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The imagination is a nation of naguals or Masters of Reality. In the imagination, image is everything, the Mother Tongue of all thingness.  This language, spoken by all people and all things in all places times and before and beyond, is of the visible and the invisible. Only the imagination is real. And this reality is called by many names, perhaps every name. As a sun might be surprised to perceive light as illumination, so a nagual is forever surprised to perceive the imagination as a distinct concept , since all knowledge (through custom and myth) is imaginative and, therefore, imminent


Your lack of understanding, as a thought and, therefore,  a thing, is perfectly understood for it proceeds along a line of force which is itself divine and divined. "'Lest they should eat and live, like us, forever..." All is symbolic of Prime Creator, the great and holy tribe of the imminent event of Consciousness, which always was and always will be.

There is no good.

There is no bad.

There is only harmoney.

An image necessitates an Epicene or, with the simple complexity of nature's intellectual beauty, The Memory; the God, the Love, the Story, the Myth, the tradition, the culture, the nation, the world, the child, the universe, the rock, the tree, the moon, the earth the sun the stars...
The She or, as stated at the beginning and the end, nagual.

For we so loved the world that we gave our only begotten image.

We all remember that we love one another rite now.

All rights reserved. February 8, 2002 dreamtime
Landon Sealey
C O N S C I O U S  C U L T U R E (TM)
February 7,8,9,2002 dreamtime