<BGSOUND SRC="braveheart.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
You Asked
You asked me today
for the 1000th time
when did I stop loving you?

I don't think you understand.
The when doesn't matter...
what does is the why.

Maybe it was the 1000th lie you told,
or the 1000th time you broke a promise.

Or maybe it was the 1000th time you called me a name,
and made me feel like nothing I did was good enough.

Perhaps it was the 1000th time you showed so little respect for me
by asking my opinion
and then totally disregarding it.

Or maybe the 1000th time  you didn't ask my opinion at all,
and just made a major decision
because you already "knew what was best for me".

Or how you made me feel
when I didn't agree with you about something.
As if I couldn't  possibly have an original thought that mattered.

So, in answer to your question,
I will answer you only once.

I stopped loving you
when the love stopped.

sunrise  2000