nad968 are you a jew, blue?

BlueCheerOne :) well, I would like to be sortof. i just left chat so i could save some of the things I heard said and to work offline for a bit

BlueCheerOne what commetn was that? :)

nad968 if you dont remember it...i wont mention it

BlueCheerOne no. don't worry. i promise not to be offended. its no bother.

nad968 lol...i was the one offended...i am not afraid of offending you..its just that i dont repeat certain things

BlueCheerOne oh. oops. did i say something bad? you should tell me so i don't do it again. please

nad968 if you didnt notice it the first time, you wont notice it a second even if told...i told you anyway that i was offended that time...see? you dont was that unimportant

BlueCheerOne well now i am embarassed. some times i get a little too enthusiast about whatever i'm tlaking about, when it makes any sense at all. i think we should try to work this out.

nad968 nothing to work out, blue...i can handle it..probably...when i found you in judaism room i just started thinking...thats all

BlueCheerOne was it really rude or crude? or was it something which showed a lack of respect for you faith?

nad968 both

nad968 you must have been drunk or something to not remember such a that i commented on...thats alright

BlueCheerOne well. i have been known to be rude sometimes. I respect you a lot. If you tell me what it was, I will try very hard to learn from my mistake.

nad968 sorry..i can not repeat was that bad....but its alright now...really

BlueCheerOne ok. well thank you for bothering to mention it to me. I will try to be more aware of what i'm saying and what you say to me in the future. at least your still talking to me:)

nad968 :)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have entered "Judaism" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

BlueCheerOne hello

nad968 how would like to be a jew....why is that?

BlueCheerOne i find that web chat, allows for many important truths to come to light that can only be found through public dialogue so I save a lot o it for posterity:)

BlueCheerOne well i like the whole judaic,christian, muslim, worldview

nad968 u save your chats?

BlueCheerOne much of them. yes.

nad968 how strange

BlueCheerOne so i can learn more

BlueCheerOne everyone is a wealth of information. and info is the currency of our age

nad968 ok....well...sorry for bothering you...was just wondering what you were doing in judaism room...being a jew would have explained your strange comment to me the other day...guess i have to find another

nad968 reason

BlueCheerOne no bother at all



BlueCheerOne hey, sugar, i got cut off earliear so I wasn't able to tell what your answer was, if any to my question, "what do you think of the likeness of christ to God?"

0_sugar_0 yeah, now that is scary! Ive heard of at least two ladies that were stalked in real life by folks in vp

0_sugar_0 well, I think that christ just as buddah is an aspect of god

0_sugar_0 most religious 'leaders and teachers' are aspects of god

BlueCheerOne did you always think that way, sugar?

0_sugar_0 yeah, even when I was christian, I wasnt a very good christian I guess, not by the religions standards anyhow

Earthman2001 just read Gospel According to almost ununderstandable

0_sugar_0 I dont see christ as more or less powerful than god, but another one of gods many faces

0_sugar_0 I like that gnostic gospel earth

Earthman2001 I didn't understand it

BlueCheerOne that fascinates me because there is a sect of christianity which is convince that the christ fig is and can only be completely god and completely man

0_sugar_0 heck even christ said the least of us could do anything if we had faith we could, doesnt that imply that we too are aspects of god in some small way?

0_sugar_0 I did for the most part earth, I can see why the church didnt want the gospel of thomas in the bible

0_sugar_0 puts christ in a different light

0_sugar_0 Hi princess

0_sugar_0 which sect blue?

Princesss55 hi

BlueCheerOne sugar. your view seems much healthier. I do believe there is much consensus in the realm of christology that St. John put the words "I and mY Father are on" into Jesus' mouth

0_sugar_0 jump on into the conversation princess, we are just kicking around some ideas

Earthman2001 myself....think that Christ was saying..."Hey! Wake up everyone! Here's your True Nature...I can find it, so can you

0_sugar_0 yeah, same here earth!

BlueCheerOne i agree, Earthman

Earthman2001 he was an example, not the Way itself

0_sugar_0 well, I believe the bible, I just dont interpret it the same way that chrisitainity does

0_sugar_0 exactly earth!

0_sugar_0 I often wonder how misquoted he was

BlueCheerOne St. John did so because the historical Jesus was telling people that he was the last prophet before the end of the world. when it didn't happen, the gospel writer started making

BlueCheerOne up a mythology, complete with miracles, to keep the church in the game so to speak

0_sugar_0 yeah, there was a sect of christianity that expected the end right then and there when christ was crucified

Earthman2001 is like that party game, whisper something in someone's the time it comes back to you, it's very distorted

0_sugar_0 we have been in the 'end times' for 2000 years

0_sugar_0 hehe, telephone! I remember that game earth

0_sugar_0 your right too

0_sugar_0 keep talking, I'm gonna grab some coffee...back in 30 seconds!

BlueCheerOne what scares me, however, is that there is large segment of the christian population who do not know this, even though the higher

BlueCheerOne what scares me, however, is that there is large segment of the christian population who do not know this, even though the higher orders of their religiion have accepted it for some time

Earthman2001 soo....Christ is okay in my books...but not the apostles or the Xtian church

0_sugar_0 Im back

0_sugar_0 wow, we all sound like we could start our own religion...hehe, we tend to agree on this stuff

BlueCheerOne i believe that this is an eqation or recipe for mental illness

0_sugar_0 LOL

Earthman2001 same thing happens after every Avatar (NOT vp avatar) appears on Earth

0_sugar_0 dang, I look bad in a white coat with loooong sleeves that tie behind my back

0_sugar_0 well, avatars (teachers) always tend to stir the pot earth

0_sugar_0 its why they are here, to stir things up and wake us all up (hopefully)

BlueCheerOne i meant the equation of jeus with th onlh possible incarnation of God, sugar, not you, silly

0_sugar_0 oh...hehe

Earthman2001 what a job that would be

0_sugar_0 : o )

0_sugar_0 but christ to me has as many incarnations as there are blades of grass, if not more

Earthman2001 "Wanted: Avatar. Must have experience in high-tech world"

0_sugar_0 lol

0_sugar_0 good one earth!

BlueCheerOne in high insight, then, and ironically, the death of christ or bith whatever, marks the centre of history not because jesus was god, but because it marks

BlueCheerOne an intersection of human imagination and human politics

0_sugar_0 well, christ was a rebel, religiously, socially and politically

0_sugar_0 he stirred things up big time

Earthman2001 yes...a rebel....if he appeared now, would be jailed so fast

BlueCheerOne Jesus teh christ, in context, is an invention of human beings and society/natural forces. In this sense, He is God

0_sugar_0 I think the reason that we use his death as the marker for our history, is because the world at the time history was being 'recorded' was mostly christian, so they did it from their perspective

Earthman2001 Imagine him going into a bank (the money-lenders).....boogles the mind!

0_sugar_0 Ive often wondered, how christ views the folks in the world today, he must be shaking his head to see what people have done to eachother in his name

BlueCheerOne Buddhist says that all is mind. I say all is linguistic psychopathology, that matter and energy, and hence, individual and collective psyche is interchangable

Earthman2001 Right ON Blue

0_sugar_0 read a sci-fi short story about that once...a priest sat in a confessional...and heard the statue of christ come loose from the cross and walk to the confessional

Earthman2001 wow

BlueCheerOne Christ, by defintioni, means royalty (esp house of david) from Logos or the Nothing

0_sugar_0 the christ statue was 'alive', and asked the priest to ask everyone to stop bringing their pain and suffering to him

0_sugar_0 they in essence kept him nailed to the cross

0_sugar_0 pretty deep story

BlueCheerOne thats cool, sugar. i have thought of that myself, i'm sure a lot of people have

0_sugar_0 yeah, but how many would admit it blue?

0_sugar_0 a 'good' chrstian probablywouldnt

0_sugar_0 that would be too close to blasphemy for em

BlueCheerOne my question to everyone, is, given freedom of religion, where does one draw the line between believe and mental illness?

0_sugar_0 good question blue

Earthman2001 so, Blue....Christ was an Energy form manifesting the highest & best aspects of the human collective unconscious?

0_sugar_0 what is mentally delusional to one, is religious fact for another

0_sugar_0 Hi whats up

BlueCheerOne should belief systems be accoutable for the actions of those who believe them?

0_sugar_0 no, we are all ultimately responsible for ourselves blue

BlueCheerOne I like that Earthman

Earthman2001 makes sense, huh?

BlueCheerOne that is all fine, sugar, but we don't live in a perfect world, yet

0_sugar_0 I cant blame christianity for the witch burnings, it was each individual's actions in believing that interrpretation and following it thru that caused the burning times

0_sugar_0 hehe, there is no utopia blue

0_sugar_0 an idea only has as much power as we give to it

0_sugar_0 same for an interpretation

BlueCheerOne for 2ooo years we are our judicial systems have focussed on action, I believe we should now focus on cognitive function

0_sugar_0 hey, I like that blue!

0_sugar_0 we have been leaping before we look for centuries, time we started looking first before packing the parachutes

BlueCheerOne it has taken 2000 years to develop the imaginitive codifications cognitive accountability feasible

0_sugar_0 I still believe that morphic resonance will help the cause of spirituality...of course it can work in reverse if enough folks are negative

BlueCheerOne to make it feasible that is

0_sugar_0 I doubt that we as a race will ever come together on it completely blue

BlueCheerOne we already are, though sugar. through mass media

0_sugar_0 we may come close someday, but I doubt it will ever be 100%

BlueCheerOne the renaissance taught us that morality is 100 percent aesthetics

0_sugar_0 but what does our media tell us? that is the bigger quesion, media is just a form of communication, not the communication itself

Earthman2001 geeze...thought you guys were starting to sound like Trog there for a sec

BlueCheerOne "the medium is the message" Mucluhan

0_sugar_0 LOL

0_sugar_0 hehe, I would have to work hard to sound like tro...chuckle

Earthman2001 *S*

0_sugar_0 if that is the case blue, we have a long way to go toward a mass change of mind

BlueCheerOne take the word, "human" for instance, a great example of how media can influence cognitive intelligence /mythology of self

Earthman2001 perhaps we haven't reached the "super-saturation" point yet

0_sugar_0 good point earth

0_sugar_0 how so blue?

0_sugar_0 trying to get the gist of your thoughts, Im on the same train, just in a different car I think

BlueCheerOne what is a "human"?

0_sugar_0 heh, this chat room is evidence enough that for each of us, human will mean something a bit different

BlueCheerOne a combination of actions or actioin describing words and the place the actions take place

BlueCheerOne a mythology

0_sugar_0 think I see what your saying...we create our own image of ourselves

BlueCheerOne "we make our buildings and our buildings make us" churchill

BlueCheerOne in many ways, we are aliens in our own land, like christos

0_sugar_0 kinda like 'the suit makes the man' way of looking at it

BlueCheerOne "i came to you but you did not know me"

0_sugar_0 yeah, I see what your getting at! :o)

Earthman2001 wonder if "Hellywood" is slowly starting to crank out spiritually-related material now

0_sugar_0 lol

0_sugar_0 hellywood

0_sugar_0 I think we go thru phases in the movie industry

0_sugar_0 like back in the 70's all the occult films that were out

BlueCheerOne culture/religoin is how we relate our selves to our place, coginitive intelligence is the same a spacial intelligence is cosmic intelligence

0_sugar_0 then they went to action films, think they are on the spiritual swing again

0_sugar_0 ggrrr....I hate those stupid paint shop 'commercials' that pop up in im

Earthman2001 they are part of this mass-media mythos-forming deal Blue is speaking of

0_sugar_0 yeah, they are

BlueCheerOne taking movies as an example, the side product would appear to be emotion/water, but what if water is the purpose of culture?

Earthman2001 tears, you mean?

0_sugar_0 most folks work on an emotional level, I think our culture is motivated by emotion rather than reason

0_sugar_0 I think movies evoke many emotions earth, tears being one of them

BlueCheerOne our emotion centre in our brain is the doorway to all psychedliec phenomena

Earthman2001 aren't the emotional centres of the brain older than the cognitive centres?

0_sugar_0 well, most folks react from an emotional level, rather than an intellectual one...even 'intellectual' folks have emotional triggers

BlueCheerOne thats the common belief, earthman

0_sugar_0 hehe, what gets me is when someone says "I am not emotional" bull shit (pardon my french)

BlueCheerOne it is only recently in our history as animals that we have seperateed coginitive form emotional

0_sugar_0 everyone is! they have just 'disconnected' from their emotions

Earthman2001 reptile brain....flight/fight/mate....survival...emotions are a spin off of this older consciousness perhaps

0_sugar_0 some folks are not comfortable with emotion...its a shame

0_sugar_0 hhmm...makes sense to me earth

Earthman2001 k...I wanna be like Star Trek's Mr. Spock

BlueCheerOne i was told much in my life that I was too emotional. it always made me sort of sad and curious

0_sugar_0 lol earth

BlueCheerOne for me, emotion is all there is

0_sugar_0 hehe, Ive been accused of being 'deeply' emotinal too blue

Earthman2001 it seems emotions aren't "in" nowadays

0_sugar_0 the thing is, I can express emotion well, in depth and easily

Earthman2001 mem too! me too!

Earthman2001 <think it's my Celtic heritage, though>

0_sugar_0 but at the same time I can step back and distance myself enough to be objective about it

0_sugar_0 I have found that the people that accuse me of being overly emotional, have real and deep problems with connecting with their own emotins

BlueCheerOne yes. most people who are comfortable with emotion are much more intelligent all around

0_sugar_0 they cant be comfortable within their own feelings, so they project that onto you

BlueCheerOne yes. sugar. that is why i said there should be help for such people who get trapped into narrow belief systems

0_sugar_0 its called 'transferance' you transfer your feelings onto someone else

BlueCheerOne yes. i have experience much of that, sugar

0_sugar_0 hehe, have to convince em its narrow first blue, if they dont think its narrow, they wont willingly accept it or change

0_sugar_0 kinda like dealing with an addict, first they have to admit they have a problem

0_sugar_0 lol

BlueCheerOne i don't want to be rude, but withing the framework of a global technocracy, the emotional undeveloped are the same as criminals

0_sugar_0 I dont see em as criminal, I guess I see em as children, still learning as they go, some get stopped in the growth process

BlueCheerOne most criminals in prison suffer only from a lack of moral/cognitive development

0_sugar_0 some are just so complacent and comfortable in their ways, they are not going to willingly change, that requires effort they dont want to make

0_sugar_0 change is always a challenge, many fear change

0_sugar_0 especially change within themselves

BlueCheerOne you had to grow, didn't hurt you any did it, sugar?

0_sugar_0 it requires brutal honesty withyourself to do that

BlueCheerOne i think , sugar, you are being to easy on them lol

0_sugar_0 hehe, well, it wasnt comfortable at all blue, circumstances kinda forced it on me, either change, or get stuck in a rut I didnt like

0_sugar_0 but it was my choice to make

0_sugar_0 no one could make that decision or change for me blue

BlueCheerOne yes. sugar. but they also should be afforde the opportunity to choose

0_sugar_0 hehe, we all are given that opportunity every day blue, most of us dont see it or know it

BlueCheerOne your heart is clouding your sense of equality. they are our equals! they deserve to grow

0_sugar_0 true, we all do blue

0_sugar_0 but we cant force anyone to do it either, only teach, guide, be an example for them

BlueCheerOne we wouldn't think of letting criminals just figure things out on their own. some people need help

0_sugar_0 I agree

0_sugar_0 I dont always agree with our justice system in how they handle it either though...chuckle

0_sugar_0 it comes back down to making each of us accountable for ourselves

0_sugar_0 hey, hubby is home! whoo hooo! brb

BlueCheerOne ok:)

Earthman2001 in & out of IMs....

BlueCheerOne ok, Earthman

Earthman2001 geez...must be great to have a wife like sugar, huh?

BlueCheerOne yes

Earthman2001 <sigh>

BlueCheerOne i think i'm going to try to steal her

Earthman2001 me too

packyderm petty theft

BlueCheerOne hi, packyderm

packyderm hi blur

Earthman2001 hello humped-one

packyderm hello

Earthman2001 why the flag?

BlueCheerOne does realplayer play mpeg files?

packyderm Im a southerner.

Earthman2001 yes, blue

BlueCheerOne the civil war is over hehehe

Earthman2001 oops...not sure

packyderm A memebr of the SCV.

packyderm No its not over.

Earthman2001 windows media does'

BlueCheerOne ok, thanks Earthman

packyderm Its just in abeyance.

BlueCheerOne what is "abeyance"?

Earthman2001 cease-fire

packyderm "A question settled by force is unanswered yet" jeff davis

BlueCheerOne and what is your answer and what is the question, packyderm?

packyderm if ti were over would there be such a concerted effort to force this flag from public view?

packyderm The question was do Ameri an shave the right to governm themselves. Teh answer is "yes, if we are willing to fight for it"

BlueCheerOne i believe democracy is alive and well in America, packyderm

packyderm So enough trops were sent to seize power. That doesnt make it right.

packyderm Well, in a way.

packyderm Americans want abortion banend...democracy beign served there?

BlueCheerOne are there any particular leaders you can vote for who you support?

BlueCheerOne oops. i shouldn't have asked that lol

packyderm I vore republican (thuis the handle packyderm"

BlueCheerOne explain, please

packyderm Republicans are much much easier to work with for a normal american.

packyderm It is governed from the grass roots level.

nad968 hello everyone

BlueCheerOne hi, nad

packyderm I have a vocie in the gOP.

BlueCheerOne i think i see your poin, packyderm. i like what Bush has done so far

packyderm Im fairly happy with him. I trust his morals but i worry about his backbone.

BlueCheerOne it was really nice talking with you Earthman. and you packy derm. i must go for a while now. bye nad , all!

nad968 bye blue

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have entered "Judaism" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

BlueCheerOne hello

nad968 how would like to be a jew....why is that?

BlueCheerOne i find that web chat, allows for many important truths to come to light that can only be found through public dialogue so I save a lot o it for posterity:)

BlueCheerOne well i like the whole judaic,christian, muslim, worldview

nad968 u save your chats?

BlueCheerOne much of them. yes.

nad968 how strange

BlueCheerOne so i can learn more

BlueCheerOne everyone is a wealth of information. and info is the currency of our age

nad968 ok....well...sorry for bothering you...was just wondering what you were doing in judaism room...being a jew would have explained your strange comment to me the other day...guess i have to find another

nad968 reason

BlueCheerOne no bother at all

[nad is muslim, bluecheer is god knows what]


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have entered "Religion" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

nad968 oh...well...i got a ticket for supposedly speeding...which i most sincerely doubt i actually did...because i never do...and i went to get my drivers license..

BlueCheerOne hello, everyone...

nad968 egyptian police stations are the worst

_SoulQuest hello blue

nad968 im in egypt

twist8589522295 i worship satan!!!!!!! bow before your LORD!!!!!!!!!!!

nad968 and after about an hour of being squeezed against men everywhere....and sweating....

_SoulQuest hello twist

BlueCheerOne twisth. do you know that you are a cliche at this point?

nad968 they told me i had to pay 200 egyptian pounds....and that my drivers license was suspended for a month!

_SoulQuest sounds like you just had tons of fun, nad

nad968 i just upped and walked out of the police station

nad968 i did i did!!

nad968 twist....exactly why and how do you worship sat

nad968 a

nad968 satan

twist8589522295 i said bow!!!!!

BlueCheerOne cliche!

nad968 ha

_SoulQuest i could never do that...but then i have family who are

_SoulQuest hey vel

nad968 velvt!!!!

velvt. hi everyone

nad968 great to see ya vel

BlueCheerOne twist, we could chat about demonlogy and all things beastial if you like

BlueCheerOne velvt! hi:)

velvt. <propping eyelids open> good to almost see you, too, nad

nad968 he didnt like, blue....he came and said his few words....and left....quite convincing he was

BlueCheerOne what you been up to lately, ahven't seen you around, velvt

nad968 lol vel :)

_SoulQuest hey the study group still meeting?

velvt. not much, blue... i've been unsuccessful in looking for you also

velvt. no, sq, it's not

_SoulQuest i didn't think so...but one can hope


BlueCheerOne like two lost souls crying in the wilderness, make straight the ways of the lord

velvt. yeah... it got weird and then died due to fallout or burnout or something

velvt. it got awfully christian and we lost a lot of people then

_SoulQuest i lost track of it when i lost my puter...then i tried to find it again...

BlueCheerOne i think that that phrase, "make straight the way of..." has druidic origins

velvt. sure sounds like it could, blue

_SoulQuest i hate being a mug....i miss having an av...damn school puters

BlueCheerOne and i think druidic cultures was the frist practicing democracy

BlueCheerOne i know how you feel, SoulQuest

velvt. i'm going to change avs...any requests or preferences?

nad968 :) vel

BlueCheerOne nudes are always good, but with all due respect to nad, i shall forfeit my preference:)

velvt. no it nad :)

nad968 lolll vel

nad968 i didnt even consider you would do that !

_SoulQuest no nudity...take all the fun out of it (j/k)

velvt. is a bit of cleavage ok?

velvt. oh, i've been into nudes at times, and am getting there again lately :)

BlueCheerOne cleavage is holy, nudity is just indulgence

velvt. lol

BlueCheerOne wb, earthman!

_SoulQuest hello earthman

Earthman2001 <looks around> Packie is gone?

velvt. hey earth

Earthman2001 <whew!>

velvt. wow, you mean i missed packy? GREAT !

Earthman2001 hey all...hugs velvt

BlueCheerOne cleavage, i think, relates to the voyage into the underworld, the mythic and profane voyage i should say

nad968 wb earthman

_SoulQuest bangs head against desk...damn tylenol doen'

Earthman2001 thanks nad

_SoulQuest doesn't work worht shit

velvt. (*||| - Bangs Head -|||*)

velvt. works for me, the best in fact, sq

_SoulQuest sorry for the porr spelling...gets worse the faster i type

Earthman2001 try Ibuprofen

velvt. i have all these pain prescriptions, but they mess my stomach up bigtime, so i just keep using tylenol

_SoulQuest that's what i should have bought

BlueCheerOne Velvt, i've been asking around, what is your opinion on the likeness of christ figure to God?

velvt. blue, i think you can make just about anything a holy or profane object, can't you?

BlueCheerOne me or anyone?

velvt. oh brother... you mean the physical representations of jesus we see? or the image of man?


velvt. you, blue

velvt. <the cleavage remark>

_SoulQuest nad, what do you do over there in egpyt?

velvt. hi ameer

nad968 do as in what?

nad968 work?

BlueCheerOne mmm. i like that "the image of man" the myth or historical figure

_SoulQuest job, school...whatever

nad968 ahh...mother...thats the most important

nad968 writer...second important

nad968 supposed medical doctor...not practicing

velvt. christ, not jesus?

BlueCheerOne nad. you are a writer. i didn't know that:)

velvt. nad is a brain

nad968 have been doing it for about 1 1/2 years

BlueCheerOne good point, velvt. "christ" or christos

nad968 used to be, vel...havent been a brain for a good many years now though :)

BlueCheerOne Dr. Nad?

velvt. you still are, nad, but it's all relative :)

nad968 yes....supposedly, blue...but i dont practice

nad968 no, too lazy to use my brain nowadays :)

BlueCheerOne i should hope not. doctors practice on dead people

nad968 no they dont!

velvt. ok, the christ consciousness is the actual awareness of the divinity of soul... the 'almostgod' or godlike qualities and abilities we all have, but aren't much aware of

nad968 they practice on the live ones....which is even more dangerous!

BlueCheerOne well, sometimes and in tbhe movie "GRoss Anatomy"

BlueCheerOne velvt. you the man

velvt. so jesus as the christ, to me, was an aware person, he had woken up to his divine connection. but god is far more...god is the source

nad968 we believe that Jesus was a man...a prophet to be sure....but a man

BlueCheerOne yes. i am learning much about that. i agree

nad968 and God revealed Christianity onto be relayed to his people

velvt. nad, i'm the one who has little brain to use, you just aren't doing the same things with yours...but we are both still smart

BlueCheerOne i am also try to find my own personal eschatology as it relates to christ

velvt. why, blue?

velvt. does it need to relate to christ?

nad968 lag?

nad968 nope

BlueCheerOne yes. i think it does because i thing the end is the beginning, beginning with the one, and I also think that our historical prejudice is too much towards forgetting an ancestry that can be likened to


velvt. i heard an interesting comment comparing jesus and the buddha ... jesus spoke and taught from the heart, buddha taught from the mind... both are necessary

BlueCheerOne cultural annhilation

BlueCheerOne i like that, velvt

velvt. so you are recognizing, blue, the geneology of your cultural development, which is a filter on your spirituality to some degree?

BlueCheerOne what i means is, we believe dogmatically that we grow in the course of a human life. i don't think so. I think we shed prejudices as to our heritage in the cosmos

velvt. i think they are the same... the remembering is the growing

velvt. but instead of simply being a god given nature, it is now a nature we have claimed for our own, so we have matured into it

velvt. or will

BlueCheerOne yes. be we "remember" in some mind way. our ancestors remembered on purpose

BlueCheerOne i agree, velvt

velvt. hmmm... i'm not so sure about that, blue

velvt. dang, i'm doing well for a druggy today, aren't i? LOL

BlueCheerOne living on purpose is hard to do

velvt. blue, how far back in our ancestry are you referring?

BlueCheerOne i think that is what you meant, though, velvt in you last comment now that i read it again

_SoulQuest my mind is kind of in shut down listening is about all i can do

BlueCheerOne the beginning of time, velvt

velvt. which is the beginning of this universe, the physical one

velvt. i hear you, soul... that's what i thought i'd be doing too LOL

BlueCheerOne the christos or the human can only emerge from all time

velvt. hey curly

_SoulQuest lol

curlywolfmn hi all

nad968 curlywurlymurlyfurly!!!!!!!!!

_SoulQuest hi curlywolfman

curlywolfmn naddywaddyyaddypaddydaddy

velvt. blue, i think our brains were different, so we have different qualities of connection to soul/divine/god

BlueCheerOne the problem is remembering an event that is always taking place with every thought, the history, even of a single thought

nad968 :))

BlueCheerOne the brain has not changed much in the last 50,000 years that i am aware of

velvt. i have a book recommendation you might enjoy, blue

velvt. by julian jaynes, a psychologist

curlywolfmn i cant remembewr that far back blue ....almost but not quite

BlueCheerOne what is it called?

velvt. it's 'the evolution of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind'

BlueCheerOne yes, you can, curly, because all knowledge is yours

velvt. evolution or development... not sure which one, actually

BlueCheerOne ooh. i 'll check that out, vevlt.

BlueCheerOne its knowing what we know that is the problem


velvt. it happens to be my favorite book title, so you'd think i could remember it, wouldn't you?

BlueCheerOne by biggest influence to date is Monica Sjoo's "The great cosmic earth mother: rediscovering the religion of the earth"

velvt. i have that

BlueCheerOne that and Friedrich Nietzsche's "The birth of tragedy" or rebirth?

BlueCheerOne you do?

_SoulQuest nad, what kind of stuff do you write?

velvt. yes

BlueCheerOne how wonderful. i love that book to death

nad968 umm...i write for the sci/tech dept of an online arabic magazine

_SoulQuest cool

velvt. one similar to that is 'the chalice and the blade'...i'll have to get the author's name if you want it... it's about the conflict between the original earth/goddess based spirituality and the developing patriarchial god culture

BlueCheerOne velvt. i used that book on an important anthropology paper I wrote once called on culture and consciousness

Irony_Mask merry meet room

velvt. know what i got from it? LOL

BlueCheerOne mm, mask

nad968 hi irony

velvt. you'll freak

_SoulQuest mm irony

velvt. hi mask

BlueCheerOne i'll look up that title, velvt. ty

Irony_Mask hey nad nice to see you again

Irony_Mask hello everyone else

BlueCheerOne how is the Mask an Irony?

velvt. blue, on my website is a celtic bird goddess carving i did... and the last phase of the story there happened in the book we share

_SoulQuest well...i need to be off...get to pretend to listen to a professor...enjoy all

CuteFelicity hi folks

velvt. be well, sq... hope you can get back here

nad968 cute!!!!!

velvt. hey cute

BlueCheerOne oh. really, velvt. i will have to pay you a visit, then

Irony_Mask it's a reference to the Crow

nad968 how have you been, my friend?

CuteFelicity hello nad and vel!

nad968 bye soul

velvt. (*´`* Visitors are always welcome at RiverRealm...*´`* ¥elvt)

BlueCheerOne the Crow?

CuteFelicity ok thanks nad! you?

velvt. i'll brb... need food

Irony_Mask yea the creation of james o'barr

nad968 not bad, cute :)


CuteFelicity see ya vel - do well

BlueCheerOne bon eppetite

CuteFelicity so is it quiet for a tuesday evening or is it my imagination or too early?

CuteFelicity uh oh lag

nad968 i think we are just quiet, cute!

CuteFelicity ah - maybe bliss has struck

Irony_Mask do you understand my name now blue?

nad968 lol

BlueCheerOne I really hate to leave all this ocean of wisdon. Alas, i must drag my self away by its hair screaming and wailing, Abba, Abba, why hast thou forsaken me??!!!

BlueCheerOne bye:)

Irony_Mask bye

nad968 bye blue

CuteFelicity bye blue

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