPace>>>) Ygraine, what if imagination is a gateway to the real, with its own rites of initiation?
SS100888 how many branches..........
empty-mind eistein also said that the main difference between genius and stupidity was that genius had limits
SS100888 evangelical, methodist, catholic which????
Gwynhyvar I made a bold the "man of the house" to finish it
albertjaquaya "his"
zonkieone2 and i agree with him
Ygraine_ it could very well be....because if your imagination expands, so to the possibilities of reality
empty-mind understood
zonkieone2 who am i not to
EternumPace>>>) thats a good quote, empty
SS100888 I am christian 2
empty-mind It's a fun one
EternumPace>>>) esp. considering what happened to einstein
SS100888 at least I am honest about what church I belong to
zonkieone2 genius and madness are two sides of the same coin
Ygraine_ true
Ygraine_ but then true genius always has a price to pay
EternumPace>>>) we are all utterly mad
SS100888 no answer as usual
zonkieone2 i agree with both of you
EternumPace>>>) didn't jack kerouac say how much he loved the mad ones, the ones that never utter a boring word
zonkieone2 and yes we are all mad to a degree
albertjaquaya we are mad if we think will have power on our own
zonkieone2 i love jack kerouac
--Redeemed-- SS...question,,,,can men and women in mormonism both become gods,,???
EternumPace>>>) that is so true, albert
albertjaquaya ty
Ygraine_ who's jack kerouac?
SS100888 we don't believe in gods....
EternumPace>>>) jack kerouac wrote a popular book called "On The Road"
SS100888 we believe in Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father
SS100888 thats it
EternumPace>>>) a friend of Ken Kesey
Ygraine_ don't know him either
SS100888 god ship doesn't exist
EternumPace>>>) american beat writers, Ygraine
zonkieone2 ken kesey of cookooooooos nest fame...just died....
EternumPace>>>) yeah, zonk :( rest in peace,
zonkieone2 so sad
SS100888 poor albert
Ygraine_ oh, him...yes I know Cuckoo's nest, been to the hospital where that was filmed
albertjaquaya only the children who become kings in the after life
empty-mind Time to go get my daughter at her dance class... the Dad taxi back in action. Peace all.
SS100888 with his bibical quotes can't answer a ?
zonkieone2 peace
Ygraine_ bye Empty. blessings
EternumPace>>>) really, Ygraine, that musthave been weird.
SS100888 bye Y
albertjaquaya be well empty
zonkieone2 by
SS100888 have a nice night
EternumPace>>>) be empty
SS100888 sorry y
SS100888 noticed it wasn't you leaving
Ygraine_ It was, eternum, they showed me around the wards..were so proud of the new colour and blue...designed to induce violence!
albertjaquaya why call me poor albert ss?
--Redeemed-- ss,,,are there different denominations in mormonism..??
SS100888 still waiting all
zonkieone2 waiting for what
SS100888 there is the chruch of jesus christ of latter day saints
SS100888 and the reorganized chruch
zonkieone2 do you bellieve
zonkieone2 in the church of the latter day saints'
albertjaquaya ah jesus in americas
SS100888 why di you ask?
Ygraine_ It was the first place I'd ever been frisked for weapons!!
EternumPace>>>) there is as much truth to any religion has human history
zonkieone2 Just curious
albertjaquaya joe smith
SS100888 jerry falwell
zonkieone2 church?
zonkieone2 i would be afraid i would be struck dead
SS100888 jim bakker
Ygraine_ no, Zonkie, Salem Mental Hospital in Oregon
albertjaquaya ss if you are a christian you scare me
SS100888 billy graham
Gwynhyvar Jerry Falwell.......there`s a lawsuit just waiting to happen
albertjaquaya lol
zonkieone2 OOOHHHHH.oopppsss
SS100888 jimmy swaggart
zonkieone2 lol
SS100888 and on and on and on
EternumPace>>>) the Osmanns
Ygraine_ Myst!!
MystHuntr MM and greetings all
SS100888 its spelt Osmond
MystHuntr hey there Ygraine
Gwynhyvar Allo Myst *kisses cheek*
albertjaquaya hi myst
EternumPace>>>) sorry. Osmonds
zonkieone2 greetings
MystHuntr Allo Gwyn
MystHuntr hi Albert
SS100888 they are one family out of 26 milion members
zonkieone2 wow
SS100888 how about Larry King and his wife?
zonkieone2 they are mormons::::: no way
albertjaquaya did they ever find the "plates " ss?
SS100888 yes they are
EternumPace>>>) I thought Larry King was Jewish
zonkieone2 me to
Ygraine_ Myst, I got told last night that there is a website with a picture of my friend who wrote the poem I sent you sitting on a stone in Avebury
SS100888 he denounced Judaism for Mormonism
zonkieone2 why
Ygraine_ when I find the url, I'll send it to you
SS100888 His wife Shawn is Marie Osmonds best girlfriend
MystHuntr Ygraine - cool deal
EternumPace>>>) fascinating
Ygraine_ It's an BDO site
SS100888 yee of little information
zonkieone2 so what..he has been married so man ytimes mmaybe he is just mixed up ..thinks he is still married to them all
albertjaquaya do the "3" still walk the earth never finding death, a gift from god, ss?
EternumPace>>>) how would we denote where we are if we didn't know what geographical place we were living in?
SS100888 name the 3 al
SS100888 you think you are the authority name them
SS100888 and quote scripture while you are at it
Ygraine_ eternum, where we are might be many different things and concepts
zonkieone2 hmmmmm something to think about e pace
albertjaquaya moroni is one i think, the other 2 dont remember iam not moron
zonkieone2 LOL
albertjaquaya mormon sorry
SS100888 Moroni is an angel
--Redeemed-- ss,,,are you of the reorganized church,,??
albertjaquaya ah!
SS100888 nope
SS100888 and before you judge my religious belifes
EternumPace>>>) where is here?
SS100888 know that I do not lie, cheat, steal, smoke drinkl
zonkieone2 quite good ss
Ygraine_ here might be a place, a time, a construct around other people
zonkieone2 how do you do it
SS100888 I live my life and conduct the way of my life that my Father in Heaven wants me to
EternumPace>>>) a language?
SS100888 do what?
Ygraine_ yes, a language
albertjaquaya in my opionon mormon or judeo christianity, in short all who proclaim Jesus as savior is a child of god
zonkieone2 how do youknow where you are if there arent other people there.... are you really there
albertjaquaya simple
Ygraine_ zonkie, that's the old tree falls in a forest dilemma
EternumPace>>>) another good question, zonk
SS100888 huh?
zonkieone2 I am not a child of God in your eyes then..that is tobad..
--Redeemed-- ss,,,which have the thought that god was once a man,,,as we are now,,??
EternumPace>>>) "you cannot hear a shadow falling / do you hear the mysteies calling" dark tower
SS100888 We believe that every one is a daughter or son of jesus christ
albertjaquaya my eyes to you hold no weight, zonk
SS100888 whether you believe what we believe or not
EternumPace>>>) that sounds wonderful, SS
albertjaquaya free will good or evil
zonkieone2 i dont bellieve jesus is the son of God..i am jewish
albertjaquaya simple
SS100888 and that is fine zonkie
albertjaquaya deal with it
EternumPace>>>) is Language, then, the only real form of creativity, and is not our word for its locality, dream?
SS100888 do you not believe that we cannot love each other?
SS100888 inspite of philisophical differences?
zonkieone2 i dont believe....but i am okay with loving one another..i am an original flower child
Ygraine_ there is a philosophy going around at the moment, eternum, which states that everything is just a form of language
zonkieone2 language a state of mind
Ygraine_ try deShazer's Words were originally magik
zonkieone2 you can speak without speaking
SS100888 albert
--Redeemed-- ss,,,thank you for answering my questions,,!!
zonkieone2 through your eyes
zonkieone2 and your fingers
SS100888 you seem to claim to know so much about the chruch?
SS100888 what are 3 missions
SS100888 that we have to follow
EternumPace>>>) Ygraine, what is the nature of this philosophy?
SS100888 ............
albertjaquaya no ss i dont only a little bit, but a question ss if i may?
SS100888 once again waiting
Ygraine_ social constructionism
EternumPace>>>) can you tell me more, Ygraine?
SS100888 no you tell me what the doctrine of the church is
SS100888 1st
albertjaquaya "why was joseph murdered by his own people, in 1823 i think?"
SS100888 you tell me
EternumPace>>>) i believe everyone is a son or daughter of JC as well, or I would like to
SS100888 you seem to be a fountain of misinformation
SS100888 go ahead
Ygraine_ I have to get my notes out, Eternum, but it all hinges around perceptions being dependent on language and how reality is created
zonkieone2 eternum...i am not a daughter of JC
SS100888 amen y
albertjaquaya i ask a simple question if you dont know its okay
EternumPace>>>) that sounds utterly magical, Ygraine, do get your notes if it is convenient for you
SS100888 you are still loved
zonkieone2 i know that
SS100888 I have asked you endless simple questions al, for which you have no answers
zonkieone2 i am loved by God
zonkieone2 and others of course
SS100888 but would love to challenge me on my beliefs
albertjaquaya okay ss
SS100888 answer a few tought ????'s
EternumPace>>>) zonkie, within this thing called the imagination, JC can mean a lot of things
albertjaquaya forget it i digress
SS100888 yep its called selective memory
zonkieone2 ahhh... well inyour imagination.... what is jc
albertjaquaya no time for head games
albertjaquaya lol
SS100888 not playing them with you at all
zonkieone2 LOL
Ygraine_ Sandy, one thing you have to get used to here, is that Al never answers questions
SS100888 tell me if you know what the 3 fold mission of the church is
EternumPace>>>) in the heroic age, which could be this one as well, a HERo as Jesus et al could be anyone who could asnwer the question(s) why are we here, where are we going?
albertjaquaya just a play on words is all ss
SS100888 lmbo sug
zonkieone2 we are here to make others happy
zonkieone2 we are going to heaven.....................i hope
EternumPace>>>) so in this sense, zonkie, we are all children of ones who, in our psyches and for all intents, knew or know the answer to these questions or are or were the manifestations of such answers
SS100888 or put others down that don't believe what we believe
SS100888 Not!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ygraine_ Eternum, Lynch (1996) puts forward 3 basic epistomological positions relating to knowledge
albertjaquaya we are going where we send ourselves
EternumPace>>>) shoot, Ygraine.
zonkieone2 i suppose eternum
SS100888 if I were you I would be scared there al
SS100888 lol
albertjaquaya not here ss
Gwynhyvar brb
albertjaquaya k
Ygraine_ 1) there is an objective knowledge and we are able to have an objective knoweldge of this reality through the use of reason
SS100888 guess you will be preached the gospel in spiritual kingdom
SS100888 good for ya, you never ansswer the tough ???
zonkieone2 no preaching please...........hmmm but this is religions of the world isnt it
Ygraine_ 2) There is an objective order and meaning in reality but our knowledge of this is always constrained by our social context
EternumPace>>>) i would like to think so as werll, zonkie that is my "faith" i suppose
zonkieone2 ah well then.. preach away
zonkieone2 i have faith....
albertjaquaya many cant handel truth today maybe tommorrow ss
SS100888 gotta love ya zonkie
zonkieone2 i have to have faith
zonkieone2 thanks ss
Ygraine_ 3) There is no objective meaning to reality , all meaning is a human creation influence by social and cultural factors
EternumPace>>>) fascinatin, Ygraine
SS100888 gotta love anyone who shows respect for all of us and our differences
SS100888 thats what makes the world go around
zonkieone2 it does indeed
SS100888 nice mug lol
EternumPace>>>) ok, Ygraine, but what if the process of structure subjective worldview is itself meaninful ie in myth
SS100888 If I drank coffee it surely looks inviting lol
zonkieone2 i drink wine and it IS inviting
EternumPace>>>) i have to read that over again, Ygraine
Ygraine_ say that another way, eternum..I don't understand
SS100888 lol
SS100888 bless ya
zonkieone2 and you
SS100888 tyt
SS100888 I will take that to heart
zonkieone2 what is tyt?
SS100888 thank u too
zonkieone2 ohhh..good .okay..learn something new everyday..i like that
SS100888 I must go Ringo needs his run and I must go and do...
SS100888 I will be back later
zonkieone2 a dog....lucky...
SS100888 Al you aren't off the hook lol
albertjaquaya be well ss
EternumPace>>>) ok, Ygraine. there seems to indicate a process in deconstructing a reality to give us a reality? is that right?
zonkieone2 s
zonkieone2 cu
SS100888 see you all later
MystHuntr take care SS
SS100888 {{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Ygraine_ bye Sandy
SS100888 bye
zonkieone2 bye
Ygraine_ yes
EternumPace>>>) so, then, Ygraine, perhaps this deconstructed reality can seap back in (my terms are crude I know), even aid in the perceptions of the social construct, ie in "myth"
Ygraine_ oh yes...all myths are teaching tales and have truth within them
zonkieone2 i have a pain in my neck.....really a pain in my neck....need to go work out...check out you cats on the morrow then..
zonkieone2 bye
Ygraine_ well that how I see them
zonkieone2 was fun
Ygraine_ bye zonkie
MystHuntr take care Zonkie
zonkieone2 by Y
albertjaquaya be well zonk
zonkieone2 by by y'all
EternumPace>>>) in point of reference, i take it that all children must forget all languages (or potential sound systems) in order to learn just one, their first
Ygraine_ I don't think so...they will learn more than one simulataneously if given the chance
EternumPace>>>) so just so energy can neither be created nor destroyed, information can not be "lost" only restructured, so that "all time" can live inside social time
Ygraine_ that sounds reasonable
albertjaquaya wow
EternumPace>>>) and what if this process benefits both the living and the dead, or it must, although I cannot prove it here
albertjaquaya wow
Ygraine_ both living and dead are just different vibrational parts of the great whole
albertjaquaya yes agree
EternumPace>>>) ok. good. we follow one another then
EternumPace>>>) you agree, albert?
Ygraine_ Hi ynica
MystHuntr afternoon ynica
albertjaquaya yes vibrational influnence is all we are
albertjaquaya hi yni
EternumPace>>>) packets of energy in motion?
albertjaquaya yes but do we learn?
ynica00 Hello everybody
EternumPace>>>) perhaps learning is synonymos with moving
albertjaquaya perhaps
MystHuntr the fact that wea re able to communicate proves that we learn
Ygraine_ yes, eternum...moving to a higher vibrational level
EternumPace>>>) perhaps language itself is a metaphor for reality, which is itself a metaphor for language
Ygraine_ they are both interlinked
Ygraine_ Hello joey
MystHuntr hey there Joey
albertjaquaya reality true reality has no laNGUAGE I THINK
joeyblu Hi I'm just checking this out.
EternumPace>>>) in term of information theory, must we make unclear equal parts that are made "clear"?
Ygraine_ there would still be communication, alberet, even if there were no language
albertjaquaya we just know without a spocken word but thought is still vibrational
albertjaquaya agree
albertjaquaya all is vibratory
EternumPace>>>) if i were to kill a small animal, take all its blood, would I be taking more information than I was giving?
albertjaquaya many levels there
albertjaquaya did you kill to kill or for food?
Ygraine_ those that became unclear would no longer be necessary to that level of exsistance
MystHuntr or kill just for the blood?
EternumPace>>>) the information
albertjaquaya the info it not through blood
MystHuntr which information though, how much blood does a small animal have?
EternumPace>>>) perhaps not, but its just an example, albert
albertjaquaya thats physical fluid
Ygraine_ blood is only information on a scientific basis
EternumPace>>>) we seem to have a few platonists among us. velvt also mentioned that informatoin is bodiless
albertjaquaya i think all must have a "contact" to understand spiritual
EternumPace>>>) what if this technology, these very computers are proof that that blood has information?
albertjaquaya or esls you read a book
Ygraine_ Hi Andy
Gwynhyvar back
Ygraine_ wb Gwyn
MystHuntr wb Gwyn
EternumPace>>>) interesting, the "anti-bodies"
EternumPace>>>) amusing and probably true
Gwynhyvar ty ty ty :-)
MystHuntr Pace - what kind of information are you looking for?
Ygraine_ that's what I'm wondering
albertjaquaya , lol
Ygraine_ do you mean that blood might give you the key to understanding the nature of the individual?
EternumPace>>>) probably the same info you are looking for
EternumPace>>>) for you are info
albertjaquaya pace?
albertjaquaya a question?
EternumPace>>>) isn't there a play about this, two people not wanting to be the first to give up info?
EternumPace>>>) lol
EternumPace>>>) this is fascinating
Ygraine_ probably, there's plays about most things
MystHuntr I'm not sure I'd use blood as a reference unless I was questioning the health of an animal
albertjaquaya pace are you sick?
EternumPace>>>) just a sec
MystHuntr Hey there Bella
DE_Bella34 heya
Ygraine_ blood always used to be used as a reference..., but I don't think we'd use it now
Ygraine_ Hi Bella
DE_Bella34 reference for what ygraine and hiya
EternumPace>>>) on the contrary, Ygraine, may I submit that that is Precisely why we should consider its importance
Ygraine_ but that is only if you consider blood to be a form of essence
albertjaquaya i gotta go all be well talk again soon
Ygraine_ blessings albert
MystHuntr take care Albert
EternumPace>>>) goodbye, albert. HNIWSH
DE_Bella34 many ancient cultures did
DE_Bella34 bleedin the white cow/bull to zeus etc
EternumPace>>>) Ygraine, I have made no assumptions as to what blood is but I will entertain many ideas
EternumPace>>>) for blood surely is
EternumPace>>>) blood may be the only thing anterior to language
DE_Bella34 so where is sugar and gwyn sleeping
Gwynhyvar Hiya sis!!! <hugs>
EternumPace>>>) i would you would consider anteriority, however, as a spacial designation within 4 dimensions
Ygraine_ there are other bodily fluids
Gwynhyvar *snicker*.....I`m awake...just playing elsewhere
DE_Bella34 ones awake giggles hiya
DE_Bella34 playin elsewhere?
Ygraine_ anteriority?
Gwynhyvar LOL.....getting graphics
Ygraine_ that's lovely Myst
MystHuntr thanks Ygraine
EternumPace>>>) i should digress
DE_Bella34 if ya see ones of a inside of a asylume grab for me please
Gwynhyvar sure thing
Ygraine_ go and look for some Munch...he was there long enough
EternumPace>>>) HNIWSH